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143 Cards in this Set

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Define sexual prejudice.
how we treat people we perceive to be gay/lesbian.
What is the most common reason cited by crime victims for knowing that it was an anti-gay hate crime?
What are some reasons people give for NOT reporting hate crimes?
Expected harassment from police, don't want to be outed, didn't think the police would do anything.
How are the psychosocial adjustments and romantic relationships of adolescents' different for same sex versus opposite sex couples?
They aren't. They're very much the same in both households.
What are the implications of the study regarding children and same sex parents and public policies (97)?
No warrant to change anything. Lesbian mothers are just as good.
What is gender dysphoria?
The feeling of being trapped in a body of the opposite sex.
Behaviors that indicate identification with the opposite gender and behaviors that indicate discomfort with one's own anatomy and gender roles are the criteria for what disorder?
Gener identity disorder.
Hormones and surgery are two of the things you need when...
Transitioning to a different sex.
Why is the Kinsey scale so important?
Because it was one of the first studies to find that sexuality isn't just in categories, but rather on a continuum.
What are the three time frames of the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid?
Past, Present, Ideal.
What are the seven dimesions of the Klein sexual orientation grid?
Attraction, behavior, fantasy, emotional preference, social preference, self id, lifestyle.
Klein sexual orientation grid is important because...
It is a contemporary way to think about sexual orientation-- it asks about specific aspects that are important (research, physiological responses to sexual stimuli..)
Why is it difficult to measure how many people are gay/lesbian?
Self-ID, same-sex attractions or same-sex sexual behavior: More reported having attraction for same sex than admitted to being gay. Numbers going up due to growing acceptance.
Why is marriage so important to some gays/lesbians?
Inheritance rights, legal protections for joint property, hospital visitation, funeral arrangements, financial benefits, etc.
What are some stipulations on legal issues surrounding adoption, employment rights, housing rights?
Non-biological parents can have legal rights to the child, can get fired for being gay in NE, protection against discrimination, housing-- will they rent to you if you're perfceived as gay?
What is the developmental milestone for same sex attraction?
What is the developmental milestone for same sex activity?
What is the developmental milestone for cross sex activity?
What is the developmental milestone for disclosure?
17.9 for both male/females.
How are same sex parenting styles different from heterosexual parents?
Not as warm and child oriented, parents not psychologically healthy. Children may get teased, may not develp normal gender roles, etc.
What predicts how good a family works?
Quality of parenting and warmth of relationship between parents and children-- NOT family type.
Accoring to Rothblum's data about same sex and heterosexual couples and same-sex souples in civil unions...Compared to heterosexual women, lesbians..
... were more likely to share childcare, housework, costs...
Accoring to Rothblum's data about same sex and heterosexual couples and same-sex souples in civil unions... one difference between those with and without a civil union was...
... those with a civil union were more "out" about being lesbian.
Accoring to Rothblum's data about same sex and heterosexual couples and same-sex souples in civil unions.. Compared to heterosexual men, gay men in both types of couples...
... were more likely to share costs, housework, and had more social support from friends.
Which group was the victim of the most violence (includes verbal threats or name calling)?
Gay men.
T or F: Homophobia is a serious and real phobia.
Cultural institutions that favor or suggest heterosexual is better... What is the term for this?
Define Heterocentrism:
Implicit assumption that heterosexuality is better, normal or expected.
T or F: In modern times, being gay was a serious mental disorder that was considered a diagnostic label.
True. It isn't anymore though.
Do treatments to change sexual orientation work? What are some things they try?
No. Psychoanalysis to behavior therapy.
T or F: Treatments to change sexual orientation are not ethical.
True. They are ethical if a signed consent is possessed.
Who is offering treatments to change sexual orientation>?
Religious groups and mental health professionals.
What is one group that has been able to change their sexual orientation after treatment?
Bisexuals. They were bi when they started treatment.
Which notion of race is this describing?: Whites are caucasian because of a mountain near Russia. Had a four-race system. Thought that all races would run into eachother at somepoint.
Blumanbach's notions or race from Gould article.
Define race:
categorization or humans into populations or groups on the basis or various sets of heritable characteristics. Salient phsycial characteristics such as-- skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture.
Which notion of race is this describing?: This "folk sociology" employs essentialist principles to identify variation between social groups. Race is easy to process cognitively and is socially meaningful. Race is a fuzzy, theory driven, and perceived as essentialistic.
Essentialism and Eberhardt and Randall's review of race notions.
Definte prejudice:
Attitude (beliefs, feelings, behavioral predispositions)
Define discrimination.
Behavior against some group.
Define stereotype:
beliefs or cognitive part of prejudice.
Define racism:
individual, institutional, cultural, old-fashioned and modern.
What are 5 theories of racism?
Aversive, old-fashioned, realistic group conflict, integrated threat theory, symbolic.
Which racial theory is this?: theory proposed by Samuel Gaertner and John Dovidio based on the idea that evaluations of racial/ethnic minorities are characterized by a conflict between White's endorsement of egalitarian values and their unacknowledged negative attitudes toward racial/ethnic out-groups.
Averseive racism.
