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25 Cards in this Set

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Why do anxiety problems go untreated?
Hard to distinguish between normal, adaptive anxiety, and maladaptive anxiety.
What is agoraphobia?
Fear of public places or being trapped.
What are the most common anxiety disorders?
Separation anxiety and specific phobia (4 to 10%)
What is the prevalence rate of OCD?
2 to 3%
What is the defect in Chediak-Higashi syndrome?
Defective microtubule polymerizaion (decreased phagocytosis).
recurrent pyogenic infections
partial albinism
peripheral neuropathy
Developmental fears occur about the same age cross culturally, true or false?
What is the age of onset for SAD?
7 to 8
What is the age of onset for OCD
9 to 12 (although some younger, around 6)
What is the age of onset for GAD
10 to 14
What is the age of onset for social phobia and panic disorder?
What did the longitudinal study in New Zealand find about anxiety and comorbidity?
As number of anxiety disorders increase, comorbidity with depression and substance abuse increases, and less likely to go to university
OCD left unchecked will resolve itself, true or false?
Depression left untreated will usually go away, but will relapse. True or false?
What is heterotypic continuity?
Having one type of problem predicts another (i.e. anxiety disorders predict depression, substance abuse)
Panic disorder has the lowest remission rate. True or false?
What disorder has the highest rate of comorbidity with anxiety?
Is avoidant behaviour a positive or negative reinforcement?
It is removing an aversive stimulus, so it is a negative reinforcement.
What is the maintenance model of OCD?
Obsessive thought, appraisal, fear/disgust reaction, neutralization, reduce distress
What were the results of the Waters et al. study?
Anxious children showed an attentional bias for emotional faces (did not matter which emotion)
How do parents contribute to anxiety?
Modeling and low expectations
What were the results of the Barrett et al. study?
After talking with their parents, anxious kids offered more avoidant solutions, while ODD kids offered more aggressive solutions.
CBT approaches are typically recommended first for children suffering from anxiety. True or false?
What is the main problem with prescribing medication for anxiety disorders?
Medication only treats the symptoms, not the root causes of the disorder. Between 20 to 90% of people with panic disorder will relapse when they stop taking medication.
What are the core features of anxiety?
Focus on threat or danger, future oriented, anxious apprehension, strong negative emotion or tension, cognitive shifts, and behavioural patterns
What was the outcome of the POTS study (Pediatric OCD Treatment Study)?
CBT was much more effective at Penn than Duke, and medication was much more effective at Duke than Penn.