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40 Cards in this Set

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What is removed from denominator of repeated-measures ANOVA?
-differences between people
In two factor ANOVA, mean effect is defined as...
Mean differences among levels of one factor
2 Factor ANOVA shows significant main effect for Factor A, and for Factor B.
We can conclude what about interaction.....
2 Levels Factor A
3 Levels Factor B
n=10 for all

df values??
3-1 = 1

2x3=6, 10-1=9 9X6 = 54


Levels B - Levels A
(AxB) x (n-1)
Analysis of variance for 2 factor produces how many F-ratios?
3 F-Ratios (A, B, AxB)
SS(A) + SS(B) + SS(AxB)
Most important reason for ANOVA instead of multiple t?
Multiple t-test --> inflated type 1 error (reject when true)
In ANOVA MS provides measure of ....
in ANOVA, MS(between) provides measure of...
average variability between means
Which SS is directly influenced by size of sample variance?
Which SS is directly influenced by size of sample mean differences?
In 4 x 9 ANOVA, how many factors?

A x B format, how many?
2 Factors (4 and 9)

2 (A and B)
How do main effects influence interaction effects?
-Significant interaction makes it harder to see main effect in a graph

-Mathematically, significant interaction effect does nothing to main effect
Which component remains constant across all F-ratios in two way ANOVA?
Overall variance within groups
F-value cannot be what kind of number?
Negative number
Correlation does not imply
What does correlation describe
Relationship between two variables
Limits of Correlation
Third variable could be affecting

3rd variable problem
NUmerical value called ______to describe relationship in correlation.

How big?
Pearson's R

-1 to 1
What does Pearson's R describe
1. Direction
2. Strength
3. Shape
Positive Direction Correlation
High X value, High Y value

Gets bigger going to right
Negative Direction Correlation
Low X Value, High Y value

Gets smaller going to right
Strength of correlation is indicated by....

On scatterplot?
Magnitiude of pearson's r

-1 to 1

On scatterplot : How loose or tightly clustered
Pearson's R of 0 indicates what?
No relationship
Linear Correlation SHape
points vary around a straight line
Curvilinear Correlation Shape
points vary around curved line
Null hypothesis of Correlation

Alternative hypothesis of Correlation
H(0): p= 0

H(1) = p does not equal 0
When post-hoc test?
If levels of a factor with significant main effect is >2
What is a main effect?
When means are different among levels of factor
What is interaction effect?
when mean differences between cells in table are different than what would be predicted from overall main effects
Interaction in a graph?
Interaction = lines intersect
No interaction = lines parallel
Mean effect in graph?
Distance between lines
Numerator/Denominator of F in One-Way ANOVA
variance between treatments/variance within treatments

variance between / variance within
Hypotheses for One-Way ANOVA
H(0) = u(1) = u(2) = u(3) ...all same

H(1) = atleast one differs
Variance in One-Way ANOVA
MS(between) = treatment effects plus error
MS(within) = error variance
k =
number of treatment conditions
number of total scores
sum of scores in each condition
grand total of all scores
F (ANOVA Test statistics) =
(One way)
MSbetween / MSwithin