Which racial theory is this?: Characterized by overt hatred for and discrimination against racial/ethnic minorities.
Old-fashioned racism.
Which racial theory is this?: puts forth the concept that limited resources will lead to conflict between gruops and this is a direct reason why discrimination and stereotypes can develop within a society. Sherif.
Realistic group conflict.
Which racial theory is this?: Focuses of four types of threats.
Integrated threat theory.
What are the four types of threats in the Integrated Threat Theory?
1)Realistic (threats to the very existence of the group)
2) Symbolic (perceieved group different in morals, values, standards, beliefs, and attitudes)
3) Intergropu anxiety (feelings of threat people experience during intergroup interactions because people are concerned about negaive outcomes for the self_
4) Threats arising from negaitve stereotypes (can create feelings of threat among ingroup when these thereotypes serve as a basis for negative expectations)
Which racial theory is this?: Belief that the minority group deserves their probelsm because they don't try and fix it.
Symbolic racism.
T or F: White people have a higher self-esteem than colored people?
False. Due to attributional ambiguity and Crockers studies... Negative outcomes attributed to racial bias will lead to protected self-esteem. Protected self-esteem should lead to higher self-esteem.
What are 4 ways for eliminating racial bias?
1) Cognitive approach (change attitudes, interuop contact, etc)
2) Sociological approach (change power structure, economics, social forces)
3) Legal approaches (change behavior directly, hoping attitudes will follow- like in civil rights movement)
4) Contact hypothesis (basis for integration of schools)
These are specific psychological issues facing who?: The consequences of slavry, their cultural legacy, James Jones concept (evolutionary and reactionary) are all psychological issues that still face them today.
African Americans.
These are specific psychological issues facing what group?: domestic violence, dysfunctional health habits, lack of cultural representation in clinical psychology, and high suicide rates.
American Indians.
These are specific psychological issues facing what group?: Continued resentment of how they were treated, model minority implications, and generational conflicts.
Asian American.
These are specific psychological issues facing what group?: Treatment of immigrants, decreasing cultural ties, and cultural conflicts.
Mexican American.
What is sex defined as?
Biological label (chromosomes, hormones, physiology, male/female)
What is gender defined as?
Social label (what's culturally appropriate-- man woman men women)
T or F: Gender identity develops rapidly.
False. Develops over time.
What are social roles?
Set of behaviors assocated with memebers of a social group.
What are gender roles?
Behaviors that are expected of men and women.
Describe the Gender similarities hypothesis (Hyde)--
Most gender differences between men and women are small or not practically important.
If high on both masculinity and femininity, you would be called:
What is the Bem Sex Role Inventory?
Treated masculinity and feminity as personality constructs. Measures leadership (men) and communion (women).
What is this?:

Gender roles --> Gender Behavior --> Gender stereotypes
Social role theory by Eagly.
What is this?
Internally coded, what your genes say. Doesn't necessarily mean that we express it.
What is this?

Outward physically manifestation of our gene (expressed and observable)
What is an example of a sex linked trait?
Is this sex linked or sex limited?:
Carried partially or fully on sex chromosomes?
Sex linked (colorblindedness).
Is this sex linked or sex limited?
Carried on sex chromosomes but need more hormones.
Sex limited (baldness).
A person with characteristics of both sexes would be called...
Gonads start to differentiate around the ___ week or pregnancy.
10th week.
What is the hormone responsible for "rambunctious behavior", competition, impulsiveness, and antisocialness?
Testosterone for men and women.
Disorders of Sexual Development:
XO, appear female, but aren't fertile. Most assigned a sex and take hormones.
Turner syndrome.
Disorders of Sexual Development:
XXX, XXXX, XXXXX-- lower cognitive ability.
Extra X's.
Disorders of Sexual Development:
XXY-- originally linked to aggressiveness and criminality, very tall. Has more of a cognitive deficit than XXX.
Extra Y's.
Disorders of Sexual Development:
XXY-- not fertile, develop male internal and external genitals.
Klinefelter syndrome.
Hormone abnormalities:
More testosterone which is a symptom of a decrease in cortisol-- results in masculinized genitals in XX girls. If not caught, can die. Females with this are more tomboys.
AGS (Adrenogenital syndrome)
Hormone abnormalities:
Receptors in body that normally listen to testosterone don't work. Develop externally as females, not fertible, and most aren't aware until puberty.
AIS (Androgen Insensitivity syndrome)
Hormone abnormalities:
5-alpha reductase-- XY males won't have external genitals.
Genetic Enzyme Deficiency.
Hormone abnormalities:
Tomboy behavior associated with it.
21-hydrooxylase (Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia)
Who developed the Social Learning Theory?
What is the social learning theory?
Learning roles by observation. Operant conditioning and observational learning (bobo doll)
Who developed the Cognitive Developmental theory?
According to Kohlberg, gender constancy is developed around __ or __ years of age.
4 or 5
Gender constancy consists of two things. What are they?
Stability and consistancy.
Children get gender stability at 3 or 4 years. What is it?
Gender does not vary over time. Ex- "were you a boy or girl when you were born?"
What is gender consistacy?
