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31 Cards in this Set

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a disorder with a range of symptoms involving disturbances in content of thought, perception, affect, sense of self, motivation, behavior and interpersonal functioning
deeply entrenched false beliefs not consistent with the clients intelligence or cultural background
Delusions of grandeur
one believes that they are an extremely important person, more powerful and influential then they really are
Delusions of reference
belief that unrelated events are referring to one’s self (that a TV show is about them
Paranoid delusions
belief that harm will occur to him (being followed, poisoned)
a false perception not corresponding to the objective stimuli present in the environment
Negative systems
symptoms that involve functioning below the level of behavior regarded as normal
speechlessness or a notable lack of spontaneity or responsiveness in conversation
a lack of initiative either not wanting to take any action or lacking the energy and will to take action
Catatonic rigidity
maintance of a rigid posture against an effort to be mo
Catatonic stupor
deficit of motor activity that can render him motionless
Catatonic excitement
excessive movement (pacing, rocking, grimacing)
Causes of schizophrenia
Cortical atrophy a wasting away of tissue in the cerebral cortex of the brain
Dopamine theory delusions, hallucinations, and attentional deficits of schizophrenia result from overactivity of neurons that communicate with each other via the transmission of dopamine
Twin studies
biological explanation for schizophrenia
Personality disorders
engrained patterns of relating to people, situations and events with a rigid and manipulative pattern of inner experience and behavior dating back to adolescence or early childhood
Antisocial personality disorders
Antisocial Personality Disorders a personality disorder characterized by a lack of regard for society’s moral or legal standards
Borderline personality disorders
Borderline Personality Disorder a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of poor impulse control and instability in mood, interpersonal relationships and self image
Narcissistic personality disorer
Narcissistic Personality Disorder a personality disorder primarily characterized by an unrealistic, inflated sense of self importance and a lack of sensitivity to the needs of other people
Histrionic Presonality disorder
a personality disorder characterized by exaggerated emotional reactions approaching theatrically in everyday behavior
Schizoid personality disorder
a personality disorder primarily characterized by an indifference to social relationships as well as a very limited range of emotional experience and expression
Obsessive complusive personality disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder(OCD) an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent obsessive or compulsions that are inordinately time-consuming or that cause significant distress or impairment
Developmental Disorders
Development Disorders group of disorders characterized by delays in the development of multiple based functions including socialization and communication
Mental retardation
Mental retardation a condition present from childhood characterized by significantly below average general intellectual functioning (IQ less than 70)
Down syndrome
a form of mental retardation caused by abnormal chromosomal formation during conception
Fetal alcohol syndrome
a condition associated with mental retardation in a child whose mother has consumed large amounts of alcohol on a regular basis while pregnant
a pervasive developmental disorder involving impairment in an individual’s ability to communicate and relate emotionally to others
Asperger's syndrome
a pervasive development disorder in which a child maintains adequate cognitive and language development but becomes severely impaired in social interaction. Children with this disorder also develop restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activity
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) a behavior disorder of childhood involving problems with inattentiveness, hypersensitivity and impulsivity
Oppositional defiant disorer (ODD)
disruptive disorder of childhood that is characterized by undue hostility, stubbornness, strong temper, belligerence, spitefulness, and self righteousness
Conduct disorder
a development related disorder that involves repeated violations of the rights of others and society’s norms and laws, the childhood precursor of anti social personality disorders in adulthood
Autistic savants
an autistic person who has extreme talent in a certain area of study often numerical calculation, but may be in art or music