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34 Cards in this Set

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intrinsically abnormal developmental process causing a morphologic defect


morphological defect caused by extrinsic interference with an originally normal developmental process


abnormal form, shape or position of body part that happened because of mechanical forces


group of anomalies occurring together that have a specific common cause


nonrandom appearance of multiple anomalies that occur together more frequently than by chance (cause not yet determined)


VACTERL association








any agent that can produce congenital anomaly or increase the incidence of one

-susceptibility/manifestations depend on dose, duration, developmental stage


-meromelia (absence of part of upper/lower limbs)

-amelia (absence of limbs)

-micromelia (abnormally small/short limbs)

-other defects too

-period: 24-36 days after fertilization

-theories of action: antiangiogenic, ROS formation

Category X drug

absolutely contraindicated in women of childbearing age

e.g. thalidomide, isotretinoin (accutane)

Retinoic Acid (vit a)

isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid, accutane)

-prescribed for severe cystic acne

-ligand for retinoic acid receptors

-Hox and Pax (among other regulatory genes) have retinoic acid response elements

-period: 3-5 weeks after fertilization

- craniofacial dysmorphism, cleft palate, cardiovascular anomalies, neural tube defects, neuropsychological impairment

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

-continuum of birth defects related to alcohol consumption

-Fetal alcohol syndrome: severe end

-abnormal facial features

-growth deficits

-CNS abnormalities (microcephaly)

-intellectual disability (most common cause)

-results from excessive cell death of neural crest cell-derived structures

Cigarette smoking during pregnancy

-intrauterine growth restriction

-premature delivery

-low birth weight

-nicotine constricts uterine blood vessels--> chronic fetal hypoxia

TORCH infections


Other (syphilis, HIV, varicella zoster, others)



Herpes simplex

Rubella Virus infection in neonates

-blueberry muffin lesions

-sensoineural hearing loss

-eye deficits

CMV infection in neonates

-most common viral infection of fetus

-10% symptomatic at birth: low birth weight, hepatosplenomegaly (jaundice), petechial rash, microcephaly, etc.

-80% late complications



-raw meat or cats

-classic triad: chorioetinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications

- most infected infants asymptomatic, can have late complications

folic acid (B9) deficiency

neural tube defects

spina bifida



radiation exposure to fetus

-ionizing radiation kills rapidly proliferating cells

-can produce any kind of birth defect

X-rays: cleft palate, limb defects, anomalies in CNS and eyes

week 1

-fertilization in ampulla


-blastula--> blasocyst

week 2

-trophoblast--> cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast


-bilaminar embryonic disc forms

week 3

-primitive streak

-gastrulation and differentiation

-neurulation, notochord

-heart and embryonic BVs begin

week 4

-neural tube formation

-cranial and caudal neuropores close

-folding of embryo and forebrain

-pharangeal arches

-rudimentary organ systems

-ventral prominence, beat, pump

-limb buds (upper first)

-octic pits

-lens placodes

week 5

-minor body form changes

-growth of head exceeds other regions

-mesonephric ridges

week 6

-upper limbs: elbows, hand plates, digital rays

-lower limbs lag 4-5 days behind

-spontaneous twitches

-umbilical herniation

week 7

-notches in digital rays in hand plates

-ossification centers arise in upper limb bones

-omphaloenteric duct (yolk stalk)

week 8

-digits of hands, feet separate

-purposeful limb mbmt

-sexual differences begin, not distinct enough to see

-head almost half of embryo

Fetal period

week 9 - birth

month 3 (wk 9-12)

9: head 1/2 CHL

11: intestines returned to abdomen

12: CRL doubled, erythropoiesis in spleen (prev. liver), kidneys make urine, sex ID, ossification

month 4 (wk 13-16)

-bones visible on US

-ossification active

-fetal ovaries with primordial ovarian follicles and oogonia

-eyes shift anteriorly

-ears close to where they end up

month 5 (17-20)

-CRL increases by 50mm

-quickening felt by mother

-vernix caseosa


-uterus and vagina

-eyebrows, head hair

-20 wk: testes begin to descend but still on posterior abdomen

month 6 (21-25)

-weight gain

-type II pneumocytes in interalveolar walls make surfactant (24)

-22 wk old MAY survive with intensive care, but resp system immature

month 7 (26-29)

-often survive with intensive care

-low birth weight (<2500g) highest mortality

-lungs and pulmonary vasculature

-CNS can direct breathing and temp

-bone marrow is site of erythropoiesis

month 8 (30-34)

-skin pink and smooth

-chubby limbs

-over 32wk usually survive

Month 9

-finishing period

-bone growth slows

-nervous system has integrative function

-CRL= 360mm, 3400g

-14g fat added per day

-testes usually in scrotum

----> pre me may have cryptorchidism