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25 Cards in this Set

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Azathiprine SEs

- Hepatotoxicity

- Myelosuppression such as neutropenia and thrombocytopenia (not iron deficiency anaemia)

- Azoospermia (like sulfasalazine) in males

- Alopecia

- Nausea and vomiting

- Hepatitis

- Increased susceptibility to infection

- Cancer associated with long term use - lymphoma and skin cancer.

ddx seropositive joint pain

- RA


- Scleroderma

- Polymyositis

- Sjogren's

- Usually chronic (>6wks)

ddx seronegative asymmetrical

- Psoriatic arthritis

- reactive arthritis

ddx seronegative symmetrical

- Ankolosis Spon
- Enteropathic Arthritis

ddx acute polyarthritis/oligoarthritis (<6wks)

- Post-viral (parvovirus B19)

- Acute rheumatic fever

- Infectious

- Gout

- Sarcoidosis

- Lyme disease


Characteristics seronegative disease

- M>F

- Usually asymmetrical

- Usually larger joints, lower extremities (except in PsA)

- DIPs in PsA

- Dactylitis

- Usually has sacroilitius

- Usually has enthesitis

Extra art:


*oral ulcers


*derm issues

Characteristics seropositive disease

- F>M

- Symmeterical

- Small joints (PIP, MCP) + med joints (wrist, knee, elbow common). DIP less commonly involved

- No axial/pelivic disease except C spine

- No enthesitis

Extra art:





Characteristic pathologies for inflammatory joint disease

- Synovitis

- Joint space narrowing

- Erosion

- Cartilage destruction

Characteristic pathologies for degenerative joints

- Loss of joint space


- Cartilage destruction

Radiograph hallmarks of OA

• Joint space narrowing

• Subchondral sclerosis

• Subchondral cysts

• Osteophytes

OA ix

- Bloods: normal CBE, ESR, CRP

- Neg RF and ANA

- Radiology

• Joint space narrowing

• Subchondral sclerosis

• Subchondral cysts

• Osteophytes

- Non inflamm synovial fluid

OA tx

- No tx alters natural hx

- Lower weight, prevent sports injuries, heat/cold

- Physio

- OT

- Paracetamol 1st line for pain

- Intrart steroids for a flare (lasts 4 weeks)

ANA positive diseases

- SLE (98%)

- Mixed connective tissue disease (100%)

- Sjorgren's syndrome (40-70%)

- CREST (60-80%)

- High false pos rate

RF positive diseases

RA (80%) (anti CCP also 80%)

SS (50%)

SLE (20%)

RA tx

- CVD risk factor monitoring

- Excersize + smoking cessation

- Fish oil

- Paracetamol for pain


- pred

- biologics


- Start with:

*methotrexate + folic acid

Add (or if MTX not tolerated)

*hydroxychloraquine AND/OR sulfasalazine

*Leflunomide/cyclosporin = 2nd line

Response should be w/i 12 weeks

- Can use prednisalone while waiting for DMARDs to take effect

Biologic agents for RA

- if remission not achieved w DMARDs

- TNF-a inhibs (etanercept, infliximab)

- B/T lymphocyte modulators (abatacept, rituximab)

- Combine with MTX

- Watch for immunosuppression


- Goes into breast milk

- Not for pregnant women

Sulfasalazine SEs

- Oligospermia

- Haemolytic anaemia

- Folate deficiency

- Hepatotoxicity

Leflunomide SEs

- Opportunistic infections

- Hepatotoxicity

- Agranulocytosis, pancytopenia

- Steven's johnson

- Not in preg

Hydroxychloroquine SEs

- Aplastic anaemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia

- Cardiomyopathy

- Retinal damage

- Not for preg or breast feeding

Methotrexate monitoring

- Major toxic effects, such as hepatic, pulmonary, renal and bone marrow abnormalities, require careful monitoring.

*AST/albumin levels=>biopsy if persistently unusual

*CBE: hb, leukocytes, plt, creatinine

*chest xray (pulmonary fibrosis)

• follow-up every 3-6 mo, then 6-12 mo after inflammation has been suppressed

SLE arthritis tx

- NSAIDs for pain

- Hydroxychloroquin improves long term control + prevents flares

- Bisphosphonates, calc, vit D to stop osteoporos

Polymyositits /DMM ix

- Bloods: CK, ANA, anti-Jo-1(DMM), anti-Mi -2, anti-SRP


- Muscle biopsy

Polymyositis/DMM mgmt

- Physio and OT, sunprotection

- High dose corticosteroid and slow taper

- Add: Immunosuppression w azathioprine, MTX, cyclosporine

- Add: IVIg if severe or refractory

+ hydroxychloroquine for DMM rash

+colchisine for calcinosis

+Diltiazem (CCB) for HTN

- Surveillance for malignancy

*detail hx and PE (breast, pelvic, rectal)

*CXR, abdo/pelvic US, foecal occult blood, pap, mammogram + pan CT