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277 Cards in this Set

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Mnemonic Devices
Learning technique that aids with learning
Jane Elliot
Blue eyed brown eyed study and showed how easily kids will take advantage over others
Person perception
How we form judgements of people based on their characteristics and motives
Attribution Theory
Explains behaviors personalities based only on external objects and personalities
Just World Bias
Believing that the world is completely fair and it's the persons fault in any situation
Self serving bias
Attributing failure to situational factors
Episodic Memory
Specific experience
Generic memory
General knowledge and information
Procedural Memory
Skills and how to do things
Sensory Memory
Initial memory and you must pay attention to get information into this section of memory
Hypotheses applications
A prediction so there can be tests
Memory is reconstructive
Pieces memory back part by part
Darley and Latane
Bystander experiments and upped smoke into rooms to show that the individual would respond to it every time but in a group they wouldn't always do it because the others weren't noticing it, or so they thought
New information replaces information in your short term memory
Strengthening a groups attitude by sharing
Self fulfilling prophecy
A prediction that becomes good
Short-term memory
Holds brief memories
Foot in the door
If you agree to a small thing you will be more likely to agree to a larger thing
Not speaking up because you don't want to upset others
Matching hypothesis
Finding partners that are similar to us
Baby face bias
People with big heads, round eyes, and small jawbones are perceived as helpless and honest
Attractiveness bias
People who are cute are thought to be smarter, more competent, and have better morals
Body shape preferences
In America we want to be thin but it varies greatly from country to country
Universal of beauty
Smiling people, big eyes, high cheekbones, are looked at more and even infants stare at them more
People will become their role either becoming more passive or more aggressive
Sociocultural view of aggression
Some cultures encourage independence and this fosters aggresion
Learning view of aggression
Aggression is reinforced when a person who uses aggression to get what they want
Cognitive view of aggression
Aggression is a choice made by each person
Psychoanalytical view of aggression
Agression comes from repressed childhood feelings and is meant to harm people who don't meet our demands
Spciobilological view of aggression
Animals use aggression to reproduce
Need for acceptance
Eason for conformity, those who stand out are punished
More likely to follow orders if you can't see consequences for your actions
People have been taught to obey authority since birth
Explicit norms
Written rules
Implicit norms
Inspoken rules
Social norms
Guidelines for what people should and shouldn't do do in a situation
Universal ethics
Morality of an individual conscience
Law and order
Decisions based on keeping social order and high regard to authority
Postconventional reasoning

Step #3
Based on your morals
Social order
Obedience to accepted laws
Winning approval
Want to maintain approval from others, conventional standards of right and wrong
Conventional reasoning

Step #2
Concern is to fit in and play the role of a good citizen
Satisfying needs
Doing what's necissary to satisfy ones needs
Avoid punishment
Doing everything to avoid punishment
Moral dilemma
A scenario that tests your answer and your explanation
Preconventional reasoning
Behavior based on avoiding punishment and gaining a reward
Lawrence Kohlberg
Moral reasoning develops through age
Going out of your way to help another person
Prosocial behavior
Any behavior that helps another person
Loss of self awareness and restraint
Evaluating apprehension
Concern for how others view you
Devine's automaticity theory
We all hold prejudices toasted Africans because they are so prevalent
Robbers cave
Prejudices are overcome when the groups work together to accomplish a significant task
Scapegoat theory
Blame a complex problem on an undeserving group
Social learning
