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61 Cards in this Set

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24 yo male w/headache & visual changes, intracranial calcified mass on MRI, gross inspection shows cystic spaces w/thick brownish fluid rich in cholesterol?
cranyiopharyngioma = calcified mass, young ppl, usually yellow viscous fluid filled (cholesterol crystals)
local secretory antibody synthesis is best promoted when?
specific mucosal surfaces are directly stimulated by antigen
5 yo male w/persistent food seeking behavior, obsese, sometimes aggressive/bizzarre behaviors - what part of brain is lesioned?
Ventromedial thalamic nucleus, where satiety centers reside
is the portal vein intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal?
it is retroperitoneal
what structure is at high risk from invasion of tumor of 3rd part of duodenum?
superior mesenteric artery, uncinate process of pancrease
Campylobacter is showing increased worldwide resistance to what antibiotic? New antibiotic of choice?
resistant to fluoroquinolones
use erithromycin
why does penicillin tx of group A strep prevent RF but not APSGN?
rheumatic fever (antigen mimicry)
NOT post-strept glomerulonephritis (immune complex deposition)
what lab test should follow a moderately elivated alk phosph of unclear etiology?
gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
it's present in liver but NOT bones, helpful in distinguishing
alveolar cells w/golden cytoplasmic granules turning dark blue w/prussian blude staining?
"heart failure cells"
hemosiderin containing alveolar macrophages
golden yellow or brownish cytoplasmic granules - what might they contain? What stain to differentiate?
either lipofuscin or hemosiderin
Prussian blue stain detects intracellular iron (stain will turn dark blue)
variation in what process of isoniazid elimation results in 2 sets of populations w/different elimation speeds?
slow acetylators at increased risk of adverse side effects
what is the main source of resistance in the vascular system?
capillary beds
what is best tx for cardiac abnlities associated w/TCA?
sodium bicarbonate
what indications might make phenelzine a reasonable 1st line tx choice?
it's an MAOIs, can be 1st line for atypical depression (mood reactivity, leaden fatigue (arms & legs feel heavy) rejection sensitivity, reversed vegetative signs - increased sleep & appetite)
not nl first line b/c of tyramine crisis, interactions (SSRI), etc
where are lipids/lipid-soluble vitamins absorbed?
Jejunum, after digestion in the duodenum
53 yo male w/dyspnea on exertion
CXR densities in both lung fields most prominent apically
calcified hilar lymph nodes, on biopsy are negatively birefringent surrounded by collagen fibers - what's going on?
Silica exposure
distinguished from other pneumoconioses by eggshell calcification & birefringent silica particles surrounded by fibrous tissue
MCC ventricular fibrillation in ppl < 30 yo?
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
what is the MC cardiomyopathy?
dilated cardiomyopathy, ~90%
account for ~10-15% cases sudden cardiac death
42 yo female w/bouts of spinning sensation w/nausea & ringing in left ear, diminished hearing
"feels fine" between episodes - what condition? Pathophys?
Meniere's dz, increased volume of endolphym from defective resporption
triad - tinnitus, vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss
1st line tx for general anxiety disorder? How long is response delayed?
Buspirone (selective agonist of 5HT-1a)
clinical response can be delayed up to 2 weeks of regular use
what class of meds reduces all cause mortality in CHF? Which one in particular?
beta blockers
strawberry vs cherry hemangioma?
strawberry occur during 1st few weeks of life, grow rapidly then regress by 5-8 yo
cherry hemangiomas appear in 30-40's, do not regress & increase w/age (aka senile hemangiomas) - ALWAYS cutaneous, histologically are sharply circumscribed areas of congested capillaries & post-capillary venules in the papillary dermis
when initiating therapy w/ACE inhibitors what adverse effect is of concern (on INITIATION)? What other common drugs might predisopose to this?
First-dose HTN
diueretics could predispose via hypovolemia
also hyponatremia, low BP, high renin/aldo, and heart failure
what is the Bezold-Jarisch refelx seen with ACE inhibitors?
a decrease in angiotensin II levels, causing vagally mediated hypotension & bradycardia
what kind of T-cell & cytokine profile is seen w/immune reaction in Sarcoidosis?
granulomas --> cell mediated
Th1 type CD4+ w/IL-2 & IFN-gamma (IL-2 stim prolife of Th1
IFN-gamma activating macrophages promoting granuloma formation)
amino acids w/3 titratable protons?
histidine, arginine, lysine, cysteine, tyrosine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid
total sensory loss on one side of the body & face with no motor involvement indicates lesion where?
lesion of internal capsule can result in what isolated deficits?
patient w/hx of sensory stroke affecting 1 side of the body w/no motor involvement dies of unrelated cause years later
brain shows two 5-6 mm cavities in deep structures of the brain - what are these? What pathophys explains them?
