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77 Cards in this Set

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Rome was first occupied in... and by ...
1200-1000 BC by peasants and herders
Romulus and Remus
Probably a legend or a myth
Important things about Rome's location and site
In Latium
Last site on Tiber River to ford the river
On an inland route
Very Hill and help escape flood
Rome "The city of _ Hills"
Paletine first hill settled
650 BC
Big change and action between Paletine and Capitoline Hill.
-Burials moved and valley was drained and earth was brought in to fill in.
-Main forum built in 650-625
has best agricultural lands (to the south)
3 Outside influences in Early Rome
-Greeks in South Italy
- North Africa (Carthage/Phoenicians) W. Sicily
-Gauls (From beyond Po Valley)
Etruria and the Etruscans
Tiber River is S. Border
-More civilized and sophisticated than the Romans
-Collection of city-states
-Dominated until 500 BC
Roman gains control over the entire Latium Region
Series of wars with the Mountain people (Mainly Samnites)
- 3 Samnite Wars
295 Santinum
Giant show down in E. Apennines betwee Etruscans, Gauls and Samnites vs. Rome
Rome Wins
Rome Controls most of the North and Center of the Peninsula
Conflict between Greeks and people of S. Italy.
-Bring in Pyrruhs (pyrrhic victory)
Rome wins in 270 and controls the whole south of the peninsula
Hierarchies of States
1st Most Favored communities given Roman Citizenship
2nd. Roman citizenship but no political power/voting rights/office holding ability
3rd.Latin States favored and prestigious and could intermarry and have contracts
4th No special privileges
Incentives/Punishments for Allies
Loyal communities could be promoted
Disloyal communities could be demoted or have land taken away and have a colony formed on that land
510 BC
Last King (Etruscan) Kicked out. and formation of Respublic began
-"entity public"
Voting Restrictions
-Must Be adult Male
-Have to be available for military service
-Must vote in person
-Slaves could vote if released and gain citizenship
-No representation
-Have to be inside -pomerium
Group is closed
Only able to gain status by birth
It is a privileged higher status
Dominated office holding
- Only ones that could be consul or priests
First Plebeian Secession
- Plebs recognized as a group (state within a state)
-formation of Concilium plebis
Twelve Tables

Senate wold choose for leaders to be consuls or Military tribunes
-Didn't have to be patrician

Arrangement is abolished and atleast one Consul has to e plebeian
Struggle of Orders and effects
End comes in 287
-Any resolution by plebeians is binding on entire state
-All citizens obey resolution passed by concilium plebis
-No magistrates confined to patricians
-2 Consuls Each year
-Enter office on 1st of January
-Hold office one year
-Can not be removed or prosecuted while in office
-If consul resigns or dies
-Suffect consul is elected
-If both die
-Interrex (patrician) who holds election within 5 days
Veto consul has the right to block a vote. Only applies in Pomerium
-Introduced to help consuls as judges
-listened to civil cases
-Mini consuls
-imperium in their own sphere and can't veto consul
Aediles of Plebs/Curule Aedile
Originally created to assist the tribunes (Pleb).
-Responsible for maintaining city order and keeping order in the market
-Provide public entertainment
Originally assistants chosen by consuls to help them
-Manage the state treasury
- Go to province and help Praetor with state finances
Tribune of the Plebs
-Can attend senate and summon it
-Each tribune is autonomous
-Right to prtoect plebian from harsh treatment (auxilium)
-Could veto any magistrate
-Authority 1 mile beyond pomerium
Sancrosactitus- Deep offense to touch a tribunes
Coercitio- Have to listen to a tribune regardless
Iustitium- Can suspend some or all of the state business
Elected very 5 years.
-Holds Census of every Roman citizen
-Determines level of Wealth (Military service and assembly)
-New Citizens assigned to a tribe
-Review list of senators (Bring in new ones and expell old ones)
-Number 1 is princeps senatus
-Makes budget
and Organize auctions for state contracts
-Usually military leader
Appoints deputy (magister Equitum)
Only holds off for up to 6 months
-new one appointed by the consul
Cursus Honorum
Have to be adult male citizen and have 10 years of military service.

Quaestor (10spots/30yrs)
[Tribune(10) or Aedile (4)]
Praestor (6 spot)
Consul (2/42 year)
Censor (2)
Advisory to King/Consul
~300 men
Only summoned by Magistrate
Senatus consultum
Incharge of State finances, foreign policy, troop assignments
Authority....what the senate says usually goes
Who Can run!
Respectable citizens with wealth and distinguished military service
DO NOT Do these when you are running
No programs or Manifesto
No Political parties
Dignitas (take seriously as andividuals)
DO These when you want to get an office
Refer to your self and experience
Refer to your family
Drum up support (Amici, clients, etc.)
Novi hominus
"new men" doing well if praetor...
suo anno
Your Year, (42) when one is first eligible
Army and Victories want _____, ______, and _________
Wax mask worn at a funeral
Essential to Roman Life and a community affair
-Not a moral matter and doesn't have dogma
-rituals are carried out for the community
-cults are fine just respect Roman gods
-need to stay up with gods because they affect everything
-anthromorphic gods
Invisible small gods
Like nymph for chopping wood
Goals of Roman Religion
Optimus and Maximus. To be the best and the greatest.
pax deorum/ius divinum
"right relationship/stability"with the gods

Follow the divine procedure and do things rights.
Only perform rituals
-Mediate between community and gods in three means
1. Prayer. Be direct and specifc, reasonable, and explain why you need it.
2. Sacrifice. Something with a life source
3. Divination. Look to augur to decide on signs
Roman Army
-provide own armor
Reforms 350 until 100.
2 Legions of 4,500 men each given to each consul
-Allies troops controlled by military tribune (junior senator)
-Consul appoints Legate to control legion while away
18-46 years old
Wait to be chosen or step forward.
Usually don't expect to serve more than 6 years (non consecutive) but when in Greece or Spain can be more.
Units of Order of Army
Maniple-120 men commanded by 2 centurions

-Velites-Young "cannon fodder"
Make alot of noise and throw pilum
-Hastati Had bigger shields and were more protected
-Triarlii- oldest and half a maniple
In charge of the calendar.

