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14 Cards in this Set

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What is so special about the clitoris?
It is the most sensitive organ in the female body and the only exclusive sexual organ in the body
What is the G-spot?
believed to be the source of female ejaculation and another source of orgasm (uterine orgasm)
Peplau and Garnett's paradigm regarding women's sexuality and sexual orientation
• women have sexual fluidity and men don’t
• women are more open to experience <- nurture
• men impervious to change <- change
What is the significance of Chesler's book Women and Medness?
• A harsh critique of psychiatry at the time and how it impacted women- the perfect way of keeping women controlled *misuse of psychiatry
What are the three phases in the cycle of violence?
• Honeymoon stage- can sometimes last years, person you fall in love with
• Tension Building phase- emotional abuse, becoming more hyper vigilant of the warning signs- spends time trying to appease, playcate the person with a false sense of control (no matter what she does or doesn’t do she’s going to get beat)
• Acute Explosion- where the explosion of violence happens (goes back to honeymoon stage intermittent acts of violence is used – they are the most confusing)
What is Stockholm Syndrome?
people refusing to testify against the people who held them hostage
What is liberation psychology?
A psychology framework that can help create social change against an oppressive framework.
3 components of Liberation Psychology?
Collective Action
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the medical model as applied to women and mental health?
Advantages: Medical Frame Work that says you are clinically depressed (relief for hope, to know there are others out there with the same problem.)

Disadvantages: powerless (no way to change), labeling/stigmatizing, dependence (blaming others or the symptoms)
Compare and Contrast the Scarcity Hypothesis and the Expansionist Hypothesis.
Scarcity Hypothesis: Women with multiple roles creates stress, which has negative consequences on mental health. Women have a finite amount of energy.

Expansionist Hypothesis: Having multiple roles makes you a better mother, wife, lover, etc. because you’re spending part of your day getting affirmation, stimulation, self-esteem and you bring it to the family. The family also makes your job better because you’re supported etc. You are better at both.
Principles of Feminist Therapy
o 1.) The person is political
• The symptom is somehow adaptive (even if a person looks self destructive we honor that it may be adaptive in a context or because of a toxic environment) **think hunger strike in iron jawed angels. **think of eating disorders

2.) The relationship between therapist and client is equitable
• a partnership, not to use mental health framework but give them help to have a more liberated existence
• think of what we teach therapists “be a blank slate, don’t offer any emotional relational affliction”. But that keeps it hierarchical and further alienates the client. Promotes loss of voice for girls and women.
What does Judith Herman say about Freud's seduction theory? How may it parallel the politics of false memory syndrome? (412)
Freud concluded that his hysterical patients' accounts of childhood sexual abuse were untrue. Mirroring what some scientists call today "False Memory Syndrome." Although it is true that some memories can be implanted most cases of recovered memory are true. Feminists are concerned that if the false memory syndrome side wins, women's reports of sexual abuse in childhood will not be taken seriously.
Research findings related to attribution and success
Women were more likely to attribute their success to luck; men in contrast attributed their success to their own abilities.
2 different distinct paths of adolescent development:
• entitlement- laid out for boys sexuality, boys are taught that having sexual feelings, lustful and desire, is not only appropriate but being consistent with being a man. You are entitled to get those feelings met. (allowed to have, it’s consistent, and you can get those desires met)
• accommodation- girls (desires feelings lust) is not consistent with femininity, discouraged, suppressed. They are taught to be caretakers, not to have your needs met but have your partners needs be met.