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51 Cards in this Set

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Founded by Bin laden; rid Muslim world of non-Muslim influence; worldwide Caliphate

Balance of Power

national security is enhanced when military capabilities are distributed so not one state is strong enough to dominate all others

Collective Security

each state in the system accepts that the security of one is the concern of all, and therefore commits to a collective response to threats


significant aspects of international relations are historically and socially constructed, rather than inevitable consequences of human nature or other essential characteristics of world politics


The use of military threats as a means to deter international crises and war

First Strike

Preemptive surprise attack employing overwhelming force.


Palestinian self-determination, Sunni Islamism, Islamic fundamentalism, Larger than al-Qaeda

Hegemonic War

War between hegemons - Leader states


a leader state that rules geopolitically over subordinate states by means of power through force


Shia Islamism, anti-West; Lebanon-based


members of a group are mutually dependent on each other


taking back a territory that is historically or culturally yours

liberal institutionalism

international organizations can increase and aid cooperation between states; trade promotes peace; Immanuel Kant

Limited War

Belligerents do not use all available resources to wage war.


worldwide theory focusing on class relations and change brought about by peasants. Lennin


identifying or being attached to one's nation


states achieve cooperation because it is in their interests to do so; states learn to use institutions in the new political arena; states work alone to pursue self-interests in a world of anarchy

Nuclear proliferation

spread of nuclear weapons and fissionable material

Peace Studies

Focus on conflict resolution; very critical of militarism; peace movements should include people who are actively engaged; nonviolent movement


States are not people - they are made up to make sense of actions; arguing against over-simplifications; argues that problem with realism is it only looks at the state (ex: Looking at USSR while it is made up of many satellite nations)

Prisoner's Dilemma

Game theory: two rational individuals might not cooperate even if it appears to be in their best interests to do so.


IR is power and dominance; military is most important power capability; there is nothing above state level; idealism


favors or benefits should be returned


withdrawing from something

Second Strike

assured ability to retaliate back against an opponent after a nuclear strike


nations based on equal rights have the right to freely choose their leaders and international political status without interference

state sovereignty

nation-states have sovereignty over their territory with no role for other influence


Afgan-based; anti-modern;gender segregation; traditionalist; anti-nationalist; jihad

Total War

belligerent mobilizes its population for war production; no prisoners; strategic bombing; blockade, scorched earth; suppressing resistance

Zero sum

all gains are exactly balanced by losses

Current nuclear powers

USA, Russia, France, UK, China, India

Democratic Peace Theory

democracies are hesitant to engage in armed conflict with othe democracies

ethnic conflict

The Holocaust, Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda, Armenian Genocide,

Fukuyama's End of History

human history should be viewed as a battle of ideologies that ended with western liberal democracy; those who have not reached the end of history will be in conflict with those who have; shift to economic conflict and environmental issues

Huntington's Clash of Civilizations

culture and religion will be the primary source of conflict; divided world into sections; why: world becoming smaller, difference between cultures

Ideological conflict examples

pro-life vs abortion; communism vs capitalism; isolationism vs open trade

international anarchy

no universal sovereign or worldwide government; constructivist theory disputes that anarchy is a funcamental condition of the international system

levels of analysis

system: international

state: state characteristics

organization: organizations within state

individual: people within state

Non state actors

entities that participate in IR but do not belong to a state institution. al-Qaeda, Greenpeace,

Ways to measure and conceptualize power

total GDP





government stability

rational actor model

State is primary unit of analysis and inter-state relations are the primary context of analysis. States use a rational decision-making process.

Realism: assumptions and characteristics

assume actors perform cost-benefit analysis; assume countries can identify interests of themselves and other countries

Religious conflict

Palestine and Israel

Pakistan and India

Shia and Sunii



supreme power or authority

Types of War
Hegemonic war: WW1
Total war: Napoleonic
Limited war: Gulf war
Civil War: Syria
Guerilla: Vietnam

Apply the 3 major theories +1 alternative to a current international event


Realism: invade to keep ukraine in sphere of influ

Liberalism: economic interdependance freedom

Constructivism: reject assump of state interest

Peace Studies: nonviolent protest of vote

Apply 4 levels of analysis to a current IR event


Individual: Putin

Organization: EU vote

State: Ukraine wants independence

System: West looks weak

Criticism of realism
-Liberal institutionalism: States need to be in good terms to trade
-constructivism: rejects realist assumptions on state interests
-Post-Modern: tries to deconstruct state
-Peace Studies: opposites.
-Feminism: male-dominated

World is more peaceful today than in any other time in global history?

War shifting to be less for territory but more for economic conflict, environmental issues;

What are the 4 levels of analysis and how do they relate to the varying causes of war?

Individual: Hitler as a start of WW2

Organization: DoD or US Military interests in Iraq

State: irredentism as a cause of war; Rhineland

System: Cold war: US and USSR in bipolar system

What best describes the world today?








Religion and ideology. Recent news: middle east clash between Islam and western culture; Russia fighting the West. Imperialism. Ideology is the reason for American intervention in so many recent conflicts.