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15 Cards in this Set

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What is a specific phobia?

Extreme irrational fear, avoidance, or impairment

Ex. Blood injury injection phobia. People see needles or blood and they immediately faint.

What is the prevalence of specific phobias for people in a lifetime? What is the general age of onset?

12.5% of people have a specific phobia in their lifetime. It is generally started in childhood and is 4x more common in women vs. men.

What is social anxiety disorder?

Extreme fear of social scrutiny and fear of judgement in social situations.

During socialization they must be fearful, distressed or become avoidant.

How is behavior therapy used to treat anxiety disorders?

Behavior therapy can use classical conditioning by pairing neutral stimuli with something that elicits a desired response OR

Operant conditioning can use reinforcement to force the person to stay in an anxiety provoking situation until the anxiety is gone.

What is exposure therapy?

Exposing a person to what they fear

What does spaced vs. massed exposure focus on?

The duration of the exposure. Spaced would be exposing in increments and massed would be all in one session.

What is vivo vs. imaginal exposure?

Vivo would be exposing a person to something in real life and imaginal would be having a person imagine the fear/simulating the fearful situation.

What is flooding desentization?

Flooding is starting at the worst case scenario and then progressing to less serious situations.

What is systematic desensitization?

Systematic is progressing from the least anxiety provoking situation to the most stressful.

How can you make exposure therapy the most effective?

Increasing the level of therapist involvement and generally mass exposure is better.

Relaxation and breathing does not generally make the anxiety go away.

What are the 5 general criteria for PTSD?

Trauma exposure

Flashbacks, repeated experiences

Avoidance of once normal behaviors

Negative mood


*Must continue 1 month post-trauma

What is stress inoculation training? (SIT)

Giving people coping mechanisms for when a stressful event occurs. Supportive counseling and unconditional positive regard.

Used for PTSD

What is Edna Foa's treatment method for PTSD?

Prolonged exposure - recounting the traumatic events so many times that there is a decreased emotional response

What is obsessive compulsive disorder?

OCD includes obsessions that are intrusive and nonsensical. They are uncontrollable thoughts/urges.

The compulsion aspect is the behavior or rituals that provide relief from the obsession.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Excessively concerned with a perceived defect.

Issues with weight or body fat are not included, but it can be about muscles.