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171 Cards in this Set

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mEq formula
(# mg/atomic weight) x valence

Ex: how many mEq in 1 g Sodium?
(1000 mg/23) x 1 = 43.5 mEq
Atomic weights/Valence e- of:
K !
Ca !
Na !
Cl = 70
K = 39/1 (know this)
Ca = 40/2 (know this)
Mg = 24
P = 30.9
Na = 23/1 (Know this)
NaCl is what % Na
Extracellular electrolytes
Sodium, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate
Intracellular electrolytes
potassium, magnesium, phosphorus
Low Cholesterol
<20 mg/svg
Low Calorie
no more than 40 kcal/svg
Low Fat
less than or equal to 3 g/svg
Low sodium
less than 140 mg/svg
Very low sodium
less than 35 mg/svg
Low saturated fat
less than 1 g/svg
Calorie free
<5 cal/svg
Saturated Oils
Animal fat
Beef tallow
Palm oil
palm kernel
cocoa butter
Monounsaturated Fats
Olive oil
Canola Oil
Peanut oil
sunflower oil
Polyunsaturated fats
RDA means
meets needs of almost all (97-98%) of individuals in a group
Adequate intake
used when RDA for a nutrient cannot be determined d/t lack of evidence. Level will meet/exceed for all individuals
median requirement to meet needs of 1/2 individuals
Water Soluble Vitamins
Thiamin: 0.9-1.1 mg
Niacin: 12-16 mg
Riboflavin: 0.9-1.3 mg
Pyridoxine/B6: 1.0-1.7 mg
Folate: 300-400 ug
B12/Cobalamin: 1.8-2.4 ug
Biotin: 20-30 ug
Pantothenic Acid: 4-5 ug
Vit C: 45-90 mg
Fat Soluble Vitamins
A: 600-900 ug
D: 5-15 ug
E: 11-15 mg
K: 60-120 ug
Digestible polysaccharides
starch, dextrin, and glycogen
Dietary starch is
glucose chains
dietary dextrin is
a product of starch breakdown
Indigestible polysaccharides
Fiber: soluble/Insoluble
Insoluble fiber
cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
Increases transit
Soluble fiber
gums & pectin
decreases transit time
thickening quality
Limiting amino acid in legumes/nuts
Limiting amino acid in grains
Limiting amino acid in corn/gelatin
Low calorie
< 40 cal/svg
Reduced/Fewer calories
Less than 25% than comparison
Fat Free
Sat Fat Free
Low Fat
Low Sat Fat
Reduced/Less Fat
Reduced/Less Sat Fat
Fat Free <.5 g/svg
Sat Fat Free <.5 g/svg
Low Fat < 3g/svg
Low Sat Fat <1 g/svg
Reduced/Less Fat 25% reduced
Reduced/Less Sat Fat 25% reduced
Cholesterol Free
Low Cholesterol
20 mg or less
Reduced/less cholesterol
25% less
Sodium Free
<5 mg/svg
High fiber
5 g or more
Good Source of Fiber
2.5-4.9 g
More/Added fiber
2.5 g more
Sugar Free
<0.5 g/svg
No added sugar
naturally present sugar w/ same amount as would naturally be there
Reduced sugar
25% less
Labeling: "Healthy"
no more than 3 g fat
no more than 1 g sat fat
no more 350 mg Na or 60 mg cholesterol
10% DV of one of these: Vit A/C, Ca, Fe, Pro, or fiber
Bacterial Growth Conditions (Acronym)
F- food
A - a ph of >4.6
T - Temp 41-140
T - time; 4 hrs
O - 02
M - Moisture
Nutrition Screening Initiative for Elderly Acronym
DETERMINE stands for
Eating poorly
Tooth loss
Economic hardship
Reduced social contact
Multiple medications
Involuntary weight loss/gain
Needs assistance
Elder > 80 yrs
means significance of results, want is CLOSER to 0
(no more than 0.05)
What is r in research
R is the correlation of data
want is closer to 1 or -1

0.4-0.7 = moderate
0.7-0.9 = strong
0.9-1.0 = very strong
Standard deviation
degree of dispersion about the mean value of a distribution
Jewish Diet
no pork
no meat or dairy
Islam Diet
no pork
No alcohol
Haram "forbidden"
Halal "lawful"
Catholic Diet
no meat on friday/ash wed/lent
Seventh Day Adventist
No pork/shellfish/alch/caffeine
Mormon Diet
No alch/caffeine
less meat consumed
Native american Diet
lactose intolerance
Asian Indian Diet
Hindu Diet
no beef
foods = mood enhancers
Lacto-ovo, depends on sect
The formation of glucose from glycogen
formation of glycogen from glucose/pyruvic acid (Liver)

