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31 Cards in this Set

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Global North
Describes the worlds wealthy, industrialized states located primarily in the Northern Hemisphere
Global South
Describes less developed states located primarily in the Southern Hemisphere ...It is used instead of "Third World"
Indigenous Peoples
the native ethnic & cultural inhabitant populations within countries ruled by a government cnontrolled by others referred to as the "FOURTH WORLD"
A Cold War term to describe LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES
EX: Africa, Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean
First World
wealthy, industrialized countries that share varying forms of DEMOCRATIC politicial instituions and developed market economies
Second World
during the Cold War the group of countries that embraced communism and central planning to propel economic growth
Global South=
Global North=
Global East=
=Third World
=First World
=Second World(used during cold war)
Least Developed of the less Developed Countries (LLDC)
These are the most IMPOVERISHED countries in the Global South
Global East
Rapidly growing economies of East Asia that have made them competitors with the Global North countries
European CONQUEST of indigenous peoples and the seizure of their territories exclusivley for their gain
(decolonize to soverntize)
Acheivment of SOVEREIGN INDEPENDANCE by countries that were once colonies of the great powers
Nonstate Nations
national or ethnic groups STRUGGLING TO OBTAIN POWER
(neoconomize your ass!)
ECONOMIC rather than MILITARY domination of foreign countries
(Me cant import, me must export)
a government trade strategy for getting state wealth and power by ENCOURAGING EXPORTS and DISCOURAGING IMPORTS
Classical Liberal Economic Theory
(liberate when you regulate)
Adam Smith's idea that about the forces of SUPPLY and DEMAND in the marketplace focusing on the benefits of MINIMAL government regulation of the economy and trade
Laissez-faire economics
(Frenchy likes it free!))
principal of FREE MARKETS and FREE Trade to give people free choices with little government regulation
Spheres of Influence
World Systems Theory
System divides rich & raw
the widening INEQUALITY among states is explained by capitalisms international DIVISON of LABOR and production wich allows for wealthy countries to get RICHER and the peripheral states that supply raw materials and cheap labor become POORER
(Real power and wealth to dominate everyone else)
Routlook that countries should INCREASE their POWER and WEALTH in order to COMPETE and DOMINATE other countries
Gross National Income (GNI)
Measure of the production of goods and services within a given time period- measures production by a states citizens or companies, regardless of where the production occurs
(develop my needs)
economic and political processes through which a country develops to increase its capacity to meet its citizens BASIC HUMAN NEEDS and RAISE their STANDARD OF LIVING
(Mo production, mo technology, mo education means MO MONEY)
View popular in the GLOBAL NORTHS LIBERAL DEMOCRACIES that wealth is created through efficient production, free enterprise and free trade, and that countries relative wealth DEPENDS on TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION and EDUCATION more than on natural endowments such as climate and resources
Dependancy Theory
(Global Capitalism SUCKS)
Says that less developed countries are exploited because global capitalism makes them dependant on the rich countries that create EXPLOITIVE RULES for trade production
(One rich one poor, same place)
the SEPARATION of a country into 2 sectors the first modern and prosperous centered in major cities and the second at the margin neglegted and poor
transfer of jobs by a corporation usually headquartered in a Global North state to a Global South state to supply trained workers at lower wages
transfer of jobs by a corporation usually headquartered in a Global North state to a Global South state to supply trained workers at lower wages
(neutral nonalignment)
rejects participating in military alliances with rival blocks for fear that formal alignment will entangle the state in unnecessary involvment in war
neo mercantilism
A contemporary version of classical mercantilism that advocates promotig domestic production and a balance of payment surplus by subsidizing exports and using tariffs and nontarriff barriers to reduce imports
Liberal Internationl Economic Order
Free trade & current stability, exchange of currencyvalues of currency relatively stable
4 Core Values of the UN
International Security & peace
Human rights
Economic & social Coperation
Internatioal Monetary Fund (IMF)
(SHORT $%^& MAN)
(IMF- IM Fucked.)
One of the 16 specialized institution in the U.N system (165 members) SHORT TERM EMERGENCY FUNDS