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81 Cards in this Set

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The ribosome factory
plant cell features
cellulosic cell wall, many small vacuoles, chloroplasts, plastids
How do plants stand up?
water moves into a central large vacuole by osmolarity
How do plants grow?
plants grow by elongation due to increasing pressure within the cell.
What is the red pigment in tomatoes?
Why are tomatoes red?
the chloroplasts degenerate and regenerate into chromoplasts
organelles of plant
nucleus, chromoplasts, vacuoles, mitochondria, golgi apparatus, endoplasmic recticulum, peroxisomes
smooth ER makes?
lipids and substances for detoxification
rough ER :
linked to golgi, includes ribosomes synthesizing proteins.
ribosome locations
Cytosol and rough ER, both kinds make different types of proteins
What plant organelles contain DNA?
all double bound membrane organelles (nuclei, chromoplast, mitochondria
main function of mitochondria?
synthesize ATP
Where is ATP synthesized and what else happens in this place?
The cristae of the mitochondria, this is also where oxidation of glucose fatty acids occur.
What is the cuticle?
a waxy coating secreted by the epidermal cells to protect the plant from water loss
mesophyll cells are?
What are the two types of mesophyll cells?
palisade and spongy
Chloroplasts have more of what than mitochondria
Name the compartments of chloroplasts
stroma, thylakoids, inner membrane space
stroma of the chloroplast
where carbon dioxide is fixed
thylakoids of the chloroplast
where light is absorbed, this is where chlorophyll resides (where ATP synthesis happens)
Inner membrane of the chloroplast
transporters for phosphate and sucrose precursors
outer membrane of chloroplasts are?
permeable to small molecules
pore structures which gas can exchange, this is where water is lost from a leaf. Guard cells on either side of the pore regulate the size
What accounts for genomic size differences?
repetitive element, most likely due to retroviruses
chloroplasts do not have?
highly repetitive genome sequences
Chloroplasts and mitochondria have different?
transcriptional apparatuses
Give the break down of Leaf DNA
75% nuclear genome, 20% chloroplasts, 1% mitochondria
mitochondrial genome between plants?
genome varies in size
chloroplast genome between plants
varies vary little between plants.
Endosymbiont hypothesis for mitochondrial evolution
endocytosis of bacterium capable of oxidative phosphorylation
endosymbiont hypothesis for chloroplast evolution
endocytosis of bacterium capable of photosynthesis
plant plastids share a common ancestor with ?
modern cynobacteria ( found out by comparison of RNA sequences )
mtrNA sequences show that that they share a comon ancestor with?
chloroplast look like they arose from an organism that has?
a green lineage and not as much red lineage.
all plastids arise from ?
proplastids that differentiate.
What happens in the stroma
it is where dark reactions take place
plants grown in the dark
starch plants
not loaded with starch, white unphotosynthetic plants
red in color, sometimes they will come from chloroplasts, they have a different intermembrane system
plants used by Correns?
four o'clock, had white green and variagated, all fertile flowers
4oclock plants exhibit?
strictly maternal inheritace, what even color the mother plant was was the color of their leaves (variegated produced variegated, green, and white)
Bauer found?
that it was actually plastids being inherited in the four oclock plant maternally
Sorting out process:
Variegated can produce three types of egg cells in this process of plastid inheritance.
Significance of the pelargonium
biparental inheritance of plastidial and mitochondrial DNA
In the pelargonium white sectors exhibited what and green sectors what?
white showed maternal inheritance and green was biparental
variagated phenotypes can also arise from?
mutations in nuclear genes.
most proteins that reside in chloroplasts and mitochondria are encoded by?
the nuclear genome and not not their own.
What is the most abundant protein on earth?
rubisco's first name?
fraction 1 protein
where is rubisco found?
in the stroma of the chloroplast
rubisco reaction
CO2 + 1,5 ribulos biphosphate> (6 carbon)> 2(3-phosphoglycerate)
What does rubisco do?
catalyzes the first reaction in CO2 fixation
substrates of rubisco reaction
Co2, molecular oxygen, 1,5 ribulose biphosphate, H20
rubisco structure
L8S8 heterodimer
how many times do you crank the calvin cycle to get one hexose sugar?
6 times
what started with calvin?
pulse labeling (radioactive molecules)
G3p (6 carbon)
antiported into the cytosol where it is converted into sucrose (12 carbon)
Rubisco is only active when?
during the day
Difference between photorespiration and photosynthesis
photorespiration only takes 1 molecule of 3 phosphoglycerate instead of 2.
If photorespiration was suppressed, what would happen?
increased efficiency of photosynthesis
Where does photosynthesis happen in c4 plants?
in the bundle sheath cells
What has a more efficient photosynthetic process C3 or C4
C4 plants,
if you increase CO2 in C4 plants than?
it will favor carboxylation, reduced respiration due to increased carboxylation
scientific name for cultivated tobacco
nicotina tabacum
scientific name for tree tabaco
nicotina glauca
Rubisco inheritance in the nicotina tabacum and gluaca
Large subunit is maternal plastid inheritance and the small subunit is mendellian inheritance.
effects of chloramphenicol and cycloheximide on rubisco subunit synthesis
Chloramphenicol prevented the synthesis of the Large subunit and cycloheximide prevented the synthesis of the small subunit
Where are the large and small subunits of rubisco synthesized.
small is synthesized in the cytosol and large is synthesizedd in the chloroplast.
heat shock protein, proteins need to stay unfolded in the mitochondria
chaperone protein like hsp70, found in mitochondria, chloroplasts and cytosol, is an ATPase
What are the male parts of a plant?
The anthers, they contain pollen
What is the female part of the plant?
stigma, where pollen is delivered
maize plant inheritance?
uniparental maternal
seqoia plant inheritance?
uniparental paternal
stain used for DNA
ethidium bromid
stain used for mitochondria
musa acuminata
exception to the rule it has m+p- and the mito DNA came from father and the plastid came from mother.
what cells give rise to the pollen tubule?
vegative cells
spider plant inheritance
the vast majority of its pollen gives rise to maternal inheritance, and some its pollen will give rise to biparental
What causes the unique inheritance of spider plants
They are mostly maternal inheritance of plastids, but the failure to polarize plastid dna results in paternal plastid DNA in the generative cell resulting in biparental inheritance as well.