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105 Cards in this Set

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•Use of Various Procedures to Control Pests

•Start With Procedures That Have Least Impact on Environment

•Combine With More Aggressive Procedures Until Control Is Attained





Economic Importance of Pests

-Compete With Desired Species For Food

-Decrease Yield

-Pest Control Is Additional Production Cost

-Reduce Produce Quality

-Some Weeds Harbor Pests or Are Poisonous

Biological Controls

•Use of Insectsor Pathogensto Control Pests

•Parasitesor Predators

•Birds, Bats & Toads

Cultural Controls

-Ways of Modifying Environment to Hamper Pest’s Breeding, Feeding or Shelter Habits

•Resistant Cultivars

•Crop Rotation

•Destroying Crop Debris After Harvest

•Planting or Harvesting Date

•Proper Pruning

Physical/Mechanical Controls

•Use of Hands-On Techniques & Simple Equipment or Devices to Provide Protective Barrier Between Plants & Pests


•Screens on Seed Beds

•Row Covers

•Handpicking Insects

•Water Pressure Sprays•Insect Vacuums

Chemical Controls



•Stomach Poison Action

–Surface or Systemic Insecticides

•Contact Action

–Materials Applied to Contact Body of Insect

–Affect Its Nervous or Respiratory Systems

Chemical Applications




Repellent Action

Attraction Action


Animals as Pests


–Pests & Beneficials

Important Orders

–Lepidoptera-Butterflies-Larvae Include Stem Borer




-Ants, Bees



Major Horticulture Insect Pests






•Spider Mites



•True Bugs




Major Agronomic Insect Pests





•Stink Bugs





•Hessian Flies (Wheat)


Plant Diseases


–Harmful Alteration of Normal, Physiological & Biochemical Development of a Plan

t•Environmental Disease



How Disease Occurs

Pathogen+ Susceptible Host+ Favorable Environment= Disease


-Abnormal Tissue

–Leaf Appearance

–Tissue Necrosis



–Growth Abnormalities








•Parasitic Plants

•Other Pests

–Small Animals



–Birds, Snails & Slug


–Relationships of Living Things to Environment & Each Other

Plant Ecology

–Study of Relationships of Plants & Animals to Their Environment & Each Othe


–Interaction Between All Living Organisms in an Area With Their Environment

Plant Ecosystem

–Interaction Between Plants, Animals, Microbes & the Environment Within a Farm, Ranch, Landscape or Any Physical Environment

Cultivated Ecosystems

•Some of the Organisms, Processes & Interactions of a Natural Ecosystem Are Absent or Heavily Modified

•We Humans Intervene!

•WeDescribe Plant Production in Terms of Inputs & Ignore Ecological Processes & Interactions

Sustainable Production

Requires Us to Minimize Inputs & Maximize the Contribution of Ecosystem Processes

Natural Ecosystem

Unmanaged, Closed

–All Elements Are Recycled Through the Ecosystem

–Every Available Niche Tends to Be Filled & Resources Fully Used

•Difficult for a New Species to Enter Environment Because It Lacks Unexploited Resources


–Pure Closed Ecosystems Do Not Often Exist Anymore

•Humans Are Frequently Involved

Crop Ecosystems

-1 or a Few Species That Do Not Exploit All Resources


•Weed Control Strategy?


•Collection of Ecosystems With Similar Climate, Soil & Plant Composition

•Greater the Difference Between Plant Production System & Pre-Existing Biome, the More Difficult to Sustain That System

–Sometimes Impossible


-Temps & Trade Winds

Tropical Rainforests

–Most Productive Biome

–Shallow Soils Low in Nutrients

–Low Light Levels

–Lianas & Epiphytes

Temperate Deciduous Forests

–Productive in Summer

–Trees Save N & P

–Thin, Organic-Rich Soil Laye

Grasslands & Savannas


–Nutrients Recycled Each Year

–World’s Most Productive Ag Land


Droughts & Poor Ag Practices


–Much of Land Is Permanently Frozen

–Low Vegetation


–Ecological Buffer Zones

–Creation or Restoration Underway

Humanity’s Impact on Biomes

We Influence or Destroy Biomes


–Temperate Forest

–Tropical Forests

•Crop Production = New Biomes

•We Need More Food!

–Use More Land or Increase Productivity?

