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45 Cards in this Set

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Adjustment Disorders
-Clinical significant emotional and behavioral symptoms triggered by identifiable psychosocial stressors
-Mildest clinical psychological reaction to stress
Adjustment Disorder (Symptom Onset)
3m and persist 6m
Adjustment Disorder (Symptoms)
-No mental impairment loss of reality ties
-Distress apparent to client
Psychophysiological Disorders
-Conditions in which physical symptoms, pain and damage are caused in part by STRESS
-AKA psychosomatic disorders
Migraine Headaches
Stress affects cranial blood flow, resulting in severe pain, dizziness, nausea, increased sensitivity to light, sounds, or pressure, after aura
Stress induced pressure on the arterial walls as blood is pumped. Systolic/Diastolic
Myocardial Infarction
Arterial blockage results in damage to heart's muscles, chest pain, sweating, tingling sensation, shortness of breath, pain in the shoulder, etc and can result in death
HR > 100 can be in part by unmanaged stress
Angina Pectoris
-A condition marked by restricted blood flow through the heart w/chest pain
-Pain in jaw or shoulder not uncommon
-No damage to heart's muscle
Tension Headaches
Intense pain and tightness in the head, neck, and shoulder caused in part by stress. Nagging pain that may be dull
A stress induced restriction of airways, resulting in wheezing, coughing and choking
Condition marked by difficulty falling asleep or maintaining sleep, with anxiety, depression, fatigue, etc.
Bacterial infection accompanied by stress results in lesions on wall of stomach with pain burning, bleeding, etc.
Biofeedback Therapy
The feedback of biological information (Heart monitor, sweat sensor, etc) to client in an effort to teach client to control physical responses.
Relaxation Training
Clients are trained or guided into a state of calm
Clients focus concentration to induce a state of peace, control and calm
Altered states of consciousness induced
Somatoform Disorder
Anxiety based conditions characterized by experience of physical symptoms in the absence of a biological cause
-Disorder marked by preoccupation with illness, symptoms, unwarranted fear of disease, etc.
-Irrational fear persists despite lack of biological evidence, and medical reassurance
-Preoccupation with, and distortion of minor symptoms
Conversion Disorder
-Conditions with loss of sensation or loss of voluntary motor functions without an organic cause I.E. GLOVE ANESTHESIA, PSEUDOCYESIS, HYSTERICAL BLINDNESS, HYSTERICAL DEAFNESS, HYSTERICAL PARALYSIS
Glove Anesthesia
Conversion disorder marked by loss of feeling or sensation in hands. Entire hand from fingers tips to wrist becomes numb without evidence of physical cause
Conditions with symptoms of pregnancy (morning sickness, Abdominal swelling, soreness of breast, etc) without conception
Hysterical Blindness
Loss of vision without physical cause
Hysterical Deafness
Loss of hearing without physical cause
Hysterical Paralysis
Loss of voluntary motor function without a physical cause
Somatization Disorder
-Marked by chronic complaints of pain in specific areas of the body
-Multiple complaint often dramatized
-Accompanying anxiety low (labelle indifference)
Somatization Disorder (Specifics)
-Four pain symptoms E.X. head, back, joints, chest, etc
-Two gastrointestinal symptoms E.X. diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc
-One sexual symptom E.X. excessive or irregular menses, erectile dysfunction, sexual indifference, etc.
One pseudo-neurological symptom E.X. impaired coordination, difficulty swallowing, deafness, ETC.
-Symptoms before 30yr and last four years of life
Pain Disorder
-Chronic complaints of pain that cause significant distress and impair social and occupational functioning
-No evidence of physical cause
-Symptoms may involve one or more anatomical sites
-Symptoms NOT voluntarily induced
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
-Condition marked by preoccupation w/minor defects or a slight physical anomaly
-Vascular markings, wrinkles, acne, chin, jaw, noise, feet, hands, breast, penis
Dissociative Disorders
-Group of conditions marked by fragmentation in consciousness, memory, identity, or usual sense of self affected
-No loss of reality ties, no hallucinations, no delusions
Dissociative Identity Disorder
-Condition w/two or more separate identities
-Each identity has unique thoughts, feelings, and actions, not consolidated into state of consciousness
-At least two of these identities recurrently take control of the person's behavior
-Frequent gaps in memory for personal history
-Self mutilation suicidal and aggressive behaviors, feelings of depression
-Episodic and continuous amnesia
Mutually Amnestic
Lack or reciprocal awareness - some identities are aware others, but the awareness is not mutual
One Way Amnestic
Tunnel awareness - one identity is aware of the other but not vise versa
Mutually Cognizant
Reciprocal awareness between identities - Each identity is well aware of the other, good stage for therapy
Dissociative Amnesia
-Condition marked by the inability to recall permanent & personal information. Trauma is often a factor
-Memories that defines personal history is forgotten (lost)
-No evidence of delusions or hallucinations
Localized Amnesia
Loss of time period
Selective Amnesia
Loss of specific events
Generalized Amnesia
loss of all identity-related info
Continuous Amnesia
Inability to form new memories forward of trauma
Depersonalization Disorder
-Condition marked by feelings of unreality
-Estrangement from one body or personal experiences
-Persistent feelings of being from one's body as a observer
Dissociative Fugue
-Condition marked by sudden departure from home
-Sudden, unexpected travel away from home and place or work
-inability to recall one's past
-Confusion about identity
Factitious Disorders
-Conditions with voluntarily induced physical or psychological symptoms
-Symptoms usually presented with dramatic flare
-Vague with details when questioned
Munchausen Syndrome
-Factitious disorder with symptoms, complaints, and concerns that are voluntarily induced psychological benefits
-Presentation of symptoms include fabrication of subjective complaints, falsification of objective signs or exaggeration of preexisting medical conditions
-symptoms induced for personal gain or tangible gain
-Insurance benefits
-Disability status and related benefits
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
-Conditions in which symptoms are imposed upon unsuspecting or vulnerable victims to gain attention