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18 Cards in this Set

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predictability celing?
typically reflected in a max stat correlation of .30 b/w measured individual differences on a given trait dimension and behavior in a novel situation that tests that dimension
fundamental attribution error? (correspondence bias)
people's inflated beliefs in the importance of personality traits and dispositions, together with the failure to recognize the importance of the situational factors in affecting behavior.
social psyc tripod?
1) principle of situationism
2) principle of construal
3) concept of tension systems
1) principal of situationism? (part of the tripod)
Lewin: behavior is a function of the person and the situation (function of life space= individual and his subjective interpretation of the environment)
Lewin situationism= social context created potent forces producing or constraining behavior
channel factors?
important details of the situation (refers to small but critical facilitators or barriers) ex: commitment to a course of action
2) principal of construal? (part of the tripod)
the impact of any objective stimulus situation depends upon the personal and subjective meaning that the actor attaches to the situation
actors construal of the situation?
the manner in which the person understand the situation as a whole (construal issues are important if our goal is to control or change behavior)
knowledge structure that summarizes generic knowledge and previous experience with respect to a given class of stimuli and events and gives meaning/guide anticipation w/ respect to similar stimuli and events in the future
tools of construal?
schemas, scripts, models, social representations, strategies... helping people make sense of events they observe
3 errors of construal?
1) failure to recognize the degree to which one's own understanding of stimuli is the result of an active/constructive process rather than a passive reception/registering of external reality.
2) failure to appreciate the inherent variability of situational construal
3) causal attributions for behavior: people fail to recognize the extent to which observed actions/outcomes especially atypical ones may prove to be diagnostic not of the actors dispositions but rather of the objective situational factors facing the actor and actors subjective construal of those factors.
3) the concept of tension systems? (part of the tripod)
behavior has to be derived from a totality of coexisting facts and those coexisting facts have the character of a dynamic field as the state of any field depends on every other part of the field.
3 contributions to the tension system?
1) an analysis of restraining factors can be as important to understanding and anticipating the effects of a newly introduced stimulus as an analysis of the stimulus itself.
2) converse of the first: systems sometimes stay balanced precariously on the cusp of change. (quasi stationary equilibrum can be hard to change b/c of the balance of opposing forces that maintain and in a sense overdetermine the status quo)
3) a small manipulation may take advantage of the precarious balance of the system or facilitate an important channel factor moving the system by redirection rather than by brute force
quasi stationary equilibrum: certain processes levels fluctuate w/in the confines imposed by certain constraining or impelling forces. The level can be easy to move up or down within certain relatively narrow limits, harder to more beyond those limits (can add or increase impelling forces- increasing intention in the system; one can eliminate or weaken the restraining forces that impede the desired change- decrease tension in the system)
FESTINGER: people do not like to be in a state of disagreement: 3 balance-restorative processes?
1) attempts to change other's opinion to move them in line w/ our own
2) receptivity to others similar attempts to change one's attitude
3) tendency to reject others from the group to the extent that they refuse to move toward the central tendency of opinion in the group
contrary attitudes exist in state of tension- one attitude of the other must be changed until the system is restored.
butterfly effect?
small, unanticipated pertubation that can have dramatic effects
statistical criteria of size? (Cohen)
the magnitude of experimental effects should be judged relative to the variability of the measure in question. (diff b/w 2 means that corresponds to 1/4 of the standard deviation is SMALL, a diff corresponding to 1/2 standard deviation is MODERATE and diff corresponds to the whole standard deviation would be LARGE)
pragmatic criteria of size?
effects are small or big relative to the obstacles and how much you care
expectation criteria of size?
effects may be regarded of big or small relative to what we expected them to be.