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116 Cards in this Set

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AB Design
A single subject research design involving a single baseline (A) phase and a single treatment (B) phase
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
Variation of ANOVA that allows for stat control of extra variables
Ex. In study effects of various types of reading programs in kids, effect of IQ can be stat controlled by ANCOVA
Prob of rejecting null when its true - Type I
Set by researcher in advance .01 or .05
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Stat test used to asses the diff bw two means
Alternative Hypothesis
Stat hyp that states the oppos of null, predicts that there is a relat bw two variables
Prob of retain null when its false, Type II
Method of controlling extra variable by making it another IV to stat analyze its effect on the DV
Case Study
In depth study of single indiv or unit
Central Limit Theorum
As sample size increases, the shape of sampling distrib of means approaches normality and its means approaches the pop mean
Chi-square test
Infer stat test used when data freq of obs are w/in categories. Test the hyp that obs freq are equal those that would be expected if the null were true
Coefficient of Determination
Square of correl coeff, proportion of variability bw 2 variables share
Cohort effects
effects of being part of a group that was born at a particular time and exposed to unique educational, cultural, and other experiences, confound results of cross sectional
Extra variable, not of interest, exerts systematic effect on dv
Correlation coefficient
Stat value, bw -1 and +1. Indicates magnitude and direction bw 2 or more variables. Can be pos or neg. Pos same direction. Neg in oppos directions
Correlational research
Variables meas only not manip to determine relationship
Technique designed to control order effects in a repeated measure design , admin tx to diff subj in a diff order
Criterion variable
outcome variable in a correl research that one tries to predict
Critical Value
Number above or below which a stat is signif (F or t)
Cross-sectional study
Assesses effects of development by examining indiv of diff ages at one point in time
Cross-sequential study
Assesses the effects of develop by combining cross sec and longit method, examines indiv of diff ages at diff points in time
Degrees of freedom
Number of values that are free to vary in a stat calculation.
Demand characteristics
cues in a research study that give subj clue about how they are expected to behave
Dependent variable
The variable that is hyp to be affected by the IV , meas by the investigator after IV is manip
Descriptive statistics
stat used to describe and summarize at set of data. includes freq distrib, measures of central tendency, and meas of variability
Discriminant function analysis
Stat tech used to find orderly patterns of responses on tests, which distinguish groups of people based on these responses, practical use is to use a series of predictors to predict examinees criterion group membership
Double blind design
Experimental design in which neither the subj or the experimenters are aware of the hyp being tested or which subj are in the control or exp group
Experimenter expectency effect (Rosenthal Effect)
Effect that an experimenter unintentionally exerts on a research study, usually in a direction supporting the research hyp
Experiment wise error rate
The probability of making at least one type I error when mult stat comparisons are made in the course of one experiment
External validity
Degree to which the results of an experiment are generalizable to pop beyond the exp group
factorial ANOVA
2 or more IV and all possible combo of IV are administered. Assess main and interaction effects
Frequency distribution
How often each score in a distrib of scores occurs
Hawthorne effect
Being in an experiment affects subj responses to the IV, due to the attention subj are receiving as research participants
In a scatterplot unequal variability of Y scores at diff values of X
An external event, irrelevant to the IV, systematic effect on DV, threat to internal validity
In a scatterplot, equal variability of Y on all values of X
Independent variable
Variables that is posited as the cause of the effect, manipulated
Inferential statistics
Procedures that allow us to infer the values of pop from samples from that pop
Internal validity
degree to which obs changes in a DV can be attrib to variations of IV
Interval scale
Numbers arranged in order and intervals are equal, no absolute zero point, mult and division are not possible
Latin square design
Type of counterbalanced design in which treatments are presented only once in each position (1st, 2nd, 3rd) of the sequence in which they are admin
least squares criterion
the principle underlying the construction of the regression line
Longitudinal studies
conducted over extended period of time, using the same group of subj, to assess changes over time
Main effect
the affect of one IV acting alone, w/o consideration of the effects of other IV
Mann-Whitney U Test
Nonparametric equivalent of the t-test for independent samples, used when a study involves 2 indep groups and the data are rank ordered
creating pairs or groups of subj on the basis of their similarity on an extra variable and then randomly assigning members of each group to the tx group, designed to increase internal validity by ensuring equivalence bw groups in regards to status on extra variable
naturally occurring process w/in research subj that threatens a study's internal validity by exterting a systematic effect on the DV
Arithmetic average
Mean square
In ANOVA, index of variability that is used to derive F ration. Equal to sum of squares divided by the degrees of freedom. A one-way ANOVA includes MSB and MSW
Middle score in a distrib of scores that have been ordered from low to high q
Method of analyzing a group of indep studies with a common conceptual basis, using each study as if it were a separate score, resulting in an effect size indicating the average effect of a tx across many studies
Most frequently occurring score in a group of scores
Describes a situation in which predictors in a multiple regression equation overlap (highly correl). Means that predictor are providing redundant info about the criterion
Multiple baseline design
Single subj - in which an iv is sequentially admin across 2 or more subj, bx, or settings (across baselines)
multiple regression
method of combining test scores (predictor) involving the use of an equation that yields a predicted criterion score for an examinee based on his perf on predictors
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
More than one IV is analyzed at same time
negatively skewed distribution
more scores fall at high end
nominal scale
classifies data into unordered categories
nonparametric tests
inferential stat tests used w/ nominally and ordered data, don't make parametric assumptions (normal distrib, homogeneity of variance) and therefore less powerful
Normal Distribution
Symmetric distrib in which half fall above and below, when plotted appears bell shaped
Null hypothesis
Stat hyp that there is no diff bw or among tx/control groups. Experimenter attempts to disprove.
