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61 Cards in this Set

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light reaching the plant

measured in energy or photon units


amount of energy that falls on a flat sensor of known area per time unit

watts per meter squared Wm-2

Photon irradiance

number of incident quanta striking the leaf

light or photon energy

moles per square meter per second


Incident sunlight

Light that reaches the leaf

Changes with angle of sun to leaf. Max when perpendicular

Photosynthetically active radiation

between 400 and 700 nm

Expressed as quanta (mol m-2s-2) or energy (Wm-2)

Reasons light gets through palisade parenchyma cells to mesophyll

Sieve effect

Light channeling

Interface light scattering

Sieve effect

Shading between chlorophyll molecules creating gaps where light is not absorbed and can pass through

Light channeling

Some of the light is propagated through the central vacuoles and air spaces, facilitating transmission to leaf interior

Interface light scattering

Water-air interfaces in mesophyll cells reflect and refract light


the ration of the amount of radiation absorbed by a surface to the amount of radiation incident upon it (Ie how much light it gets)


Ration of intensity of reflected radiation to that of the radiation incident upon the surface


Return of light, heat or sound after striking a surface


The change of direction of a ray of light, heat or sound in passing from one medium to another in which the wave velocity is different (IE Air to water)


Ration of radiation transmitted through and emerging from a body to the total radiation incident on it


Having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance


patches of light that pass through gaps in a leaf canopy and move across shaded leaves

increase flux by 10!

Solar tracking

control light absorption by moving leaves

Blue light response


area in plant at nodes that controls leaf orientation by a change in solute potential


leaf movement induced by the sun

Diaheliotropic vs Paraheliotropic

Dia- move to maximize light received

Para- moves to minimize heating and water loss while still getting light


growth in the direction of light source


growth process in which newly produced leaves have set of biochemical and morphological traits suited to the environment its in

Developmental plasticity. Can be moved


Genetic component.

Low plasticity

Die when environment changes

Shade leaves

More chlorophyll in reaction center, higher ration of chl a to chl b, thinner than sun leaves

Sun leaves

more rubisco and larger pool of xanthophyll cycle components

Light response curve

measuring net CO2 fixation across varying levels of absorbed light

Light Compensation point

CO2 uptake balances Co2 release

Quantum yield

Number of photochemical products/ total number of quanta absorbed

Can be expressed on either a CO2 or O2 basis

Non photochemical quenching

Xanthophyll cycle with three carotenoids: violaxanthin, antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin (best for high light)


Dynamic and Chronic

Dynamic- quantum efficiency declines, but max photo synth rates are unchanged. can recover

Chronic- damage photosystems and decrease quantum efficiency and max photo synth rates

Radiative heat loss

Object emits radiation in proportion to their temperature

Sensible heat loss

If the temperature of the leaf is higher than the air around the leaf, heat is transferred from leaf to air

Latent heat loss

Transpiration withdraws large amounts of heat from the leaf and cools it

Optimal temperature

Represents the highest photosynthetic rates in response to increasing temperature

Strong genetic and environmental components

Greenhouse effect

Trapping of long-wavelength radiation in the atmosphere.

Influenced by different particles in air: water vapor, CO2, methane, ect

Types of resistance CO2 faces in a leaf

Boundary layer

Stomatal- most important and only significant resistance

Intercellular airspace

Liquid phase resistance- enters the cell

CO2 compensation point

Increasing intercellular Co2 to the concentration at which photosynthesis and respiration are balanced.

C3 vs C4 plants: Efficieny with CO2, high light and heat

C3- more Co2 is better. Does good in high light. not great in heat

C4- More CO2 doesn't help anything. less efficient with high light, does very good in heat

CAM Idling

allows plants to survive long periods of drought. Keep stoma closed and only use CO2 from mitochondia

Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE)

way to study plant phys and ecology with increased CO2 concentrations

Stomatal Opening (What cells? What Controls it?)

Guard Cells

Blue light controls opening of stomata.

Abscisic acid (from stress) will keep stoma closed

Guard cells swell with blue light

How does blue light cause stomatal opening (basic)?

Blue light stimulates the uptake of ions and creates a difference is solute potential, so the guard cells have more solutes. Water flows in and makes the cells turgid

Three pathways to supply osmotically active solutes to guard cells

-Uptake of K- and Cl- coupled with the synthesis of malate within the guard cells

-Production of sucrose in guard cell cytoplasm from precursors from starch hydrolysis in guard cell chloroplast

-Production of sucrose from precursors made in photosynthetic carbon fixation

Blue-light photoreceptors

1. Cryptochromes- inhibit stem elongation and flowering

2. Phototropins-function mainly in phototropism

3. Zeaxanthin- Blue-light response of stomatal movement and photo protection. No blue light response if absent.


Long term sealing method when phloem is damaged


Shuts down sieve pores.

Can be broken down if phloem is repaired


Short term sealing of phloem

Many shapes based on species and maturity

Plug up sieve plate pores to seal them off.

Not a permanent fix

Companion Cell Types




Ordinary companion cell

Chloroplasts with well developed thylakoids

Cell wall with smooth inner surface

Symplastic or apoplastic short distance travel in source leaves

Transfer Companion Cells

Finger-like wall ingrowths from ER

Solute transfer transmembrane

Plasmodesmata connect to sieve element

Transport sugar from apoplast to symplast of sieve element and companion cell in Source

Intermediary Cells

take up solutes via cytoplasmic connections

Numerous plasmodesmata attaching them to bundle sheath cells

Numerous vacuoles and poorly developed thylakoids, lack starch grains

Symplastic transport of sugars from mesophyll cells to sieve elements


exporting organs, such as mature leaves

Capable of producing photosynthate in excess of their own needs

Also storage organs like tubers


Non-photosynthetic organs and organs that don't photosynthesize enough

Roots, tubers, developing fruits, immature leaves

Non-reducing sugars

Non reactive sugars

Sucrose, raffinose (sucrose +n galactose), etc and sugar alcohols like mannitol or sorbitol

Other solutes found in phloem

Nitrogen, amino acids, mRNAs, pathogenic RNAs, plant hormones, nucleotide phosphates, magnesium, phosphate and chloride, p-proteins and other water soluble proteins, non-reducing sugars

Pressure-flow model


Flow of solution driven by osmotically generated pressure gradient between a source and a sink

Phloem loading

movement of photosynthate into sieve elements

Phloem unloading

movement of photosynthates from sieve elements to sink cells

Four major processes of Respiration

Glycolysis, oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation

Substrate level Phosphorylation

Takes an inorganic phosphate from the 'substrate' and adds it to the ADP to make ATP


Synthesis of sugars from organic acids. 'Reverse' of glycolysis. Oil is stored in seeds and returned to sugar for germination

Cytoplasmic Male Sterility

A naturally occurring rearrangement of genes in the mitochondria that makes male flower parts sterile

Useful for crossing plants. Reduces work for farmers