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20 Cards in this Set

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How did ordinary colonists respond after the wealthy elite had initiated the American rebellion?
They turned an elite movement into a mass movement.
What was the tone of the Stamp Act Congress?
restraint and conciliation, with no mention of independence or disloyalty
Which list places events in the correct order?
Townshend duties, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts
What did military strategists in 1779 predict would be Britain's last chance for victory over the colonies?
a successful campaign in the Southern colonies
What does the following quote by Benjamin Rush signify? "The American war is over, but this is far from being the case with the American Revolution. On the contrary, nothing but the first act of the great drama is closed."
The war was merely the first step in the colonists' move toward establishing a truly independent nation.
An important fact about the Americans who wrote the first state constitutions was that they ________.
demanded written documents
The controversy which delayed ratification of the Articles of Confederation involved ________.
the disposition of western lands
Shays' Rebellion involved ________.
discontented farmers in Massachusetts
The Federalist was a series of essays written by ________.
Madison, Hamilton and Jay
How did the Constitutional Convention affect slavery?
It permitted Congress to outlaw the importation of slaves in 1808.
In the early 1790s, British actions toward the United States indicated ________.
disdain for American rights
As a result of the actions taken by President Adams in 1799, ________.
the United States resolved its differences with France
How was George Washington's election to the presidency different from that of every president since?
He was unanimously elected by the electoral college.
Why did opponents criticize Alexander Hamilton's assumption program?
It rewarded states like Massachusetts, which had sloppy financial systems, for nonpayment of debt.
How was the election of 1800 a peaceful revolution?
Although politicians passionately disagreed about who should be president, they voted and re-voted rather than use violence.
What difficulty did Jefferson face in purchasing the Louisiana Territory?
the constitutionality of his actions
Chief Justice John Marshall believed in judicial review, which is ________.
the power of the courts to determine the constitutionality of the actions of the other two branches
Why were regional identities formed in the U.S. in the early nineteenth century?
People wanted to defend their shared economic interests, it was difficult to travel far, and there were distinct regional subcultures.
In what ways was the Lewis and Clark expedition a success?
It fulfilled Jefferson's scientific expectations and reaffirmed his faith in the future prosperity of the United States.
The Congressional War Hawks in 1812 were most interested in ________.
conquering Canada from the British