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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the size of the collimation field for a PA projection of the wrist?

2.5 inches proximal and distal to the wrist joint and 1 inch on the sides

What is the patient/part positioning points for a PA projection of the wrist?

Seated at the end of the table, affected upper extremity in same plane and resting on the table; anterior surface of wrist resting on IR, fingers loosely flexed

What is the anatomic landmarks and relation to IR for a PA projection of the wrist?

Styloid processes of the radius and ulna parallel with the IR plane; long axis of wrist aligned with long axis of IR

What is the CR orientation and entrance point for a PA projection of the wrist?

Perpendicular to midcarpals

What is the size of the collimation field for a PA Oblique projection of the wrist?

2.5 inches proximal and distal to the wrist joint 1 inch on the sides

What is the key patient/part positioning points for a PA oblique projection of the wrist?

Seated at the end of the table; affected upper extremity in same plane and resting on table, anterior surface of wrist resting on IR; fingers loosely flexed

What is the anatomic landmarks and relation to the IR for a PA Oblique projection of the wrist?

Styloid processes of radius and ulna at a 45 degree angle to IR; long axis of wrist aligned with long axis of IR

What is the CR orientation and entrance point for a PA Oblique projection of the wrist?

Perpendicular to midcarpal; enters just distal to radius

What is the size of the collimation field for a lateral projection of the wrist?

2.5 inches proximal and distal to the wrist joint and 1 inch on palmer and dorsal surfaces

What are the key patient/parts positioning points for a lateral projection of the wrist?

Seated at end of table; affected upper extremity in same plane and resting on table; from PA Oblique rolled laterally until in a lateral position

What are the anatomic landmarks and relation to the IR for a lateral projection of the wrist?

Styloid processes of the radius and ulna superimposed and perpendicular to the IR; long axis of wrist aligned with long axis of IR

What is the CR orientation and entrance point for a lateral projection of the wrist?

Perpendicular to the wrist joint

What is the size of the collimation field for a PA ulnar deviation of the wrist?

2.5 inches proximal and distal to the wrist joint and 1 inch on the sides

What is the key patient/part positioning points for the PA ulnar deviation projection of the wrist?

Seated at the end of the table; affected upper extremity in same plane and resting on table; anterior surface of wrist on IR; fingers flexed loosely; hand turned toward ulna as much as possible

What is the anatomic landmarks and relation to the IR for a PA ulnar deviation projection of the wrist?

Styloid processes of radius and ulna parallel to the IR; long axis of the hand turned toward the ulna

What is the CR orientation and entrance point for a PA ulnar deviation projection for the wrist?

Perpendicular to scaphoid

What is the size of the collimation field for a PA axial projection of the wrist?

2.5 inches proximal and distal to the wrist joint and 1 inch on the sides

What is the key patient/part positioning points for a PA axial projection of the wrist?

Seated at the end of the table; affected upper extremity in same plane and resting on table; anterior surface of wrist on IR; fingers loosely flexed; IR at distal end of wrist elevated 20 degrees

What are the anatomic landmarks and relation to the IR for a PA axial projection of the wrist?

Styloid processes of the radius and ulna parallel with IR; long axis of wrist aligned with long axis of IR

What is the CR orientation and entrance point for a PA axial projection of the wrist?

Perpendicular; enters scaphoid (or 20 degrees toward elbow if IR is flat)

Flexing the fingers for the PA projection of the wrist decreases ________ and increases ___________.

OID; spacial resolution

What is the letter A labeling?


What is the letter B labeling?


What is the letter C labeling?


What is the letter D labeling?


What is the letter E labeling?


What is the letter F labeling?


What is the letter G labeling?


What is the letter H labeling?


What is the letter A labeling?

First metacarpal

What is the letter B labeling?


What is the letter C labeling?


What is the letter D labeling?


What is the letter E labeling?


What is the letter F labeling?


What is the letter G labeling?


For the lateral projection of the wrist, how should the elbow be positioned?

Flexed 90 degrees

For the lateral projection of the wrist, which surface of the wrist should be in contact with the IR?


How much should the wrist be rotated for the PA Oblique projection?

45 degrees

For a PA Oblique projection when the scaphoid is of primary interest, the scaphoid can sometimes be better demonstrated if the patient deviates the hand and wrist toward the _______.