Gender remains the same across physical and behavioral changes. Ex- Gives ken doll a dress-- boy or girl?
T or F: Children get self-schema before general schema?
False. General schema comes first.
An organized network of gender information is called what?
A Schema.
A temporarily organized event sequence related to gender is called what?
A script. Ex- how you play house.
The most rigid gender stereotypes occur around ages __ - __.
According to Martin and Ruble, the cognitive developmental theory includes three main components. They are:
1) Learning (only men have short hair.. includes funny mistakes)
2) Consolidation (really start to apply it)
3) Flexibility (starts to accept changes to the rules they have created)
Regarding education, evidence for girls' crisis includes:
Under achievement/underrepresentation in STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, Math)
Regarding education and egalitarianism of countries... Girls do worse at math when the country is more egalitarian. T or F.
False. Girls do better at math when the country is more egalitarian.
T or F: individual boy do worse than individual girls (regarding education)
There is an exception to the educational boys crisis. What is it?
top of the curve. More boys get perfect SAT scores.
T or F: Single sex education is the best way to go.
False. No evidence to support.
What is it called when women are rated more positivley than men? Because they are more warm and cuddly.
Women are wonderful effect.
What is another name for the Pedestal gutter syndrome?
Madonna-whore dichotomy.
What is the Pedestal gutter syndrome?
Women fall into good category and conform to their roles or they are temptresses and somehow break our societal norms.
In the eyes of Hostile sexism, women are:
inferior and bad-- subjectively negative.
In the eyes of Benevolent sexism, women are:
pure and wonderful-- subjectively positive.
In the eyes of hostile sexism, men are:
abusive of their social powers, sexual predators.
In the eyes of benevolent sexism, men are:
weak and need women to take care of them, the providers for the family and household, women need a man to be complete.
The part of prejudice that we normally think is negative causes what?
Hostile sexism.
According to Glick and Fiske's findings about HS and BS in egalitarian counties: Men endorse what?
Hostile sexism.
Who endorses benevolent sexism in unequal countries?
Who endorses benevolent sexism in equal countries?
T or F: As hostile sexism increases, so does benevolent sexism.
True. There is a positive correlation.
Women earn ___ for every ___ that men earn.
.77 cents for every $1.
Highering and promotion =
Define backlash:
Penalties for successful women in masculine domains (less liked, more derogated)
What are the two dimensions to the stereotype content model?
Competence and warmth.
What two dimensions influence judgements on working men and women?
Competence and warmth.
Working moms are seen as more _____ than _________
Warm than competent.
Working dads are seen as both ____ and _______.
Warm and competent.
Define the term, "opting out":
leaving your career to be a stay at home parent.
What is this describing?: Elusive, tenuous social status.
Precarious masculinity.
This is what?: Masculinity is about not being femininte or gay.
Hegemonic masculinity.
Describe the skater study.
Presence of attractive woman elevates testosterone and physical risk taking in men.
No answer to this.. just a fact:
Kibbutz-- no gender differences in health for agrarian society.
________ is a narrower concept than femininity.
What is are some main differences in mens and womens health?
Men have a greater risk for genetic disorders, greater environmental risks, etc.
T or F: Preferences vary over time and place when itcomes to body image.
What is the definition of sexual objectification.
Not regarding the person as a whole.
Self objectification is defined as:
incrased anxiety, decreased cognitive performance, increased levels of depression.
Self objectification theory states that cultural objectification leads women to internalize observed perspective. T or F?
Do men or women experience objectification more?
What is the relationship between sexual objectification and self objectification?
Sexual objectification --> self objectification --> psychological consequences
What were Fredrickson's findings?
Women wearing swimsuits had greaters body shame than the ones wearing sweaters.
Are men or women more likley to be the victim of a violent crime?
Men. Women just report it more.
What are two types of sexual harrassment?
Quid quo pro
hostile work environment
Which type of sexual harrassment is this: employment or academic decisions are made based on sexual favors that you do for someone higher up
quid quo pro
What type of sexual harrassment is this: offensive, intimidating, or oppressive atmosphere at work.
Hostile work environment.
There are two definitions of rape. What are they?
Conservative - penis in vagina
Liberal - any other unwanted sexual encounters.
Which demographic is more likley to report rape, but less likely to actually be raped?
High SES women.
Rape victims are more likely to be ______ and have a low ___.
young and have a low SES
What is occupational segregation?
It reinforces traditional stereotypes.
Define backlash according to pitfalls.
response to head way that is made that tries to undo progress.
Regarding benevolent sexism, what is this talking about?:
we judge individual members in a social group relative to standards of the group ("she's good at that for a girl")
Shifting standards.
According to the tutorial viewed in class, what are some possible ways to overcome stereotypes in science or other male dominated fields?
Leaders can create leaders by vouching for others/women.
An organization remedy for ending work gender bias inclues Blind hiring. What is that?
When the interviewer doesn't know if it is a man or woman. No name on their sheet. Only see their work or hear how they play something.
T or F: Diverse atmospheres at work only increase stereotypes.
There are two steps for the personal solution when overcoming sexual bias at work.
Awareness of stereotypes
motivation to correct them.
T or F: Confronting the prejudice works?