Glucose-6-phosphatase is a liver enzyme, not found in muscle so cannot store only use glycogen.
Formation of glucose from protein or fat
Aerobic breakdown of glucose to pyruvate
goal: to produce pyruvate for krebs
Glucose enters cell (insulin) > combines w/ phosphorus (in presence of magnesium) > G6P > pyruvate
Anaerobic glycolysis > lactate
conversion of glycogen into glucose in body tissues
Vitamin A
Carotenoids are precursor
Fxn: skin, vision
Def s/s: Bitot's spots, Night blindness -nyctalopia (reversible) > Xeropthalmia (irreversible), hyperkeratosis - dry, scaly skin
Sources: yellow-orange F/V
liver tox (UL 10,000 IU)
Vitamin K
Syn by bacteria in lower intestinal tract
blood clotting--> prothrombin --> thrombin --> fibrin
Def: hemorrhage
Affected by: mineral oil, antibiotics, anticoag
Natural forms:
-phylloquinone (k1)
-menaquininone (k2)
Synthetic form:
-menadione (k3)
Vitamin E
Sources: veg oils, whole grains, green veg, almonds
Alpha-tocopherol (active form)
Least toxic vitamin
Vitamin D
functions with Ca & P for maintain bones
Precursors: cholesterol, needs UV light
Hydroxylated in the liver and kidney to be metabolically active
Def s/s: rickets (children)/osteomalacia (adults)
Requires active vit D (D3 - calcitriol) for abs
PTH increases blood Ca- resorb (kidney) and releases from bones
High blood Ca+ - less PTH released, Calcitonin inhibits: Ca release by bone, abs by intestine, and kidney resorption = excrete excess in urine
Mass development of bone 9-18 yrs
Binds to oxalates and phytates in GI tract
Heme: animal
Non-heme: cereals/veg (poorly abs)
Enhance Abs: gastric jc, Vit C, MFP factor (meat, fish, poultry) enhance abs
Inhibit Abs: Ca+, phytates (grains, nuts), tannic acid (tea)
Tox: Hemosiderosis/Hemochromatosis
Descriptive research
Generates data at particular time
Quality, case reports, surveys
Analytical Research
allows causal relationships to be determined
- Experimental design
# 10 can
6 /case
6 lbs 9 oz = 96-105 oz
13 cups
20-25 svgs

