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49 Cards in this Set

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Phases of Sexual responsive cycle
Excitement Phase
Plateau Phase
Refractory Period
Sexual Disorders
impaired sexual arousal or functioning
peak during ovulation among animals
rats and female humans regained their sexual interest when being rejected
Reasons for contraceptive non-use
Little Communication about bc
Alcohol Use
Media norms of unprotected promiscuity
Psychological disorders
Patterns of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors, that are deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional
Is a clinical syndrome present?
Is a personality disorder or intellectual disability present?
Is a general medical condition present?
Are psycosocial or environmental problems present?
What is the global assessment of this person's functioning?
David Rosehan study
shows how labels can misdiagnose disorders
Generalized Anxiety disorder
continually tense and uneasy for no reason
Panic Disorder
minutes long episode of fear that something bad is going to happen
Stimulus generalization
person attacked by dog later fears dogs
avoiding the feared situation reduces anxiety
Natural selection
we are biologically prepared to fear threats faced by our ancestors
some are predisposed to anxiety; anxiety gene that affects serotonin and glutamate
overarousal of brain areas involved in impulse control and habitual behaviors
Mood disorders
emotional extremes; major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder
alternating between mania and depression; large mood swings
left frontal lobe during depression
inactive; handles positive emotions
severe depression frontal lobes
7% smaller
increases arousal and boosts mood; scare during depression, over-abundant during mania
Scare during depression
Depressions vicious cycle
Stressful experience
Negative Explanatory Style
Depressed Mood
Cognitive and Behavioral Changes
Attribution Theory
theory that we explain someone's behavior by crediting either the situation or the person's disposition
Fundamental attribution error
the tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition
feelings influenced by our beliefs that predispose our reactions to objects, people and events. Mean person= dislike and act unfriendly towards
Scare during depression
Depressions vicious cycle
Stressful experience
Negative Explanatory Style
Depressed Mood
Cognitive and Behavioral Changes
Attribution Theory
theory that we explain someone's behavior by crediting either the situation or the person's disposition
Fundamental attribution error
the tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition
feelings influenced by our beliefs that predispose our reactions to objects, people and events. Mean person= dislike and act unfriendly towards
Central Route Persuasion
occurs when people are naturally analytical or involved in the issue
Peripheral Route Persuasion
occurs when issues don't engage systematic thinking
Foot-in-the-door Phenomenon
tendcy for someone to adhere to a small request and later adhere to a larger one
a set of explanations about a social position, defining how those in the position ought to behave
Cognitive dissonance theory
theory that we act to minimize discomfort we feel when 2 of our thoughts conflict
changing one's opinion or behavior to that of a group's norm
Normative social influence
influence resulting from one's desire to gain approval/ avoid disapproval
Information social influence
influence from one's willingness to accept other's opinions about reality
changing one's opinion or behavior to that of a group's norm
Social Facilitation
stronger responses to simple or well-learned tasks in front of others
Normative social influence
influence resulting from one's desire to gain approval/ avoid disapproval
Social Loafing
the tendency for people in a group to exert less energy when pooling their efforts together toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable
Information social influence
influence from one's willingness to accept other's opinions about reality
Social Facilitation
stronger responses to simple or well-learned tasks in front of others
Social Loafing
the tendency for people in a group to exert less energy when pooling their efforts together toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable
the loss of self-awareness and self restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity
Group polarization
the enhancement of a group's prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group
the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-- making group overrides a realistic approval of alternatives
Effects of group interaction
motivate people to exert themselves, make easy tasks easier and difficult tasks harder, enhance humor or fuel mob violence