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48 Cards in this Set

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the science of behavior and mental processes

Two Examples: 1.Candid Camera and 2. Multiple Personalities

1. Difference between public and private behavior when the teacher is in or out of the room

2. 1 woman with multiple personalities

What are the benefits of the pop psychology found in many magazines?


History of Psychology

Aristotle theorized about learning and memory, motivation and emotion, perception and personality.

Wilhelm Wudnt

(doctor) noticed that people react differently to the same stimuli




look at basic elements


how and why; function of consciousness


paying close attention as scientific as possible

example of introspection&structuralism

What does a candy kiss feel like on your tounge?

-smooth, poky, creamy..etc.

-many different answers

Major school of thought: Behavioral

only observable elements (stimulus-response relation) can be studied scientifically.

Major school of thought: Psychodynamic

unconscious motives and experiences in early childhood govern personalities and mental disorders

(things that happen in early childhood)

Major school of thought: Humanism

humans are free, rational beings with the potential for personal growth

(people are different from animals)

Major school of thought: Cognitive

Human behavior cannot be fully understood without examining how people process info.

Major school of thought: Biological

structure/ chemistry within our brains

Major school of thought: Evolutionary

adaptive behavior

Variety of psychologists.


industrial + organizational


private practice

business + government

elementary and secondary schools


gets degree in psych (PHD)

does clinical work


(MD) doctor-med school-residency-can prescribe medicine.

Nature vs. Nurture

nature: learn from parents/enviro/culture

nurture: genetics/inherited/traits

interaction of mind and body

what you're thinking about has an effect on your body.

Methods psychologists use: Observation

observe systematically

strength: can be like real life

weak: we are not always good observers/bias/limited topics

Methods psychologists use: Interviews and case studies

one person or few are observed/ interviewed

strength: further understanding/generates hypothesis

weak: sample may not be representation and could be misleading/bias

Questionnaires and opinion surveys

Random sample: cheap, rather easy, lots of info for lots of people

Problems with wording of questions: people lie, wording of questions matter, bais


relationship between 2 variables

+1 variable, ^, the other ^

-1 variable ^, the other variable down

srength: can use survery research

weak: does not specify cause and effect

experimental design

manipulation of an independent variable to observe the effect on the dependent variable

strength: measures cause and effect

weak: may not be ethical

double blind

person and giver doesnt know which pill is a placebo or not was given

modern risk of harm, when is there too much deception?

be careful- special issues with children

Example: What is the effect of smiling on mood?

Independent and Dependent?

Independent: smiling
Dependent: mood


what makes up our nervous system.

there job is to transit messages

if nueron dies it dies


takes care of nuerons


segments of the neuron that receive stimulation in order for the cell to become active. They conduct electrical messages to the neuron cell body for the cell to function.


cell body


conducts electrical impulses away from the neuron's cell body or soma.

myelin sheath

white gooey stuff

terminal buttons

release neurotransmitters, and activate them.

receptor site

places where neurotransmitters fit in

action potential

another name for firing

all or none law

fire or not fire


space between neurons


(the food we eat/drugs we take) go to receptor site

excitatory or inhibitory

fire or dont fire


chemicals are reobsorbed

Briefly tell me in your own words about 4 of the modern schools of thought

Behavioral: (stimulus -response)

Humanism: humans are free, rational beings with the potential for personal growth

evolutionary: adaptive behavior

biological:structure/ chemistry within our brains

what are the major advantages and disadvantages of using experimental method?

high level of control
experiment can be replicayted
little bias
accurate data

cannot really be connected to real world
cannot control personal differences

what are the major advantages and disadvantages of using questionnaires? why did i ask n class about the 2 most important problems facing this country? what was i trying to demonstrate?

strength: you get an answer quicky

large amount of info collected at one time

weakness: alot of bais

no way to tell if its truthfull

In the laura likes latte candies experiment, what is the independent variable and dependent variable, control group and experimental group? how would you operationally define alcohol and driving ability?

independent variable:

dependent variable:

controlled group: regular roll call

experimental group: volunteers who told things they liked with their names

Draw a neuron and a synapse and lable 5 parts. and explain what 2 of them do. say which part are electrical or chemical


From the video, what is stem cell research? why does it offer hope? what will it be able to do? why are some people against continued research?

Stem cell research is used to prevent further problems and find ways to cure health problems(medicine/surgeries) . Some people are against it because it's hurting those who scientists are taking cells from.