Pro 0.82
Fat 0.7
Mixed 0.85
Purified and frozen minced fish with preservative (imitation crab)
80 cal
6 g pro
5 g fat
Vitamins A, D, riboflavin
More protein in yolk
protein coagulates at 62-70 F
% sag = tenderness
higher = higher
87% water
3.7 % fat
4.9% CHO/lactose
3.5% pro (complete)
- Whey - drains off
- Casein - PPT at 4.6 pH
Wheat flour is enriched with
Folic Acid
When does formative evaluation occur
beginning or during
Summative evaluation
after program
Psychomotor, cognitive and affective
Cognitive: intellectual skills
Affective: Confidence/attitude/feelings
3 properties needed for experimental design study
measuring instrument is consistent AND accurate
Vitamin like glucose structure
Vitamin C
Thiamin/1000 calories
Niacin/1000 calories
Riboflavin/1000 calories
Iron/1000 calories
Where is betacarotene converted to Vitamin A
kcal/kg infant
What hormone stimulates protein synthesis
growth hormone
which nutrient increases serotonin release
Pepsin and trypsin help hydrolyze which macronutrient
What does glucagon do
converts glycogen to glucose
Where is lactase produced
Lipase is released by what organs
stomach and pancreas
Long chain fatty acids are transported via__
chylomicrons- not to the lymphatic system
Triglycerides are absorbed as
chylomicrons - to lymphatic system
4 states ketones are produced
uncontrolled DM
decreased CHO intake
Omega 3 will lower one but not another
lowers TG but not cholesterol
Who develops RDAs
Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council
Fever is associated with which FBIs
listeria and salmonella
Delaney clause
"no food can be considered safe if it is found to produced cancer when fed to man or animal"
Anaerobic FBIs
botulism and clostridium perfringes
Mold stabilizers
calcium propionate, calcium sorbate, and EDTA
What do nitrates do
prevent growth of C.Bot as an antimicrobial
Fastest onset of FBI is from
Stapyhylococcus Aureus
What FBI grows at fridge temps
Listeria (miscarriages)
pH of milk
FBI common among those <1 yrs old
Excess = copper or iron def
Fxn: increases taste acuity (sharpness), enhances insulin action
Sources: animal proteins
Inhibit abs: copper, phytates (grains, nuts)
Def: dec immune fxn, poor wound healing, hypogeusia
second most abundant mineral
Fxn: Phospholipids transport fat through lymph and blood, bone, teeth
Sources: animal proteins
Water sol PABA is precursor
Fxn: DNA syn, RBCs formation (bone marrow), prevent NTDs
Sources: Fort cereal, liver, green leafy, citrus, lentils, beans
Bound by IF in gastric jc
Fxn: protein syn, forms RBCs
Sources: animal proteins
Def: pernicious anemia following gastrectomy or ileum resection d/t lack of IF
Fxn: coenzyme in amino acid metabolism: deamination, transamination. Increased protein intake = Increased pyridoxine needs
Sources: meat, wheat, corn, yeast, pork, liver, RTE cereals
Pantothenic acid
Fxn: synthesis of fatty acids
Sources: animal foods, grains, legumes
Def: rare
Vit C
Ascorbic acid
Most easily destroyed, structure like glucose, antioxidant
Fxn: changes Proline>hydroxyproline>collagen; wound healing, aids Fe abs
Def: bleeding gums
Synthesized by intestinal bacteria
Fxn: coenzyme in fatty acid synthesis
Sources: liver, kidney, egg yolk, yeast
Def: glossitis, dermatitis, muscle pain
Attached to protein ceruloplasmin
Fxn: Hemoglobin syn, aids iron abs
Sources: liver, kidney, shellfish
Def: Wilson's dz: low serum copper (ends up in tissues/organs)
Aids insulin action
___& ___help insulin move glucose inside the cell
Zinc, Chromium
Component of Lecithin - Lipotrophic factor
Fxn: transports lipids as acetylcholine to prevent fat buildup in liver
How many mg Sodium in 87 mEq?
mEq = (# mg/atomic wt) x # valence
87 = (x / 23) x 1
87/1 = x/23
x = 2001 mEq
Extracellular electrolyte
Normal: 136-145 mEq/L
40% of NaCl is Na
Reabsorbed by aldosterone, and retained by steroids
Intracellular electrolyte
Normal: 3.5-5 mEq/L
Sources: f/v, meat
Aldosterone increases excretion
Extracellular Electrolyte
Normal: 4.5-5.5 mEq/L (9-11 mg/dl)
Intracellular electrolyte
Normal: 1.5-2.5 mEq/L (1.8-3 mg/dl)
Fluid balance
Osmosis: FLUID moves from LESS to MORE concentrated
Diffusion: PARTICLES move from MORE to LESS concentrated
Effect of protein: exerts colloidal osmotic pressure; - when ALB drops > pressure drops causing fluid to leak out - water moves from extracellular (plasma) to interstitial spc.
- Low serum protein > edema and ascites
Serum sodium BEST assessment parameter of fluid status, if Na out of balance will affect all other values
- Hypernatremia = dehydration;
- Hyponatremia = overhydration
extreme generalized edema (widespread swelling) associated with heart, liver, and renal failure and extreme PEM
S/S: nausea, dizziness, sunken eyes, increase in solutes (BUN), tachycardia
Hypernatremia is associated with dehydration and
Acid base balance
Lungs control carbonic acid (H2CO3)
- Hyperventilation = loss of acid
Kidneys regulate bicarb (NaHCO3)
- excretion of bicarb = loss of base
Change in one buffer brings change in the other
pH = 7.35-7.45
pCO2 = 35-45
HCO3 = 24-28
Recommended weight gain during pregnancy
# wt gain recommended
25-35# for normal wt BMI 18.5-24.9
28-40# for underwt BMI <18.5
15-25# for overwt BMI 25-29.9
11-20# for obese BMI >30
Target: at least achieve low end of range
Rate of weight gain during pregnancy
1#/month first 3 months
1#/week thereafter
At risk: failure to gain 4#/month in last half of pregnancy
Increased nutrient needs for adolescent pregnancy
iron, calcium, zinc
Normal birthweight
Infancy caloric needs
0-6 months: 550 kcals
7-12 months: 700 kcals
Human milk vs infant formula
20 kcals/oz each
human milk: antibodies
formula: more pro, more iron
Breastfeeding Recommendation
Exclusive 4-6 months
Supplemented w/foods at least up to 12 months
Infant Feeding Recommendations
formula//breast milk: 2.5 oz/lb/day
add solids at 4-6 months, when sitting and extrusion reflex diminishes
NO whole cow's milk during first year of life
NO low/non fat cow's milk until 2 yrs
If cannot tolerate cow/soy formulas use casein hydrosylate (Pregestimil)
Childhood Recs
Limit fruit jc to 4 oz/day up to age 6
At least 60 min PA/day
CDC Growth Charts
Wt for length/stature: infants/young children 5-95%
- detects short term changes in nutr status
Stature/Length for age (0-36 mos recumbent/2-20 yr ht)
- reflects long term nutrition status changes
- <5% = short
Wt for age (5-95%) NOT very useful as does not include ht; cannot distinguish stunt/waste
BMI for age %iles (>=2 yrs)
CDC Growth charts - BMI for Age %iles
BMI for age %iles (2+ yrs)
- Underweight <5th
- Healthy 5-84th
- Ovwt 85-94yh
- Obese >=95th
CDC/NCHS growth charts - other growth factors
measure head circumference until age 3
Until age 2 measure length
Growth does not deviate by more than 25% from established patterns of growth
FTT in children
Illness, poor appetite, or lack of fiber (chronic constipation/diminished intake)
Lead poisoning s/s
irritability, lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea
RDA protein (adults)
W: 46 g
M: 56 g
Elderly nutrition needs
Young old: 65-74, oldest old 85+
Often lack Ca and Fe (decreased abs d/t decreased HCl)
Encourage folate-rich foods, supplement B6, B12 may be needed
Athlete Hydration
Water during PA: 16 oz for every 1# lost
DURING continuous MVPA (1-4 hrs):
-100% of fluid lost PLUS CHO and Na
-5.5-15% CHO, and 55-164 mEq Na
AFTER 100-150% of fluid lost during PLUS CHO & Na
- 7% CHO, 60-1200 mg/dl Na+
Substrate use during prolonged exercise
CHO to provide PYRUVATE for continued lipid ox
Supplements associated with blood clotting issues
Black Cohosh + 4 G's: Garlic, Ginger, Gingko, Ginseng
Supplement to avoid with liver disease
Digestion in the stomach
protein digestion begins
Proteolysis by protease pepsin and HCl
Digestion is mostly completed by this point
middle of jejunum
Nutrients abs: AA, FA, glycerol, simple sugars, V/M
Bacterial Digestion (colon)
LI abs: water, salts, and vitamins syn by bacteria (Vit K, B12, thiamin, riboflavin)
Absorption and Metabolism: CHO
Simple sugars: SI > liver> converted to glucose or gly
Sources of glucose
dietary, liver glycogen,products of intermediate metabolism (reconversion of lactic and pyruvic acids)
- 100 % CHO
- 58% Protein (glucogenic AAs)
- 10 % fat - glycerol
Fatty acids and muscle glycogen are only used locally, do not contribute to body supply
Hormones affecting blood glucose
Lower BG: insulin
Raise BG: glucagon (glycogen >>glucose)
Raise BG: glucocorticoids (protein >>glucose)
Raise BG: epinephrine (glycogen >>glucose); (-) insulin during stress
End products of energy metabolism
Energy, CO2, Water
Cori Cycle
pyruvic acid can form lactic acid for muscle contractions during oxygen debt (anaerobic)
Cori Cycle: lactate released from tissue, transported to liver, converted back to pyruvate
Vitamins and Minerals req'd for energy production
Pyr(3c) > Acetyl CoA(2c) requires all of these:
thiamin (TDP), Niacin (NAD), riboflavin (FAD), pantothenic acid (CoA), magnesium, lipoic acid

