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25 Cards in this Set

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The Christian Coalition is best described as a(n) _________ group.
a. ideological
b. business
c. labor
d. public interest
e. professional
The National League of Cities is a good example of...
a. a political action committee
b. a public-sector interest group
c. a public interest group
d. a professional association
e. a political party
A Public-Sector Interest Group
An iron triangle if made up of an alliance between...
a. an interest group, an executive agency and the media
b. a legislative committee, an interest group, and an executive agency
c. the federal courts, the state courts, and interest groups
d. a legislative committee, an executive agency, and the federal courts
e. the media, a legislative committee and the federal courts
A Legislative Committee, an Interest Group, and an Executive Agency
Over the last forty years, the number and scale of interest groups at the national level has...
a. dramatically decreased
b. experienced relatively modest growth
c. dramatically increased
d. remained relatively stagnant
e. experienced relatively modest decline
Dramatically Increased
The Teamsters and the AFL-CIO are examples of what kind of group?
a. a professional association
b. an ideological group
c. a business group
d. a labor group
e. a public interest group
A Labor Group
The free-rider problem occurs because...
a. the benefits of a group's actions are only available to a specific segment of society
b. the government subsidizes most forms of transportation in the United States
c. members of Congress listen only to organized interest groups and not to public opinion polls
d. the benefits of a group's actions are broadly available and cannot be denied to nonmembers
e. members of Congress are presented with many opportunities to amend a piece of legislation
The benefits of a group's actions are broadly available and cannot be denied to nonmembers.
What distinguishes lobbying from other strategies of influence?
a. Lobbyists try to exert pressure directly on government officials themselves
b. Lobbying is the only form of influence that has explicit First Amendment protection from regulation
c. Lobbyists attempt to influence government directly by writing the rules themselves
d. Lobbying includes advertising in order to create a positive image of an organization
e. Lobbying is the least expensive and the most democratic strategy of influencing government
Lobbyists try to exert pressure directly on government officials themselves.
When membership in an organization allows for a reduction in the price of museum tickets, it is called a...
a. purposive benefit
b. promotion offer
c. bribe
d. solidary benefit
e. material benefit
Material Benefit
Approximately how many members does AARP have?
a. 36,000
b. 36,000,000
c. 336,000
d. 3,600
e. 3,600,000
Which of the following is Not a key organizational component of interest groups?
a. an agency or office
b. leadership
c. members
d. newsletter and website
e. money
Newsletter and Website
What is the primary function of a political action committee?
a. to organize and coordinate a strategy of litigation
b. to raise grassroots support for a particular interest
c. to raise and distribute money to election campaigns
d. to build better networks between interest groups and political parties
e. to produce and carry out an institutional advertising campaign
To raise and distribute money to election campaigns.
Which of the following Supreme Court cases illustrates the use of litigation by an interest group?
a. Gibbons v. Ogden
b. Roe v. Wade
c. Marbury v. Madison
d. United States v. Nixon
e. Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
Webster v. Reproduction Health Services
What is the primary variable for predicting the likelihood of joining an interest group?
a. having connections with government officials
b. already being a member of a political party
c. having a higher income and education
d. the region of the country in which an individual lies
e. having an interest shared by others
Having a higher income and education.
What is the most and beneficial resource that lobbyist provide government officials?
a. legal assistance
b. campaign workers
c. money
d. information
e. legitimacy
A ________ is the best example of an information benefit provided by many interest groups.
a. newsletter
b. travel discount
c. free T-shirt
d. consciousness-raising workshop
e. health insurance program
Interest groups are concerned with the ________ of government, while political parties are concerned with the ___________ of government.
a. values; goals
b. legitimacy; power
c. lawfulness; political feasibility
d. membership; authority
e. policies; personnel
Policies; Personnel
When interest groups take out advertisements and hold marches, these are examples of...
a. partisan politics
b. issue networking
c. lobbying
d. mobilizing public opinion
e. litigating
Mobilizing Public Opinion
How can interest groups use litigation as a strategy of influence?
a. breaking apart iron triangles, directly lobbying judges, and starting PACs
b. directly lobbying judges, using direct-mail solicitations, and making campaign contributions to members of Congress
c. working with 527 committee, directly lobbying judges, and engaging in institutional advertising
d. filing amicus curiae briefs, financing lawsuits, and bringing a suit on behalf of the group
e. engaging in institutional advertising, activating issue networks, and directly lobbying judges
Filing amicus curiae briefs, financing lawsuits, and bringing a suit on behalf of the group.
Why is it important for interest groups to offer selective benefits?
a. If they do not, people will accuse the groups of being antidemocratic.
b. Selective benefits are the only way to measure the success of an interest group.
c. If they do not, people will join political parties instead.
d. Selective benefits allow interest groups to make the profits they need to continue operating.
e. It is necessary to limit the extent of the free-rider problem.
It is necessary to limit the extent of the free-rider program.
The best description of the ideal of pluralism is that...
a. democracy is best served by legalizing but regulating the influence of interest groups.
b. interests should be free to compete with each other for governmental influence.
c. interest groups are factions that endanger liberty.
d. interest groups are factions that endanger political and economic equality.
e. the public good should always trump individual interests.
Interest should be free to compete with each other for governmental influence.
The solidary benefits of interest groups include...
a. identification with the purpose or ideology of the group
b. information and money
c. special services and goods
d. representation before government
e. friendship and consciousness-raising
Friendship and Consciousness-Raising
By 2007, there were approximately __________ PACs in the United States.
a. 1,500
b. 150
c. 5,000
d. 15,000
e. 25,000
Which of the following groups has had the greatest success with a strategy of litigation?
a. the National Rifle Association
b. the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
c. the National Chamber of Commerce
d. the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
e. the AARP
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
When paid staff conduct most of the daily business of a group, that group is best described as a...
a. 527 committee
b. free-rider group
c. PAC
d. staff organization
e. lobbyist firm
Staff Organization
The increased number and importance of interest groups...
a. causes a subsequent expansion in government
b. is a response to an increase in the size and activity of government
c. is due to the decline in the United States multiparty system
d. is a directly result of a more broadly defined First Amendment freedom of association
e. is a response to a decrease in the size and activity of government
Is a response to an increase in the size and activity of government.