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27 Cards in this Set

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Reaction to danger or threat
Cognitive Component
Thought - Threat, Danger
Somatic Component
Psychophysiological reaction - Sweating, Increased HR
Behavioral Component
Voluntary - Actions
Emotional Component
Feeling - Anxiety, Deprssion
An uncomfortable feeling of apprehension, fear and uncertainty triggered by unspecified factors, or "the unknown"
Indicators of Anxiety
-Accelerated Heart Rate
-Increased Perspiration
-Adrenaline Secretion
-Respiration Deepens
-Digestion Slows
Abnormal Anxiety
-Triggered by SUBJECTIVE ideas, without evidence of OBJECTIVE threat
-Disproportionate and debilitating
-Unrealistic or irrational by nature
-Persistent and impairing
Anxiety Disorders
-Group of disorders marked by free floating feelings of tension, apprehension, anxiety, and fear
-Feelings may be persistently or periodically experienced
-Not triggered by objective danger; but, persistent feeling of being in danger
Phobic Disorder
-An anxiety disorder marked by intense bouts of intense fear, often accompanied by avoidance of the triggering stimuli
-Triggering stimulus presents no objective threat
Phobic Disorder (Symptoms)
-Sweating and trembling
-Chocking sensation
-Dizziness, nausea, hyperventilation
-Increased tension and perspiration
Social Phobia (1 of 3 phobia classes)
-Intense irrational fear related to concerns about being judged, evaluated, or scrutinized by others
-Intense involuntary physical symptoms
Agoraphobia (1 of 3 phobia classes)
-Intense irrational fear triggered by idea of being in open, vulnerable, unprotected situations
-Intense involuntary physical symptoms
Specific Phobia (1 of 3 phobia classes)
-Intense irrational fears triggered by certain objects or situations that ARE NOT objectively threatening
Panic Disorder
-A condition marked by sporadic, unpredictable bouts of panic sufficient to disrupts normal functioning
-The unexpected bout of panic is followed by 1 month of persistent concern about having another attack
Panic Symptoms
Intense period of anxiety with 4 or more symptoms of Palpitations, Sweating, Shaking, Shortness of Breath, Chest Pain, Choking Sensation, Fear, Nausea, Abdominal Distress, Fear of Dying, Fear of Loosing Control, Chills, Hot Flushes, etc.
Panic with Agoraphobia
-An anxiety condition marked by avoidance of situations in which panic or intense, uncontrolled anxiety attacks may occur
-Symptoms include worry about the implications of attack and fear of additional attacks
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
-Conditions marked by recurring unwanted thoughts, and/or patterns of ritualistic, repetitive acts
-Ritualistic behaviors aims to reduce or avoid anxiety
-Efforts to suppress or ignore though prove futile
The uncontrolled repetitive thoughts/ideas accompanied by anxiety
The ritualistic or repetitive actions accompanied by anxiety
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
-Conditions marked by excessive anxiety, apprehension, and worry persisting for 6 months
-Within a 6 month time period, more days of worry than not
-Worry Wart
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Symptoms)
Restlessness, fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbance, general tension and discomfort
Stress Related Anxiety Disorders
-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
-Acute PTSD
-Chronic PTSD
-Delayed PTSD
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Clinical reaction to stressor marked by recurring memories, night terror, difficulty working, depression, numbness, panic, worry, etc.
Acute PTSD
Symptoms onset and persist less than 3 months of trauma
Chronic PTSD
Symptoms last 3 months or longer
Delayed PTSD
Onset of symptoms after 6 months