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54 Cards in this Set

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Plant tissues

Collection of cells performing a specific function

Plant tissues are collectively called

Plant tissue system

With each tissue carrying out a different function

Plant tissues are classified into 2 groups

Meristematic tissues

Permanent tissues

Meristemactic tissues

Cells in these tissue have the ability to divide ,describes as densely packed which continuously divide to create new cells

Have a large nucleus with no vacuole

Functions of plant tissue

.Provide support to the plant

.Provides elasticity and flexibility allowing them to bend without damage

.The xylem and phloem helps transport materials

. Involved in process like photosynthesis and regeneration

Meristematic tissues continously divide into 2 the new cell that remains the meisterm is called ........and the other cell the ..........

Initial (new )and derivative (old )

What happens As more cells are produced through mitosis

The derivative (old) cells Pushed further away from the mitotic zone

Characteristic of meristematic cells

Ability to stretch enlarge &differentiate into other tissues as they manture.

Meristematic tissues eventually give rise to

Permanent tissues

What are the 3 type of bases meristematic tissues are made up of

Based on location...

1.apical meristem

2.lateral meristems

3.inter calary meristems

Where are Apical meristems located

Polar ends of the plant

Tips of roots

Tips of shoots

Apical Meristems are also known for

Shaping how the plant grows responsible for initial growth and development

Lateral meristem are located in the ....

Root and stem

Importance of lateral meristem

Important for adding to the thickness or girth of the plant

Lateral meristem are divided into 2 types

Vascular cambium

Cork cambium

vascular cambium

Entends throughout the tips and shooters of the plant as the plant grows in width new tissues are constantly produced by the cylindrical tissues called vascular cambium

Cork cambium

Found in the bark roots and stems of woody plants cylindrical Shape orinates under the epidermis of trees

Runs parallel to the vascular cambium


Periderm consists of new living cells called

Cambium cork

Derived from cork cambium

Replaces the epidermis in plants with secondary growth stages

Vascular and cork cambium

Intercalary meristems

Instrumental in increasing the length of the inter node

Mostly seen in moncots like grasses

located at internodes are the base of the leaves

Permanent tissues

These are meristerm tissues that have lost their ability to divide and may further be classified into simple and complex tissues

Simple permanent tissue

Include parenchyma

Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma

Complex permanent tissues

Include xylem and phloem


These tissues are described as thin walled cells that are alive at maturity and make up the inside of non woody plants ...stems roots and leaves


Parenchyma cells are not useful to the plant because of their thin walls ...they are useful in moving water and nutrients as well as healing and repair

Parenchyma continues

Based on location of the parenchyma cells they will vary in shape

Found in the parenchyma cells are large central vacoules creating pressure between neighboring cells allowing the plant to store large amount of water and nutrients

Its thin walls also permit the movement of sugars created in the leave

Collenchyma cells

These support the cells known for being alive at maturity, have thick walls composed of pectin. Hemicellouse and cellulose

Very visable nucleus

The tissues stored food

Prevent tearing of leaves

And performs the function of photosynthesis


Known as dead tissues of plants because it's made up of hard wood

Secondary walls of the cells are densely thick and contain lignin and hemcellulose.

These cells are hard non growing and present in mature stems and barks


the main types of sclenchyma are sclerosis and fiber

Found in xylem ,phloem ,pith,cortes and peiderm

Contribute to the hard covering of nuts fruits and other seeds

Fibers add support to the plants as they elongate .especially important as plant continue to divide

Complex permanent tissues

Made up of more than one type of cells. 2 complex tissues are xylem and phloem

Xylem and phloem

Found in the vascular bundles

Xylem consist of





Xylem fibers

Main function to transport water and souble nutrients from root to plant

Xylem cont

Xylem conducts in one direction vertically

The tracheids and vessels assist in transport of water while the xylem parenchyma stores the plant food

Xylem fibers

Xylem fibers act as support for the plant


Consists of 4 elements sieve tubes ,companion cells. Phloem fibers and phloem parenchyma.

Has the ability to conduct both directions

Function of the phloem

main function is transporting food from leaves to other parts of the plant

Transport in plants

Movement of water between cells occurs over a water potential gradient

Movement of water in unobsturctive tube over a long distance eg xylem and pholem

Is driven by a pressure potential gradient

Water moves from a region of high pressure potential to a region of low water potential (bulk flow)

Water potential

The tendency of a solution to uptake water across a membrane water always moves across a selectively permeable membrane toward a region of lower of more negative water potential

Water potential

Water potential is measured by megapascals

Importance of water potential

Determines how water and minerals enter the roots and transported throughout the cells

Solute potential

Osmotic potential is the measure of the effect of dissolved solutes on the osmotic behaviour of the solution

Water potential in plants

Vacuole are filled with solutes sugar and minerals accumulation of solutes created pressure for water up take into vacuole

Turgor pressure

When cells are placed in water water moves into the cell based on negative solute potential ,this movement causes pressure in the cell because it can not expand due to the cell wall.this pressure is called turgor pressure


When water enters the plant via osmosis and the pressure potential balances ,at this point the plant becomes turgid,plants will maintain turgidty until water is loss and the plants wilt


When the plant is not excerting pressure, osmotic potential is negative ,pressure potential is zero ,at this point the plant is flaccid

Difference between bulk flow a d diffusion

Bulk flow I'd driven by differences in pressure potential

Whereas in diffusion it is driven by solute potential

In bull flow flow occurs within hollow dead cells

In diffusion occurs across plasma membrane of living cell

In bulk flow moves entire solution..in diffusion moves either water or soulte


Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves its products diffuse to the nearest small vein where they are actively transported into sieve tubes elements. This movement is called translocation

Movement of products from photosynthesis

Products are trans located from source to sinks... source an organ (eg mature leaf or storage root ) that produces more sugars than required .

Sinks an organ eg root,flower ,developing friut,tuber,or immature leaf that consumes sugar for it's own growth and storage needs


Sinks can turn into sources eg sweet potatoes which stores carbohydrates but can release these reserves need to nourish other organs

Products translocated include......


Amino acids

Some minerals

Variety of solutes

Loading and unloading

The movement of products from the mesophyll to the sieve tubes occur eighter simplest of both symplasic and apoplast pathways depending on species of the plant

Bulk flow

Bulk flow is used to transport the products of photosynthesis


Sometimes there are more. Sinks than can be supported by sources

In such case plants may abort flowers,seeds or fruit in a phenomenon called self thining