Designated pontifex mexihus
1st Punic War (264-241)
Begins with Messana.
Carthage had powerful navy but Rome an Army. Rome won a naval battle and ended war in 242 and treaty made in 241.
Terms of First Punic War treaty
Remains an independent state but has to get out of Sicily and pay a huge indemnity. Can't pay Mercenaries so Rome takes Corsica and Sardinia. Response is Carthage goes for Spain
2nd Punic War
Hannibal besieges Saguntm in 220.
-218 Takes them troops by land and marches 30k men and gets help from Gauls
-Trebia is site of Roman loss
-Lake Trasimene is huge win for Hannibal
-Rome Appoints Fabius Maximus dictator and he says to avoid.
-Allies began to defect after Cannae(Macedon)
-Finally stop Hasdrubal and corner Hannibal
-205 Rome invades N.Africa and final battle in 202 at Zama
Side Effects of 2nd punic war
Distrust of Allies
Hold onto spain
Punish Carthage
-huge indemnity for 50 years and can't make war except in N. Africa and have to consult Rome first
-Senate Gained auctoritas
Treatment of Allies after 2nd punic War
Rome wanted reliable and friendly neighbors.
Sends army in 146 and destorys Corinth
Pergamum and Antiochus
Asked Rome for help and helps defeat Antiochus by 188 and gets him to leave Asia Minor.
-Perseus...Rome quarters Macedonia
-Andriscus arises and then Rome makes it into a province
North Africa after 2nd Punic War
Carthage tries to pay off indemnities after 10 years. Carthaginians attack Massimissa and surrender when Rome shows up. Basicially doesn't want to fight war until Rome tells them to move 10 miles from cost.
-Scipio Aemilianus wipes out Carthage and creates a province
Two provinces 197
-Further/Near Spain
154 Fighting resumes. Viriaths of the Lustianians....139 he is assassinated and Scipio wins in 133 after capturing Numantia
Sometimes campaings last longer and consuls or praetors stay on and keep their imperium
Cult of Bacchus
Crushed by the Senate
Effect of East Provinces
Wealth flowing into Italy.
Increase of Greek thinking and influence
Change in political atmosphere and Tribunes get more active and more reliance on the crowd
M. Claudius Marcellus
Arranged to be consul in 152...however been consul twice and had two triumphs. Result: New law that kept Consuls to being elected more than once
Scipio Aemilianus
148Running for Aedile and switched to Consul...5-6 years too young. He gets elected and tribune goes to concilium plebis to get him assigned to Africa.

Elected in 134 against law again and Senate would not allow levy for troops and money but gets volunteers and help from wealthy
Tiberius Gracchus
Tribune in 133. Plan for Ager publicus and gets help from Appius Claludius Pulcher. Proposed giving the ager publicus to the poorer people and taking from the wealthy who have too much. When vetoed proposes iustitium. Pergamum becomes a province
Proposes a veto and won't back down. Gets voted out of office and pushed off the platform
Scipio Nasica
Pontifex maximus ....leads the senators against Tiberius and kill him.
Land Commission
Passed by Tiberius and stays. It is a 3 man group and carries out its mission. Scipio spoke up for allies in 129 and made it to where allied land holders in dispute would have case seen by consul
Fulvius Flaccus
Stands for consulship and wants to improve status of allies....but sent of to France
125 Fregellae
Rome Destroys them and then promises chief magistrate of the Latin communities citizenship
Gaius Grachus
124 returns from being quaestor in Saridnia.
Elected as tribune in 123 (gets re elected)
Has series of Proposals
Gaius's Proposals
1. Angy magistrate deposed from office could not run again (Octavius)
2. Any court with capital punishment must be authorized by citizen assembly
3. Removed obstacle Scipio placed on Land Commission
4. Land Commission could form new communities
5. Spending Treasury for public benefit (roads)
6. Arms and Clothing are provided to army members
7.*Distribution of Grain
8.* Senate has to decide before consuls are elected where consuls will be sent
9. Tax contracts in Rome
10. Jury court is composed of equites
11. Upgraded Citizenship (didn't pass)
Problems with Gaius
Citizenship didn't pass because of Livius Drusus and left to go form Iunonia in Carthage.
Livius Drusus out promised him.
Failed to get elected 3 times in a row...
Got into a tussle and had a body guard. Opimius was authoriezed the arrest of Gaius giving him Senatus consultum ultimum (blank check)
Killed in 121
Comitia Curiata
30 Curiae (voting Groups) Oldest and only a formality
Comitia Centuriata and voting Order
Centuries-100 voters
Decided by wealth by Censor Total of 193 centuries. 97 to pass.
Equites 18
Pedites I 70
Pedites II-V 100
Musicians 2
Artisans 1
Accensi 1
Others (Proletarii) 1
Voting Order
35 Juniores pedites I
35 Seniores pedites I
12 Equites
1 Artisians
6 Equites
PeditesII-V and down
Comitia Populi Tributa
35 Tribes (31 Rural 4 Urban)
Elected Curule Aediles and Quaestors
Used for legislation because less cumbersome than Centuriata. Used for Trials
Comitia Plebis Tributa/Concilium Pelbis
35 tribes. Vote for Tribune and Aediles.