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14 Cards in this Set

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what is a stereotype?

an oversimplified, generalized set of ideas that we have about others, for example, secondary head teachers are strict, intimidating, scary and male

what is a prejudice?

a rigid set of attitudes or beliefs towards particular groups of people. These attitudes are usually negative, but not always

what is discrimination?

the way in which an individual behaves towards another person or group as a result of their prejudiced view. this is usually negative, but could be positive.

what is an authoritarian personality?

the idea that people are prejudiced because of their personality. This personality includes: being resistant to change, holding traditional beliefs and values, sticking rigidly to those beliefs, obeying authority and looking down on those of lower status.

what is the f scale?

a questionnaire used to judge if someone has an authoritarian personality created and used by Adorno.

what is an in-group?

a group of people we believe we have something in common with.

what is an out-group?

a group of people we believe we have nothing in common with.

what is the social identity theory?

we become prejudiced because we belong to different groups, so automatically categorise people as in our in-groups and out-groups. we then are prejudiced because it gives us self-esteem to think our in-group is better than another group.

what is competition?

we become prejudiced when we compete with others over scarce resources.

what are scarce resources?

anything valuable and in limited supply, e.g money, jobs, qualifications, prestige, victory.

what is cooperation?

a way of reducing prejudice where people with prejudices work together with those who they are prejudiced against to overcome a problem.

what is the jigsaw technique?

creating groups of people who are prejudiced and the people they are prejudiced against and then giving them a task where everyone has a vital role will lead people to value each other more, therefore reducing prejudice.

what is social contact?

spending more time with the people you are prejudiced against will stop you being as prejudiced.

what is creating empathy?

experiencing how it feels to be prejudiced against makes you less likely to be prejudiced towards others.