Leaves & Leaf Structure

•Raw Materials of Photosynthesis Enter Cells of Leaf

–Water & Carbon Dioxide

•Products of Photosynthesis Leave Leaf

–Sugar & Oxygen

Nature of Light

•Visible Light only Small Portion of Electromagnetic Spectrum

•Plants Use Light Energy mostly in Visible Light Range for PS

•Red & Blue Wavelengths most Important for PS

–Captured by Chloroplasts & Used to Initiate PS Reactions

Photosynthetic Reactions

•Photos (light)

•Synthesis (to put together)

•Light Energy to Chemical Energy

•Life on Earth Depends on this Process

•Supplies Our Oxygen

PS equation

6CO2+12H20+ light= C6H12O6+ 6O2+ 6H20


Pigment Is any Substance that Absorbs Light

•Color of the Pigment Comes from Wavelengths of Light Reflected

Accessory Pigments

Chlorophyll Is a Complex Molecule

•All Photosynthetic Organisms Have Chlorophyll a

•Accessory Pigments Absorb Energy that Chlorophyll a Does not Absorb

–Chlorophyll b


–Carotenoids (Beta-Carotene)


- Green Pigment Common to all Photosynthetic Cells

–Absorbs all Wavelengths of Visible Light Except Green

Pigment absorbs light energy

•Energy Is Dissipated as Heat

•The Energy may Be Emitted Immediately as a Longer Wavelength

•Energy may Trigger a Chemical Reaction, as in PS

–Chlorophyll Triggers a Chemical Reaction when It Is Associated with Proteins Embedded in a Membrane (as in a Chloroplast)


•Organelles in a Plant Cell

•Location of Photosynthesis

3 Membrane Systems where PS takes place: Chloroplast

1.Outer Membrane

2.Inner Membrane

3.Intertwined & Stacked Network of more Membranes

Thylakoids: Chloroplast

water-like structures

Granum/Grana: Chloroplast

Stack of thylakoids

Stroma: Chloroplast

Area between Grana

Photosynthesis Stages

Light Reactions

•Require Light to Occur

•Involves Actual Harnessing of Light Energy

•Occur in\on Grana

Dark Reactions

•Do not Need Light to Occur

•Involve Creation of Carbohydrates

•Uses Products of Light Reaction to Form C-C Bonds of Carbohydrates

•Occur in Stroma

Light Reactions

Electron Transfer


Photolysis (Hill Reaction)

Electron Transfer

Light Strikes Magnesium(Mg) Atom in Center of Chlorophyll Molecule


Phosphate Group Can Be Added to Compound Called Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)

–Yields Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)


ATP = Adenosine---(PO4-)---(PO4-)---(PO42-)

•String of 3 Phosphate Groups Is Held Together by Covalent Bonds

•When Bond that Attaches 1 of the Phosphate Groups onto ATP Is Broken, It Becomes ADP •Adenosine---(PO4-)---(PO42)+(PO42) +Energy

Photolysis (Hill Reaction)

–2 Water Molecules Are Split into H & O

–H Is Attached to a Molecule Called Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADP)

–It Becomes NADPH2

–O Is Given off as O Gas

–2 H20 + NADP + light=>NADPH2+ O2

Common energy molecules/recylable

1. ATP


Dark Reactions

•‘Calvin Cycle’

•‘Carbon Reactions Pathway’

•Do not Require Light Energy to Occur

2 main steps: Dark reactions

1. Carbon Dioxide Fixation

2. Sugar Formation

Carbon Dioxide Fixation

CO2Incorporated into a 3-Carbon or 4-Carbon Chain

C3 Plants

–Most Plants Use Enzyme called RuBPCarboxylase (RuBisCo) to carry out CO2Fixation

-1stStable Carbon Chain Made from CO2Has 3 Carbons

C4 Plants

–CO2Fixation for Many Plants of Dry or Tropical Origins

–Plants Use a Different Enzyme Called PEP Carboxylase for CO2Fixation

Bundle sheath cells

4-Carbon Chain Transported into Bundle Sheath cells where CO2 is released & then immediately fixed by Rubisco as part of C3 cycle

Where Does 1st part of Calvin Cycle occur

–Bundle Sheath cells of C4 plants

–Mesophyll cells of C3 plants

PEP Carboxylase

PEP Carboxylase Works Well at Warm Temps but Not Optimum at Cool Temps

C4 vs C3: water

C4 Plants Can Produce 3 Times as Much Dry Matter/Unit of Water as C3 Plants

C4 grasses: stomata

–Can Keep Leaf Stomata Closed during Mid-Day & Extract every Last CO2 Molecule in the Leaf

CAM plants

Crassulacean Acid Metabolism

•Another Type of C4PS Carried out only by Xerophytes

•Stomata Open at Night

CAM stomata


–CO2 Is Released from the 4-Carbon Product

–Normal Light & Dark Reactions occur without Stomata Opening

–Allows the Plants to Conserve Water during the Day


–Plants Fix CO2into a 4-Carbon Product

–4-Carbon Product Stored Overnight in Vacuole

Sugar Formation: Calvin Cycle

Carbon Chain Formed in Step 1 Is Converted to Glucose


Photosynthesis Logistics

•Carbon Dioxide Source

–CO2Enters Leaves through Stomata by Diffusion

–Dissolves in Water to Become HCO3-

•Water Source

–From Roots Upward

•Oxygen Output

–Diffuse out through Stomata

–Used in Respiration or other Reactions

–Plants Are Net Oxygen Produce

-Water Output

•Sugar/Glucose Output

Factors Affecting Photosynthesis

-CO2 availbility


-Light quality (Color)

