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18 Cards in this Set

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What is the term zygote & fetus refer to?

Zygote: fertilized egg cell that develops through its first stages until it becomes a fetus.

Fetus: formed from a zygote about 8 weeks after conception.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:

An infant can develop this condition marked by malformations of the face, heart, and ears; and nervous system damage; including seizures, hyperactivity, and impairments of learning, memory, problem solving, attention, & motor coordination.






Habituation- decreased response to a repeated stimulus.

Dishabituation- when a change in a stimulus increases a previously habituated response, the stimulus produces dishabituation.

Who was Jean Piaget?

A theorist who made point that older children are much easier to test and one quickly discovers that their thinking differs from that of adults.

Children construct new mental processes.


An organized way of interacting with objects.


Means applying an old schema to new objects or problems.

Animals move and kid see sun move so they may think sun alive too.


Means modifying an old schema to fit a new object or problem.


According to Piaget,

Young children’s thoughts are egocentric meaning a child sees the world as centered around himself or herself and Cannot easily take another persons perspective.


According to Piaget:

Preoperational children lack the concept of conservation. MEANING they fail to understand that objects conserve such properties as number, length, volume, area,& mass after changes in the shape or arrangement of the objects.

Piaget 4 major stages of cognitive development:

(Intellectual development)

1. the sensorimotor stage( birth-2years)

2. The preoperational stage( from just before 2-7 years)

3. The concrete operations stage (from about 7 to 11 years)

4. The formal operations stage (from about 11 years onward)

Object permanence:

The idea that objects continue to exist even when we do not see or hear them.

Who is Lev Vygotsky?

A Russian psychologist (1978) argued that educators should not wait for children to rediscover the principles of physics and mathematics.

Language is valuable.

Zone of proximal development:

Vygotsky’s concept of the distance between what a child can do alone and what is possible with help.

“Theory of Mind”:

An understanding that other people have a mind too and that each person know some things that other people don’t know.

Concept of Attachment:

A feeling of closeness toward another person. They may begin in infancy.

Concept of Attachment:

A feeling of closeness toward another person. They may begin in infancy.

What the strange situation is:

Research on attachment has been measure in the strange situation. It’s a procedure, a mother and her infant (12-18 months old) come into a room with many toys and a stranger enters the room and mother leaves and returns. Then both stranger and mother leaves. Then stranger returns and finally come returns. THRU ONE WAY MIRROR A PSYCHOLOGIST OBSERVES THE INFANTS RXN TO EACH COMING AND GOING.