Parents reinforce the things that children have learned by imitating their parents
Out group homogenecity effect
He people in our group are varied where as the out people are very similar to us
Justifying economic status
People with money are hard workers and poor people are lazy
Ingroup bias
Favoring your group
Beleifs that aren't necessarily true about a group
Negative attitude toward a group
Insufficent justification error
Lie about an attitude to make up for cognitive dissonance
Negative or positive evaluation of a person, idea or object
Physical contact
Touching people creates more revenue
Eye contact
Conveys truthfulness, attention, and eagerness, can also show anger
Self effacing bias
We blame ourselves for a failure and blame the test for a good grade
Self serving bias
We give ourself credit for a good grade on a test but when we get a bad grade we get a bad grade we blame the test for being difficult
Actor observer bias
View of a person based on one time
Attribution theory
Explain our behaviors different from others
Fundamental attribution error
Weigh to heavily on situations rather than somebody behaviors
Recency effect
Recent interactions shape our views of people
Primacy effect
An experience that happened a while ago shaped your view of a person
Soci categorization
Making judgement by ignoring qualities and focusing on limited information
Distinguishing differences in stimuli
Voluntary behaviors
Behaviors that will be done without thoughts
Operant conditioning
Learning is strengthened by reinforcement
Reflexive behaviors
Automatic behaviors
Classical conditioning
Neutral stimulus is paired with a stimulus multiple times until the subject responds to the neutral stimulus
Reinforcing to reach a behavior
Learning through observation
Hippocampus and Clive wearing
Hippocampus is the filter of the brain and Clive can't remember anything new for more than a few seconds
Systematic desenzitation
Slowly overcome your fear
Throwing you into your phobia like dropping you in the ocean with a life jacket on to show you it isn't scary and you won't drown
Counter conditioning
Pairing your phobia with something that can't be feared
Taste aversion
Tastin something bad and avoiding it the rest of your life
Spontaneous recovery
Quickly picking up a previously extinct conditioned response
Asch's line study
A single person will most likely conform to a group to not stick out even when they know they will be wrong
Maintenance rehearsal
Repeating it over and over
Sematic encoding
Giving the first letter of a word meaning
Acoustic encoding
Saying a word aloud
Cognitive dissonance
Shift so your behaviors match your opinions
Blame the victim
The victim caused the problem like wearing smutty clothes caused the girl to get raped
Brain reward
Ventral striatum predicts reward when a pretty person looks you in the eye
When a person likes us back
Triangular live model
Seven types of relationships characterizes by intimacy, commitment and passion
Treatments of biological therapy
Surgery of the brain, ECT, meds
Cognitive therapy treatments
Replace irrational thoughts with rational
Humanistic treatment
Don't give advice, but they make you feel like you can accomplish your goals
Psychological treatment
Dream analysis, free association, transference
Behavioral treatment
Counterconditioning, flooding, systematic desensivization
Biological causes of personality disorders
Psychological causes of personality disorders
Problem developing the super ego, childhood experiences
Biological causes for mood disorders
Relatives, genetics, low levels of serotonin and noradrenaline
Psychological causes for mood disorders
Loss of a loves object, learned helplessness
Bilogical causes for somatoform disorders
Psychological causes for somatoform disorders
Repressing for ideen urges, stress becomes a medical problem
Bilogical causes for dissociative disorders
Learn not to think about their urges
Psychological causes for disscoicciative disorders
Repress unacceptable urges
Interaction causes for anxiety disorders
Overactig to physical sensation
Bilogical causes for anxiety disorders
Heredity and genetics
Psychological causes for anxiety disorders
Forbidden child urgers, trauma, avoiding situations that can make them nervous
