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22 Cards in this Set

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The fight-or-flight response involves which systems?

1. The sympathetic nervous system

2. The endocrine system

According to Lazarus's model, the subjective experience of stress is a result of...

the balance between primary and secondary appraisal.

In the study of York University students, Friedlander et al. concluded that better adjustment of students was predicted by...

increased social support from friends.

People feel stress when they believe that they don't have enough...

Time, money, or effort available to them.

What changes does stress produce?

1. emotional

2. cognitive

3. physiological

4. adverse performance

What is general adaption syndrome?

Reactions to stress go through 3 stages:

1. Alarm

2. Resistance

3. Exhaustion

Whether an event is stressful or not depends on what?

How it is appraised.

Negative, uncontrollable or unpredictable, ambiguous, overwhelming, or threatening to central life tasks events usually produce stress.

What are the after-effects of severe stressors?

1. persistent physiological arousal

2. psychological distress

3. reduced task performance

4. eventual declines in cognitive ability

Which populations are particularly vulnerable to the effects of stress?

1. Children

2. The elderly

3. The poor

What kind of events are likely to produce stress?

Events that force a person to make a change

What is the acute stress paradigm?

The finding that when people are induced to perform stressful tasks, they show short-term psychological distress, sympathetic activation, and neuroendocrine responses.

Used to test which events people find stressful.

What is an allostatic load?

Physiological efforts by the body to meet the demands of stress; allostasis.

What factors does the development of chronic strain depend on?

1. type of stressor

2. subjective experience of stress

What is person-environment fit?

A person's assessment of whether their resources are sufficient to meet the demands of their environment

What is primary appraisal?

attempting to determine the meaning of an event in a new or changing environment

What is secondary appraisal?

The assessment of one's coping abilities in regards to a stressful event

What is reactivity?

The degree of change that occurs in autonomic, neuroendocrine and/or immune responses as a result of stress.

What is role conflict?

When a person receives conflicting information about work tasks or standards.

What is role ambiguity?

Not having a clear idea of what needs to be done, or the standards of evaluation of work.

Define stress

Stress is a negative emotional experience accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological, cognitive, and behavioural changes that aim to either alter or adapt to a stressful event

What is the tend-and-befriend theory of stress?

in addition to fight-or-flight responses, humans react to stress through social and nurturing behaviors.

What is work-life balance?

Attempting to combine multiple roles simultaneously