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32 Cards in this Set

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Person displaces hostility away from a dangerous object and onto a safer substitute

I.E. After your parking spot is taken, you release pent up anger by starting an argument with your roommate
Defense Mechanism
Unconscious process used by ego to reduce anxiety
Unconsciously forgetting

I.E. An executive's desire to run amok and attack his boss and colleagues at a board meeting is denied access to his awareness.
Failure to admit into consciousness

I.E. You are not prepared for tomorrow's final exam, but you tell yourself that it's not actually an important exam and that there's no good reason not to go to a movie tonight.
Psychological growth stops at a pre-genital stage
Reaction Formation
Conscious behaviors are exaggerated opposite of unconscious desires

I.E. A man experiences homosexual feelings and responds by taking a strong anti homosexual stance.
Psychological return to an earlier stage of functioning

I.E. A boy who cannot cope with the anger he feels toward his rejecting mother regresses to infantile behavior, soiling his clothes and no longer taking care of his basic needs.
Channeling socially unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable behavior

I.E. Athletes, artists, surgeons, and other highly dedicated and skilled people may be reaching their high levels of accomplishment by directing otherwise potentially harmful energies into their work.
Ascribing to another, one's own unacceptable impulses/urges

I.E. The executive who repressed his destructive desires may project his anger onto his boss and claim that it is actually the boss who is hostile.
Defense that involves justifying actions to reduce anxiety; plausible or reasonable explanations are invoked

I.E. A student explains away poor grades by citing the importance of the "total experience" of going to college and claiming that too much emphasis on grades would actually interfere with a well-rounded education.
Repress emotions; and act on cognition

I.E. A woman who has been beaten and raped gives a detached, methodical description of the effects that such attacks may have on victims.
Engaging in one behavior to nullify or negate another

I.E. Those who wash their hands repeatedly,
for example, may be symbolically undoing their unacceptable id impulses
Psychosexual Stages
Sigmund Freud's stages include; Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
0-18mo ID present at birth; ego develops
2-3yrs Ego is strengthened through efforts to control bowel activities
3-5yrs Oedipus and Electra complexes; superego develops
6-11yrs Sexual interest repressed; social behaviors manifest
Adolescence maturity with ability for reciprocal relationships
Behavioral Perspective
Theoretical idea that abnormal behavior results from learning or from environmental experiences
Learning Process
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Learning process wherein reflexive behaviors are changed by associating stimuli

Learning occurs by pairing the CONDITIONED STIMULUS (CS) with the UNCONDITIONED STIMULUS (UCS) until a CONDITIONED RESPONSE (CR) is acquired
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) causes the unconditioned response

Conditioned Stimulus (CS) causes the conditioned response (CR)
Stimuli Distinction
Unconditioned (natural) stimuli and responses

Conditioned (trained) stimuli and responses
Operant Conditioning
Process in which voluntary behaviors are changed using reinforcement and punishment
Consequences used to encourage certain voluntary behaviors
Positive Reinforcement
Desirables delivered to encourage
Negative Reinforcement
Withholding pain to encourage behaviors
Painful or adverisve consequences used to discourage certain voluntary behaviors
Positive Punishment
Delivery of painful or uncomfortable consequences to discourage behavior
Negative Punishment
Withholding a positive or desirable consequence to discourage behavior
Conditional process in which voluntary and involuntary behaviors are changed a s a result of a model's influence
Modeling Process
1. Subject observes model
2. Subject remembers behaviors observed
3. Subject imitates
4. Vicarious reinforcement encourages practice