*Thiamin deficiency shows up as increase plasma pyr
Krebs/TCA cycle
Step 1: OAA (from pyr + AAs) combines with ACETYL CoA to form CITRIC ACID

---OAA is main CHO fuel for TCA/Krebs, if not enough then Acetyl CoA from fat is diverted to form ketone bodies
Acetyl CoA
Intermediate breakdown of all 3 macronutrients (CHO, PRO, Fat)
Nitrogen Balance
(protein intake (g)/6.25) - (UUN + 4)

nitrogen in - nitrogen out
3 methods to determine quality of protein in foods
BV - biologic value
NPU - Net protein utilization
PDCAAS - protein digestibility corrected amino acid score
Protein Metabolism
AAs > intestinal villi capillaries > portal vein > tissues
Req: pyridoxine (B6) for AA transport
Exercise increases oxidation of ___, a BCAA
Protein synthesis
regulated by DNA
Protein catabolism
#1 deamination (liver)
#2 NH2 > NH3 (ammonia)
#3 ammonia > urea > excreted in urine
#4 some ammonia > purines > uric acid
OR ammonia + ketoacid > nonessential AAs (transamination)
#5 remaining carbon chain is ketoacid > oxidized for energy
Fat metabolism - 3 substances absorbed directly into portal blood
1) glycerol (water sol)
2) SCFA (<12c)
3) some phospholipids
Fat Metabolism - Mono-, Diglycerides, and LCFA
combine with bile salts to form micelles
1) bound to protein to form lipoprotein (chylomicron)
2) penetrate intestinal mucosa > LYMPH > blood