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55 Cards in this Set

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Statistically significant

Chance of error <5%

Standard deviation

Measure of variation around the mean

Correlation coefficient

From -1 to +1

Positive correlation

2 variables change in the same direction

Negative correlation

2 variables change in the opposite direction

Control group

A group that does not receive the manipulation

Developmental psychology

The study of the patterns of continuity and systematic changes that purpose throughout the lifespan of the organism

Processes that influence development

Physical/biological processes and events/ cognitive sciences/sociologie emotional processes

Cross sectional design

Observing groups of subjects of varying ages at one time. Ex 3 groups, 6 8 and 10 yrs old

Longitudinal design

Observing subjects of the same age at varying times across their lifespan; one group, same age,studied over a period of time

Sequential Design

Combines cross sectional and longitudinal; more than one group, subjects within each group are of the same age, but each group differs from the others in age, studied over a period of time


Agents that can cause birth defects (illness, substance abuse, diet, stressors, pollution)

Normative development

Same for all; maturation

Unique development

Environment or genetic factors affect timing of specific events/phases/abilities

Epigenetic effects

A specific G × E interaction where E alters aspects of genetic material (chromosome)

Process of fetal development

Germinal, embryonic, fetus

Visual acuity

Assess with preference for patterns


New info understood in terms of existing schemes


New info leads to modification of old schemes and creation of new schemes


Mental représentations of the kinds of actions which can be performed on a category of objects

Sensorimotor stage (0 - 2)

The child understands the world in terms of basic sensory and motor processes

Object permanence

Objects exist even if you don't perceive them

Hiding task

Used for object permanence; failed

Impossible event

For object permanence; a surprise




Production of speech

Preoperational stage (2 - 7)

Language emerges;

3 mtns

Requires a lot of memory so not good

Concrete operational stage (7 - 12)

Emergence of logical thought; cause and effect; understand law of conservation, transitivity and class inclusion

Formal operational (12 -> )

Emergence of abstract reasoning, think hypothetically


Early manifestation of personality: emotional reactivity, activity, and self regulation

Dimensions of temperament

Behavioral inhibition, activity lvl, negative affectivity, impulsivity, sociability

Catégories of child temperament

Easy children, slow to warm up children, and difficult children

Easy children

Adjust well

Slow to warm up children

More fearful

Difficult children

Irritable, poor self control; much more likely to have behavioral problems later in life


Assessed via the strange situation test


Upset when mom leave, happy when returns, high self esteem, self reliance, social skill, lower risk for problems at adolescence


Avoidant, resistant, or disorganized


Don't care if mother is present


Cling to mother, very angry if she leaves


Depressed/unresponsive when mother leaves

Parenting style with dimensions

2 dimensions: demanding and responsiveness to child


High demand and parent centered; lower initiative, lower social competence


High demand and child centered; high social competence and self-esteem


Low demand and paren't centered; lack self control and low esteem


Low demand and child centered; lack self control and low esteem

Trust vs mistrust 0 - 1 yr

Experiencing dependable caregivers

Autonomy vs shame and doubt 2 - 3 yrs

Controlling environment

Initiative vs guilt 3 - 6 yrs

Enacting plans, self control

Identity vs rôle confusion adolescence

Establishing a secure identity

Moratorium period

Searching, questioning, role experimentation; no formal commitments to occupation

Identity confused (diffused)

No goals or commitments, apathy; poor relationships, lack sense of self

Identity achieved

Firm commitments to ideals, goals after a period of questioning

Identity foreclosure

Unquestioning acceptance of ideals and career commitments from parents/authority