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11 Cards in this Set

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What is Client Centered Therapy? Who came up with it?
-Client is main focus
-Chairs are facing each other
-Meet only 1-2 times at most a week, instead of 5
-One of the most widely used approaches in psychotherapy
-Emphasizes unconditional postive regard
-Carl Rogers
What is Unconditional Regard? Who came up with it?
-Basic acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does (support of their real self)
-The therapist should regard the client in a positive way no matter what (no judgement)
-No conditions of worth should be put on the client (ex. asking a athlete how their event was)
-Environment needs to be safe for client
-Goal is to be a fully functioning person
-Carl Rogers
What is Reflective Listening?
-When people would copy Rogers and say "I hear what you're saying
-Listen to what the person says, taking it in, think/reflect on it, and give them back the same words they said to you in an empathetic way
How do eating disorders start?
Starts with wanting to improve your sense of self and wanting to lose weight
What is disordered eating?
-Eating a lot of...
-Carbs (bread, fruit, vegetables. etc.)
-Protein (meat, cheese, fish, etc.)
-Fat (butter, cheese, oil, etc.)
-Excessive eating during holidays
What is the Adkin's Diet?
-Eating no carbs
-Designed for overweight people to lose weight before Bypass surgery
What is Anorexia?
-Self-imposed starvation
-"I'm going to starve myself"
-Relentless pursuit of being thin
-Less than 85 percent of normal body weight
-Having denial that this is an issue
-Have a massive fear of being fat
-1-3 percent of population has it (95 percent are women)
-Women don't have their period for three months in a row
What are the personality traits of Anorexia?
-Obessive thoughts
-Compulsive actions
-Feel out of control
How do people with Anorexia die?
-They die through heart attacks or burning of organs (organ failure)
-Their muscles become cannibalized after they have no more carbs to burn, making their heart weaker
-10-20 percent of people with this disorder die
What is Bulimia?
-Binging and purging
-Eat a lot
-Out of control
-Eat 2000-5000 calories a day
What is the Psychodynamic Approach?
-Focuses on trying to get inside the person's head in order to make sense of their relationships, experiences, and how they view the world
-Sigmund Freud
-Sees human functioning based upon the interactions of drives and functions within a person that is unconscious