Lacunar infarcts
occlusion of small penetrating arteries caused by small vessel lipohyalinosis & atherosclerosis
2ndary to HTN or diabetes
septate hyphae 45 degree angle?
aspergillus fumigatus
what is colonizing aspergillosis?
occurs in old lung cavities (TB, emphysema, sarcoidosis), grows as "fungus ball"
CONTRAST to invasive aspergillosis (immunosuppressed) or hypersensitivity reactions to aspergillus (asthma - allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis ABPA)
medicallyy important dimorphic fungi?
form molds (w/hyphae) in ambient temp (25-30) & yeasts (single cells) at body temp (37) - Sporotrhix schenckii
Coccidioides Immitis
Histoplasma Capsulatum
Blastomycoses dermatitidis
Paracoccidioidees brasiliensis
biopsy reveals round or cigar shaped budding yeasts?
sporothrix schenckii
think gardeners smoking
culture at 25 - hyphae w/doubly reflective walls, at 37 - thick walled spherules w/endospores?
biopsy reveals oval yeast cells within macrophages?
Histoplasma capsulatum
round bud vs broad based bud?
round bud - sporthrix (also cigar shaped bud)
broad bud - blastomycoces)
fungus found in southwest / deserts?
fungus found in Ohio & Mississippi River valleys?
Histoplasma & Blastomycoces
fungus found in soil, bird droppings, bat droppings (chicken coops, caves)?
fungus found in Great Lakes region?
Blastomycoses (NOT Histo - according to Uworld)
fungus found in soil?
Coccidioides (mold form), Histoplasma, Blastomycoses
fungus found in central & south america?
paracoccidioides brasiliensis
vasculitis in child showing IgA & C3 deposition?
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
-recent infection, -palpable skin lesions, -with/or without abdominal pain & arthralgias
self-limiting but glomerulonephritis & even ESRD are possible complications
vasculitis w/nasal mucosal ulcerations, "saddle nose" & oliguria?
Wegeners, c-ANCA (serum anti-neutrophil)
vasculitis w/weak upper extremity pulses?
Takayasu arteritis
-large vessels (aorta & prox branches)
vasculitis w/headache & blurred vision?
Giant Cell Arteritis
significant QT prolongation following antiarrhythmic med, also notable for mild bradycardia - which med class? Example?
QT prolong = ventricular repolarization
mediated by K+ efflux so look for class III (K+ channel blockers)
Sotalol is an example (tho it is a beta blocker, this explains the bradycardia)
others: amiodarone, ibutilide, dofetilide
hemochromatosis causes what kind of cardiomyopathy?
dilated, pts present w/signs & sx of CHF
concentric vs eccentric cardiac hypertrophy?
concentric hypertrophy results from increased afterload (sarcomes added in parallel)
eccentric hypertrophy is more associated with volume/dilation (sarcomeres added in series)
pathologic fx secondary to prolactinoma caused by what change? What is another common association?
suppression of GnRH leading to estrogen deficiency
vaginal dryness
difference between TB & sarcoid granulomas?
TB - caseating
sarcoid - non-caseating
43 yo african american male w/weeks of malaise, 10 lb weight loss, nocturnal fevers, & cough, CXR w/hilar prominence
former prisoner
palpable node in supraclavicular bed - noncaseating granuloma?
sarcoidosis - non-caseating granuloma (so not TB), african american man w/hilar adenopathy & constitutional symptoms
does sarcoidosis present with weight loss, nocturnal fevers, and cough, or is that more likely to be TB?
could be either
what is caseating?
caseous necrosis - form of cell death
tissue maintains "cheese-like" appearance
dead tissue appears soft & white protenaceous dead cell mass
what neurologic condition are mementine & vitamin E helpful for?
memantine is NMDA receptor antagonist
vitamine E is an antioxidant
how do methylxanthines cause vasodilation? (asthma tx)
decreasing phosphodiesterase activity (increasing cAMP)
what does ipratropium do?
mAChR antagonists
how does listening at end expiration accentuate a diastolic murmur (S3)?
brings apex closer to chest wall
what is pramipexole (context: Parkinson's tx)? Others like it?
it is a non-ergot dopamine agonist - pramipexole & ropinerole
ergot compounds - bromocriptine and pergolide
what symptoms of Grave's dz are not corrected by beta blockers?
this is a result of anti-thyroid antibodies
ocular manifestations may respond to corticosteroid therapy
what colitis has non-caseating granulomas on light microscopy?
resemble sarcoid granules- also see linear ulcerations, cobblestone appearance of mucosa, transmural inflammatory infiltrate