One-way ANOVA
A stat hyp test used when a research study has one IV and involves comparing means obtained from more than 2 groups, assesses whether means are equal
One-tailed test
Alt hyp is directional (one pop mean is greater than the other)
Order effects (carry over, mult tx interference)
repeated meas, effects of order of tx admin
Ordinal scale
Scale, ranks, arranges data in order categories
Parametric tests
Inferential stat tests used when data meas on a interval or ration scale, assumptions normal distrib, homogeneity of variance
Path analysis
Stat tech used to test hyp regarding causal relat among mult variables via correl methods (w/o manip)
Pearson r
Correl coeffe used to meas the relat bw 2 intervally or ratio scaled variables
Percentile ranks
Score expressed as a percentage of cases in group lying below the given score value
Positively skewed distrib
Scores fall a low end
Post-hoc test
After ANOVA - Scheffe and Tukey, identify precise pattern of diff among groups
Prob of rejecting a false null, ability of stat test to correctly id tx effect
Prob of rejecting a false null, ability of stat test to correctly id tx effect
Pretest sensitization
Alters subj reactions to IV, threatens external validity, can't be generalized to situations when pretest not admin
Pretest sensitization
Alters subj reactions to IV, threatens external validity, can't be generalized to situations when pretest not admin
Subj are not randomly assigned to groups
Subj are not randomly assigned to groups
Random assignment
Ensure all subj have equal change, create initial equivalency, ensure internal validity
Random assignment
Ensure all subj have equal change, create initial equivalency, ensure internal validity
diff bw highest and lowest score in a distrib, meas of variation
diff bw highest and lowest score in a distrib, meas of variation
Ratio scale
arranged in order and intervals are equal, has an absolute zero, mult and division are possible
Ratio scale
arranged in order and intervals are equal, has an absolute zero, mult and division are possible
Regression equation
Prediction of an unknown value of one variable from the known value of another
Regression equation
Prediction of an unknown value of one variable from the known value of another
Regression Line
Straight line (line of best fit) that best depicts a relat bw 2 variables
Regression Line
Straight line (line of best fit) that best depicts a relat bw 2 variables
Reversal design
Single subj design that involves the w/d of the tx so that it can be determined if bx reverts to baseline, ABA and ABAB
Reversal design
Single subj design that involves the w/d of the tx so that it can be determined if bx reverts to baseline, ABA and ABAB
Sampling distrib of means
Theoretical distrib of means of various sample one can draw of equal size from one pop. Each sample will have a mean close to pop mean . Yield a distrib of samples means that will approach normal shape, clustered around pop mean, and have a mean equal to pop mean
Sampling distrib of means
Theoretical distrib of means of various sample one can draw of equal size from one pop. Each sample will have a mean close to pop mean . Yield a distrib of samples means that will approach normal shape, clustered around pop mean, and have a mean equal to pop mean
Prob of rejecting a false null, ability of stat test to correctly id tx effect
Pretest sensitization
Alters subj reactions to IV, threatens external validity, can't be generalized to situations when pretest not admin
Subj are not randomly assigned to groups
Random assignment
Ensure all subj have equal change, create initial equivalency, ensure internal validity
diff bw highest and lowest score in a distrib, meas of variation
Ratio scale
arranged in order and intervals are equal, has an absolute zero, mult and division are possible
Regression equation
Prediction of an unknown value of one variable from the known value of another
Regression Line
Straight line (line of best fit) that best depicts a relat bw 2 variables
Reversal design
Single subj design that involves the w/d of the tx so that it can be determined if bx reverts to baseline, ABA and ABAB
Sampling distrib of means
Theoretical distrib of means of various sample one can draw of equal size from one pop. Each sample will have a mean close to pop mean . Yield a distrib of samples means that will approach normal shape, clustered around pop mean, and have a mean equal to pop mean
Sampling error
Extent to which sample values (stat) deviate from pop values (parameters)
Standard deviation
Square root of variance of distrib of scores, measure of variability of distrib
Standard error of the mean
Index of how much a given sample can be expected to deviate from the pop mean. Derived by dividing the standard deviation by the square root of the sample size
Statistical regression
Stat artifact predicting that extreme scores will by less extreme on re-testing. May threaten internal validity when extreme scorers are being used as research subj
Standard score with a mean of 50 and an sd of 10
parametric test assess diff bw 2 means
Time-series design
subj meas on dv on mult occasions at regular intervals before and after iv is admin
transformed scores
scores (z-scores, percentile ranks) expressed in terms of a scale diff than raw score scale, permit comparison of indiv score to other scores in the distrib
Trend analysis
Stat tech looking for a pattern of change bw 2 quantitative variables, linear, quadratic, cubic, quartic
True experiment
Involves experimental control of variables and random assign of subj, stronger in terms of internal validity
Two-tailed test
Stat test used when alt hyp is nondirectional (2 means are diff no specification of direction)
Type I error
Erroneously rejects null - no diff among pop, conclude that a diff exists, when there is isn't one, finding something when nothing is there
Type II error
Erroneously accepts null, no diff in pop when there is one, there is a tx effect but failed to find it
Dispersion, spread of scores in distrib
Average of squared differences from mean of each score, meas of variability
Meas of how many sd a raw score is from the mean. z-score of +2.0 indic 2 sd above mean. Formula is (X-M)/sd
X = raw score