Biological causes for schizophrenia
Genetics, trauma near birth, born in the winter, and a viral illness
Psycological causes for schizophrenia
Overwhelming of the ego by Overwhelming urges from the id
Symptoms of avoidant personality disorder
Desire a relationship, fear of dissaproval, shy and withdrawn
Symptoms of antisocial personality disorder
Violate the rights of others, aggressive, difficulty to perfo everyday tasks
Symptoms of schizoid personality disorder
True loners, no emotional responsiveness, no tender feelings
Symptoms of paranoid personality disorder
Sispicous, isolated, not confused about reality, and argumentative
Binge eating symptoms
Eating excessively and not doing anything to lose the weight
Symptoms of bulimia nervosa
Eating a lot then pukeing or other ways to lose weight, they stay in normal weight ranges
Annorexia nervosa Symptoms
Starve themselves, trying to eat as little as possible
Bipolar disorder symptoms
Dramatic ups and downs and can't concentrate
Symptoms of major depression
Can't get out of bed, and persistent bad mood
Depersonalizarion disorder symptoms
Describe their feelings as I they were out of their bodies and previously experienced a stressful event
Dissociative identity disorder symptoms
Two or more personalities not aware of the other personalities and they take turns
Symptoms of dissociative fugue
Wake up and think thy Are a different person, possibly a different gender
Dissociative amnesia symptoms
Sudden loss of memory and the memory will suddenly recover
Hypocondroasis symptoms
Believe they have a major disease when they could just have a common cold
Conversion disorder symptoms
Loss of function in a large muscle like an arm
PTSD symptoms
Proy experiences a traumatic event like rape or war
Symptoms of OCD
Check and recheck other things
General anxiety disorder symptoms
Constant worry, severe headaches, lasts longer than 6 months
Symptoms of panic disorders
Dizziness, nausea, sweating, rapid heart bear and choking
Symptoms of agoraphobia
Scared of crowded places
Symptoms of a phobia
Cause to go at great lengths to avoid your fear
Symptoms of disorganized schizophrenia
Word salad and don't make sense when talking
Symptoms of catatonic schizophrenia
Holding uncomfortablempositions for a Lon period of time
Paranoid schizophrenia symptoms
Halucinations and distrusf
Nature v. Nurture
Nature argues that your genetics make you who you are and nurture is who raised you decides how you are going to be
Somatic nervous system
Voluntary muscles
Automatic nervous systems
Involuntary organs
Parasympathetic nevous system
Calms the body after emergencies
Peripheral nervous system
Everywhere but the brain and spinal cord
Sympathetic nervous system
Prepares the body for actions
Drugs that mimic
Fit in the axon terminals and cause more firing
Drugs that block
They block the axon terminal
Drugs that block reuptake
These drugs make neurotransmitters slow down during reuptake
Diffusion of responisbility
Thinking that somebody else will take Care of it
Risky shift
Being more wild in a group
Social loafing
Doing worse in a group because you think someone will take care of your work
Social facilization
Working harder so you don't disappoint the others in the group
Tip of the tongue
Thinking you know it but because of a retreival error we can think of it
Fading of memory
Retreival error
Not being able to find it j your memory because you filed it incorrectly
Long term memory
Holds the most thoughts and memories
Kohlbergs moral reasoning
Scenarios that examine the answer and the reasoning behind it
Zimbardo prison study
Roleplaying experiment where guards became more aggressive and the prisoners become more passive
Milgrams obedience study
People will keep going when they can place blame on a authority figure and if you gradually introduce greater punishment
To repeat
Independent variable
The thing the examiner can changen
Dependent variable
Direct result of the independent variable
Informed consent
Knowing what your getting into
Your name won't be used unless you give them permission
Placebo effect
Taking a sugar pill thinking it's the drug and you get better
Respond to similar stimuli
Stratified sample
Subgroups that can be compared to the general pop.
