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37 Cards in this Set

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When was Rome founded?
753 BC
Who was Aeneas?
Trojan survivor, ultimate founder of Rome
Who was the founder of Rome?
What is Aetiology?
An origin story, an effort to trace the beginnings of current occurences
What is Ideology?
An attempt to give meaning in stories that apply to a given culture.
When did the Republic begin?
509 BC
How many kings of Rome were there?
What are the dates for the Monarchical period?
753-509 BC
When did Titus Livius live?
59BC to 17 AD
Who wrote Ab Urbe Condita?
Titus Livius (Livy)
Who was Rhea Silvia?
The vestal virgin who was raped by Mars and gave birth to Romulus and Remus
What is an augury?
An omen predicting the future
What are lictores?
Bodyguards recruited by Romulus
What was the weapon of choice for lictores?
What is the interregnum?
The time between kings
What are the 7 kings of Rome in order?
Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Anchus Marcius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, Tarquinian the Proud
What was Numa Pompilius known for?
Religious king who widened the scope of Roman religion.
When was Rome likely absorbed by the Etruscan empire?
What is OU's motto?
Civi et Rei Publicae - For the citizen and for the state.
What are the dates for the Republican period of Rome?
509 BC to 27 BC
What are the dates for the Imperial period of rome?
27 BC to the fall
What does Res Publica mean?
Public thing
Who was Polibius?
2nd century Greek writer, believed source of Roman power was Roman politics
What was the Roman Constitution?
An unwritten code that was the way people lived every aspect of their lives.
What are the three core ideas of the Republican theory?
1. Libertas - Liberty
2. Virtus - Courage, virtue
3. Res Publica - the state is collective greatness
What was the Comitea Centuriata?
Military assembly that elected two consuls
What were the three facets of consular authority?
1. Elected
2. 1 Year Terms
3. 2 Consuls
What were Praetors?
Similar to consuls but the focused more on judicial functions
What were Quaestors?
Magistrates concerned with finances
What were Aediles?
Magistrates concerned with Public/Urban issues
Who was the Censor?
The one that carried out the census and regulated morality.
What was a dictator?
An individual elected for a 6 month term to solve huge crises
What was the Commitia Centuriata?
An assembly composed of 193 centuries, based on property ownership. Proles had 1 of the 193 centuries
How many senators were there?
300 members
What is the Conflict of the Orders?
The struggle to find balance in the Roman Republic between the Patricians and Plebs.
Who was the Tribune?
A new magistrate created in 494 to ensure the rights of the people
What was the tribunes power?
Veto power against any other magistrate