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47 Cards in this Set

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what cells regenerate lung epithelium following injury?
type II pneumocytes; their other major fxn is pulmonary surfactant secretion
where does pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium stop?
at the level of respiratory bronchioles becomes cuboidal ciliated; cilia are absent from terminal alveolar ducts
a stab wound just superior to the clavical risks damaging?
lung; it extends superior to the clavical through the thoracic aperature
why is there tachycardia w/tension pneumo?
increased intrathoracic pressure decreases venous return and thus CO
ansa cervicalis arise from? Innervates?
C1, C2, C3; innervates sternohyoid, sternothyroid, & omohyoid; might be injured by penetrating trauma superior to the cricoid cartilage
what cells release elastase?
neutrophils & alveolar macrophages; centriacinar emphysema associated w/smoking
what do clara cells do?
secrete CCSP (clara cell secretory protein) - inhibits neutrophil recruitment & activation, & neutrophil dependent mucin production
how does streptomycin inhibit mycobacterial growth?
AMINOGLYCOSIDE; interferes w/initiation step of prtn synthesis; binds 30S subunit & changes structure
what antibiotics interefere with translocation?
erythromycin & clindamycin
what prevents binding of amino-acyl tRNA to A site?
failed sterilization of mechanical ventilators leads to pneumoniae caused by what bugs?
e. coli, klebsiella, acinetobacter, pseudomonas
nitroblue tetrazolium testing is used for what?
tests for NADPH oxidase activity; fails to turn blue if deficient, as is the case in Chronic Granulomatous Disease; at risk for infection by Catalase positive organisms
why neutrophils of patients with CGD still kill catalase negative organisms?
hydrogen peroxide produced by the organisms accumulates in the phagosome
lecithiniase is produced by what organism?
clostridium perfrinogens; it is alpha toxin or phospholipase C - lyses erythrocyts platelets luekocytes & endothelial cells, in part responsible for the rapid necrotizing
how is chronic granulomatous disease inherited genetically?
what PFTs are expected in emphysema?
decreased FEV1/FVC ratio; increased TLC, decreased diffusional capacity
Dz incidence tables - what goes top & bottom? Negative predictive value?
Dz incidence on top; test results on vertical; Neg predictive = d/[c+d] (true neg over true neg + false neg)
how does negatie predicitve value change with prevalence?
NPV is inversely proportional to prevalence,
enlarged, centrally located epithelial cell - intranuclear & cytoplasmic inclusions; context: lung transplant pt 4mos post transplant - sob cough fever, diffuse infiltrates
Cytomegalovirus, lookup picture
How can mycobacterium become resistant to isoniazid?
1.) decreased activity of catalase-peroxidase, which is necessary for activation of isonizid; 2.) mutation of the required peptide sequence for binding
What bacteria found in the soil can survive boiling?
spore forming bacteria - bacillus & clostridium; killed by autoclaving
which polio vaccine is approved in the US?
only the inactivated salk vaccine
flunisolide therapy is initiated - what is it for? What complications occur and how can they be prevented?
it's steroid aerosol for asthma, oral candidiasis can occur, oral rinsing instructions are necessary
What bacterial immunizations require conjugation to toxoid?
Capsular bacteria - Strep pneumoniae, neisseria meningitidis, haemophilus influenza B
what drug inhibits fungal wall composition? What side effects does it have?
itraconazole (inhibit demethylation of lanosterol into ergosterol); inhibits P450 enzymes important to many other drugs
big name p450 metabolized drugs?
warfarin, cyclosporin, tacrilomus, phenytoin, isoniazid, rifampin, oral hypoglycemics, etc
what drugs induce cytochrome oxidases that result in decreased levels of -azoles for fungal tx?
rifampin and a bunch of PSYCH drugs (phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital)
congenital defect - oxygen "step-up" from RA to RV? Findings?
VSD; finding would be holosystolic murmur at left sternal border
what sO2 would be found w/ASD? Physical exam finding?
oxygen step up from vena cava to RA; fixed splitting of S2
spike & dome carotid pulse upstroke?
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy - dynamic LV outflow tract obstruction
what happens to blood & the heart with inspiration?
decreased thoracic pressure --> increased venous return to RIGHT heart; INCREASED PULMONARY VESSEL CAPACITY --> decreased blood return to LEFT HEART
most important prognostic factor in tetrolagy of fallot?
degree of pulmonic stenosis
pulmonary infarct characteristic?
almost always hemorrhagic, b/c of dual blood supply (would be difficult to be ischemic)
pulmonary infarct in IV drug user?
septic emboli from tricuspid endocarditis; s. aureus & pseudomonas are MCC in this population
reliability vs precision
essentially the same (contrast to accurate)
adult homeless man; increasing fatigue exertional dyspnea; LE edema, decreased sensation over feet/legs?
wet Beriberi - high output CHF; thiamine (B1) deficient
verapamil effect on AV & SA node?
slows diastolic (?) depolarization - [phase 0; calcium channel blocker]
what drugs increase the threshold potential of cardiac pacemaker cells?
Only class I (A-C)
what drugs prolong repolarization of cardiac pacemakers?
class IA, IC, III
what drugs shorten the action potential of cardiac pacemakers?
class IB
carpopedal spasms soon after birth, absent thymic shadow, narrowing of the aortic arch - what dz? What embryological structure?
DiGeorge's Syndrome; 3rd & 4th PHARYNGEAL pouch; - associated w/hypoPTH from parathyroid aplasia - hypocalcemia & tetany; aortic arch abnormalities
sildafenil and nitroglycerine together?
nitrates + phosphodiesterase inhibitors cause cGMP accumulation; profound hypotension; absolutely contraindicated
hypotension, JVD, distant/muffled heart sounds (& tacchycardia)
Becks triad - cardiac tamponade; loss of palpable pulse could be due to pulsus paradoxus
34 yo female w/progessive exertional sob & coronary sinus dilation?
pulmonary HTN; coronary sinus communicates with RA, if RA pressure goes up can cause coronary sinus dilation
antiarrhythmic decrease the outward flow of an ion active in the late phase of cardiac myocte action potential?
class III - K channel blockers; ibutilide, sotalol, betyu…?, amiodarone, dofetilide
65 yo man loses conciousness while buttoning shirt, which nerve is stimulated?
glossopharyngeal (carotid baroreceptors; responds to both increase & decrease); not vagus b/c that is aortic arch baroceptors (not hit by shirt buttoning), responds only to increased BP
functional heart murmurs
caused by acute hemodynamical changes, in absence of any structural lesions