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13 Cards in this Set

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The essential elements of a sacrament- If given the description of one of the seven sacraments, be prepared to identify the form, matter, and proper minister

matter- what you do or use in the sacraments

form- the words or prayers spoken

proper minister- bishop, priest, or minister

example: with the pouring of water over the head of the baby as Fr. John says, "Jane, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit.

list of reasons why we need the Church- be able to apply them to-

Why is it not enough to "go it alone", be spiritual but not religious", or to create your own personal spirituality."

We need the Church because:

*God wants us to come as members of his family. The Church was made for that purpose

*We have to hear the Good News from others. no one can preach the Gospel to him or herself

*Humans are social in nature. We need the encouragement of others that the Church provides

* Worship of God is communal in nature. It is the whole Church who celebrates the liturgy on earth. Christ is present with the Church in worship, acting as the Head of his Mystical Body.

* By participating in the Eucharist, we unite ourselves with Christ's self offering

* AS the Scripture teaches, Christ uses the Church's liturgy to prepare you to see him in one another and to love one another despite the differences of race, gender and personality

* the Church is structured and instituted by Christ to provide a means of grace through the Sacraments that guide us to our eternal destiny

Be prepared to analyze a quote, a short story, or an idea in terms of individualism, consumerism, and Entitlement- (definitions of these three non-Catholic ways of thinking on next flashcards)

a way of thinking that drives people apart form one another because each person makes up his own definition of himself and the world. Such a person can not listen or compromise. He is just "going it alone."

- the practice of an ever-increasing acquisition and consumption of goods

- to much of an obsession with acquiring of consuming things

-such a person forgets the generosity of God and the needs of other people.


- the belief one deserves certain privileges

- it becomes a problem if one believes he deserves a relationship with God without having to accept responsibilities or commitments such as going to Church


- god taking on human flesh

- in= in

- carna= meat or flesh


- an outward sign of an invisible grace. It brings about the spiritual effect or reality to which it points

- visible signs instituted by Christ that communicate and reveal grace

- actually cause to happen what they symbolize

- applies to Jesus Christ: the great sign of the love of God the Father for us

- applies to the Church: an outward sign of Christ's continuing, invisible presence in the world

- St. Augustine of Hippo definition- "visible sign of an invisible reality, a visible sign of invisible grace


- means convocation or assembly

- points out the individual's need to be together with others

- English word Church translates to Latin "ecclesia" and from the Greek "ek-ka-lein" meaning to "call out of"

- People are literally called out of insolation to togetherness

- "[in] the Church, God is calling together his people from all the ends of the earth" (CCC, 751)

The Great Mandate/Commissioning

- Instruction given by Jesus to the 12 apostles to spread the Gospel to the world and to Baptize all nations in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit.

- After Jesus rose from the dead, he said to the Apostles, "As the Father has sent me, so I send you."

- Today's bishops are the successors of the Apostles


- the first 12 followers Jesus chose and sent to spread the Gospel

- they were present at Pentecost

- they were the first bishops

Be prepared to answer True/False questions about what Pope Francis did and did not say in his Address to Congress

Familiarize yourself with the video clips