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27 Cards in this Set

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Timing "on demand" feeding advised
Breast Milk Advantages
passes antibodies
Mother/child closeness
Correct proportion of sugars and fats
Promotes good jaw and teeth development
Smiling and Interaction
-Incapable of social smiles until 2 months
-Motherese-simple, high pitched sentences
Quiet alertness
Regular breathing,focused.
Active Alertness
Makes noise, moves and interacts with environment, heavy and irregular breathing, attention switched, flushed skin
Distressed Alterness
crying, rigid and tense, pink flushed, kicking (2.5 hrs)
Can't keep eyes open-open/shutting, not much activity, slow breathing (1hr)
Sleeping Actively
Moving, deep breaths once in awhile, REM sleep (8hrs)
Deep Sleep
Important, regular heavy breathing, no activity, sleep cycle not set yet
Why important?
Specific involuntary response to specific types of stimulation
EX:sucking-rooting-for feeding (1m)
palmar grasp-grasp in palms (4m)
-survival-sucking for milk
-help parents/kids interact
-Abnormal reflexes is sign of brain damage
Taste and Smell
Babies prefer sweet because of breast milk
-natural smell of mother
-can detect mothers smell of breast milk
well developed at birth,highly sensitive to pain
Sensitive to loud noises
-knows mothers voice
(between 4-7 m,infants have musical phrasing
Visual acuity-how far they can see
-20/600-1 foot away clearly
-ability to recognize mothers face
-1 day old-change sucking looking at pic of mother
-Prefers patterns that are symmetrical-human face,color
Process where axons are covered with myelin-which increases the speed
-happens in womb
-than in 3-5yrs of life and continuing
-last is prefrontal cortex
Cerebral Cortex
Surrounds the brain-outer most layer
-most plastic in first few years
Synaptic Pruning
Neurons that are stimulated that lose their synapses.
-returns neurons not needed at the moment to an uncommitted state so they can support future development
Cell Differentiation
In cortex-neurons assuming specialized functions.
2 Growth patterns for body development
Cephalocaudal Trend-head starts disproportion

Proximodistal-development starts inward then moves out...can control arms before hands, hands before fingers.
skull growth
muscles increase in length and thickness as we age
Fine Motor
prereaching-swiping at something-7wks

Ulnar Grasp-Claw like grip-28 wks

Pincer Grasp-use thumb/forefinger reach for little things-52 wks
Gross Motor
Lots of variability
1.sits without support
2.stands with assistance
3.hands/knees crawling
4.walk with assistance
5.Stands alone
6.Walks alone
Maturational Viewpoint
Unfolding and genetic programmed sequences of events
-infants all around go through this sequence
Experiental Hypothesis
Maturation is necessary but not sufficient
-neglected orphans confined to cribs-no motor skills
Dynamical Systems Theory
-children master motor skills
-work as system-seperate abilities build on each other
-New skills built from previous ones.
Classical Conditioning
Pre learning phase:
unconditioned stimulus-breast milk
conditioned Response-sucking
Neutral Stimulus-touch head
-after awhile child will suck if forehead is rubbed even when there is no milk.
Operant conditioning
infant exhibits particular behavior
specific stimulus follows behavior
Behavior changes in result of stimulus

positive reaction-reinforce-increase
neg reaction-punishes-decrease
Brain Development
Dev.of Neurons.
-increase neural density
-increase in size/complexity dendrites
-synaptogenesis increases in number of synapses
-infants have 150% more synapses than adults