-Light intenseness (brightness)

-Light duration (photoperiod)

-Chlorophyll content


Carbohydrate Translocation

–Sugars not Moved out of Mesophyll Cells can Inhibit PS

–As more Sugars Are Needed, It can Increase the Rate of PS

•‘Source-Sink Relationship

Respiration equation

C6H12O6+ 6O2+ 40 ADP + 40 Phosphates →6 CO2+ 6 H2O + 40 ATP


Membrane-Enclosed Organelles Distributed through Cytosol of Most Eukaryotic Cells

Aerobic Respiration

Requires Oxygen

•Main Type of Respiration in most Situations

•Breakdown of Glucose back to CO2& Water

•Not All Energy in Glucose Is Converted to ATP Formation

-40% efficient

Resipiration steps

1. glycolysis

2. Krebs cycle

3. Electron transport chain


–Breakdown of Glucose to a 3-Carbon Compound Called Pyruvate

–Occurs in Cytosol–Some ATP & NADH Are also Formed

•Storage Energy Molecules

–NADH Is Formed from NAD

–Similar Type of Energy-Storing Rx as


Krebs Cycle

–‘TricarboxylicAcid Cycle (TCA Cycle)’

–‘Citric Acid Cycle’

–Occurs in Mitochondrial Matrix

–Cyclic Series of Rxs Break Down Pyruvate to CO2& Carbon Skeletons–Skeletons Used in other Metabolic Pathways

–Step where CO2 Is Given off by Plant

–10 NADH Are Generated

electron transport chain

‘Oxidative Phosphorylation’

-Transfer Electrons (e-) from NADH to Oxygen

-Releases a Lot of Energy

-Occurs on Mitochondrial Inner Membrane

-Many atp

-Water is produced

Anaerobic Respiration


-Low-Oxygen Environments

–Wet or Compacted Soil

–After Strong Exertion

•ATP Still Produced from Glucose but Not as Efficiently as with Aerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration equation

C6H12O6+ O2→2 CH2O5+ 2 H2O + 2 ATP

-2 atp formed


Respiration Driven by Light Energy

•Scientists Realized that Some Plants Have Faster Respiration Rate in Light than in Dark

•Occurs in Chloroplasts & Other Structures in a Photosynthetic Cell

•Rubisco can React with Oxygen to Start Slightly Different Series of Rxs

–Result in Loss or No Net Gain of Dry Matter for Plant

–Less ATP Is Produced

Factors influencing Photorespiration

O2: CO2Ratio

Light Intensity


Net Photosynthesis Rate

Factors Affecting Respiration

Kind of Cell or Tissue

Temperature Inside Plant Cell






Plant Injury

Light Compensation Point

Level of Light Intensity where rate of Respiration (CO2Produced) Equals Rate of PS (CO2Consumed)

-Greater Light Intensity = Net Dry Matter (Carbohydrate Accumulation)

•Lower Light Intensity = Net Dry Matter Loss

Endosymbiotic Theory


Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic bacteria



•Irreversible Increase in Volume or Dry Weight

•Size Increase by Cell Division & Enlargement

•Plant Development

Factors Affecting Growth & Development













•Duration aka Photoperiod


Length of Light Period in a 24-Hour Day


Response of Plants to Changes in Photoperiod


–Hormone that Controls Floral Initiation

–Occurs in 2 Forms

•Phytochrome Red (Pr), Absorbs Red Light (660 nm)•Phytochrome Far Red (Pfr), Absorbs Far-Red Light (730 nm

2 forms Phytochrome reacts

-With Shorter Nights (Longer Day Length), less Pfr Will Be Changed to Pr

•With Longer Dark Periods (Shorter Day Length), more Pfr Will Be Changed Back to Pr

•The Ratio of Pfr to Pr at Sunrise Is Critical for Plants that Are Sensitive to Photoperiod

Short Day Plants

Flower in Response to Lengthening Night Period

Long Day Plants

Flower in Response to Shorter Night Period


Affects Biochemical Processes in Plants


Difference between Day & Night Temperatures

Chilling Requirement

Cold Period so Plants can Break Dormancy & Grow

Winter Sunscald

Southwest Sides of Trunks & Branches

Chilling vs. Freezing Temps

–Chilling Causes Membrane Damage

–Freezing Results in Ice Crystal Formation in Cells & Intercellular Spaces


Metabolic Responses to Low Temperatures Change Physiology of Tolerant Plants

Temperature Tolerance




Cool-season vs warm-season


Maintains Turgor in Cells





–79% Nitrogen

–20% Oxygen

–.03% Carbon Dioxide

Plant Growth Regulators

Signals/Messengers Involved in Growth & Development


Natural Substance Produced by Plant to Control Activities


–Natural or Synthetic Chemicals that Influence Growth & Development when Applied to Plants

–Includes Plant Hormones

List of Hormones




Abscisic Acid (ABA)



Salicylic Acid