Target poulation
The entire group that's being studied
Random sample
Selected purely by chance
Positives of observational learning
Learn eating and speaking
Negative of observational learning
We copy what we see and that could be violent crimes
Study of bumps on the skull
An incentive to do something
Methods of conquering phobias
Flooding and systematic desentization
Initial learnig and makes it a conditioned stimulus when it was neutral
Steps to a new behavior
Pair a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus many times then take the unconditioned stimulus away
Single blind study
Volunteers don't know they are being treated
Double blind study
Researcher and the Patients don't know who is being treated
Possitive correlation
Both variable go up
Negative correlation
One hoes up which causes the other to go down
E.C. Tolman
Latent learning
Erik Erikson
Social relationships shape personalities. Stages where conflicts occur
Specific areas of th brain do specific things
Alfere Adler
Inferiority and superiority complex
Karen Horney
Importance of parent child relationships
Unresolved conflicts from childhood come back with the symptoms that you should have experienced as a child
Oedipus complex
You wan to kill the same sex parent so you can have sex with your opposite sex parent
One half of the brain foes one thing and the other half does another
Small sac in the axon terminal
Carl Jung
Collective unconcious
Bypassed the brainto help reflexes when in danger ( touching a hot pan or stove)
Preconcious mind
Where he super ego is
Confirmation bias
Looking to the info that supports your hypothesis
Researcher bias
The researcher looks for the info that he wants
Volunteer bias
Volunteers skew the results
Participant bias
Answering the way you think you should
Nocebo effect
Thinking that you're not being treated when you are
Enviornment influences
Body influences
Thoughts influence
Personal experience influence
The carefree section and forces basic desires
Passes off DNA and fights off anything that harms this
Unconcious mind
Where the Id is
Concious mind
Where the ego is
Confounding variable
Can't be controlled but still influences
Variable interval ratio
Varied times between reinforcements
Fixed interval ratio
Fixed times between reinforcements
Fixed ratio
Reinforcements given after a given amount of correct answers
Variable ratio
Reinforcemnt is given after a varied amount if correct answers
Gives no causes only symptoms and treatment to psych. disorders
Super ego
The perfectionist in you and gives you your morals
The ref between the ID and superego and wants instant gratification
Putting thoughts away
Goin to a more child like state
Putting your faults onto others so you don't get looked at for having those faults
Reaction formation
Replacing something with its opposite
Chanelling anger into sports or unacceptable thoughts into productive ones
First year of life and put things into your mouth
Trying to correct an action by doing good to something completely unrelated
Corpus collasum
Connects the two halves of the brain
Split brain
Corpus is cut and tougher life
When a part of the brain takes over for another
Endocrine system
Slow, uses blood, changes are long lasting
Folded cortex
To fit in the skull
Central nervous system
Spinal cord and brain
Synaptic transmission
Neurotansmitters go from one axon to another
Parietal lobe
Sensations , flight, fight, food, fornication
Temporal lobe
Criticisms of Freud
Not enough data on anyone besides rich white men and can't be tested
Contributions of Freud
Unconcious mind
Aspect of a personality
3 years old and discover sexual differences between genders and they begin to mimic their same sex parents
Stop being aggresive about 5-6 years old
1.5 - 2.5 and can't control all bodily functions and take pleasure in their bowl movements
Conditioned response
Responding to an object that once had no meaning
Conditioned stimulus
Learning that one object is associated with another
Association areas
Unmapped areas of the brain that make us smarter that animals
Pet scan
Shows function by radiation
Ct scan
Shows structure and like a slice load of bread
Measures brain waves and shows function/ activity of the brain
Magnets and shows structure
Reflex and how it works
Sensory-> Interneuron -> motor neuron
Occipital lobe
Frontal lobe
Judgement and filter
Pleasure center
Dissapearance of a conditioned response
Flashbulb memory
Similar to photographic and it's a clear image
Primacy effect
Remembering he things that you first learn
Recency effect
Remembering the last things you learned
Organizing into meaningful subjects
Eye witness testimony
Not reliable because people don't remember clearly in a stresfull situation
Control group
Not gettin treatment
Epeeimental group
People being tested
Cross section
Different age groups are studied at the same time
B.F. Skinner
Reinforcement and rats
Albert bandura
Observational learning in kids
Ivan Pavlov
Dogs and classical conditioning
John watson
Classical conditioning
Negative punishment
Taking someone you want
Negative reinforcement
Taking something you don't want
Positive punishment
Adding something you don't want like chores
Positive reinforcement
Getting something for being good
Uncoditioned response
Unconditioned stimulus
Espousing without being taught
Longitudinal study
Studying a single group over a long period of time
Cheap way of gettin data but people do lie
Case study
Rare situations that can't be repeated but we learn a lot from them
Reinforcement schedules
How often reinforcements occur
Latent learning
Learning that is hidden until needed
Context depending
Easier to retrieve when it's in the context of when its encoded
Loss of memory
Translating so the info can be remembered
Where information is filed
Recalling info
Barnum effect
You think this only alloys to you but it could apply to anybody
Area between axon terminals