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81 Cards in this Set

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-the study of the normal functioning of a livingorganism and its component(structure) parts

-includes both chemical and physical processes(functions)


smallest to largest




-Organ systems

-integrative-how it affects everything, dominos


-smallest unit of structure capable of carrying out life processes


-collection of cells that carry out related functions


structural and functional units of tissue

organ systems

group of organs with integrated function


-constancy of the internal environment that is maintained by negative feedback loops

why is homeostasis important for the body?

-Maintains many physiologicalfunctions - blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, fluid volume- within a “window” is required for life

variables of homeostatic control


-material(nutrients, water,electrolytes,oxygen)

-internal secretions(hormones, chem signals)

what happens in a Negative Feedback loop

-for internal consistency, changes in the body stimulate sensors that send info to intergrating center to detect changes from a set point then directs responses of effectors

negative feedback loop

-response opposes or removes the signal

-regulation is in negative, reverse direction

-continuous ongoing process

-can restore normal state, cant prevent initial signal


-changes in the body stimulate this to maintain homeostasis

-sends info to integrating center

-negative feedback

integrating center

-sensors send info here

-detects changes from a set point

-often a region of brain or spinal cord, endocrine gland(neural, hormonal control)

-sends directions to effectors to initiate response


-muscles or glands "defending" set pints against deviations

-influenced by effects they produce

-increase or decrease not turned off

set point

-like temp set to a house thermostat

-action will take place to bring back to this spot, trigger

-average value within normal range of measurements

positive feedback

-action of effectors amplifies changes stimulated by effectors

-often not homeostatic-this stimulus is increased(futher from normal)

-effectiveness of some negative feedback loops are increased by this because it amplifies actions of neg feedback

blood clotting

-neg feedback loop increased by pos feedback

-occurs as a result of activation factors

-activation of one factor results in activat many positive feedback cascades

-formation of clot can prevent further lose of blood=completion of neeg feedback, restore homeostasis

ex of positive feedback

-related to female reproduction system

-estrogen secreted by ovaries, stimulates pituitary glad, secrete LH-LH surge=triggers ovulation

-contraction of uterus stim by pituitary hormone oxytocin, increased by sensory feedback during contractions=increase strength of contractions

homeostasis maintained by 2 catgeories

-intrinsic- within organs-ability of vessels to constrict or diliate

-extrinsic-reg by nervous and endocrine sys

nervous system

-controls secretion of endocrine glands and some hormones in turn affect function

-nerve fibers innervate organs they regulate fibers produce electrochemical nerve impulses from orgin of fiber to target organ

endocrine system

-functions closely with nervous system in regulating and integrating body processes and maintain homeostasis

-achieved by secretion of chemical regulators-hormones into blood and carried to all organs


-together nervous system and endocrine system regulate activities of most of the other systems of the body

target organs

-only specific organs can respond to a particular hormone

-can be muscles or glands that may function as effectors in maintain homeostasis

negative feedback of BP

-bp is lowered by by decreased heart rate and raised by increased heart rate

-fall in bp compensated by faster heart rate

-ex lying down, standing up, heart rate changes thru day


-influences activity of sensory neurons from bp receptors(sensors) when changed

-firing rate of nerve impulses in neurons effect brain(integrating center)

-causes nerves to heart(effector) to increase heart rate, helping to raise bp

antagonistic factors

-regulated by several effectors

-heart rate, blood glucose,calcium

-increased activity in one leads to decreased activity of another effector

-refined control

negative feedback control of blood glucose

-rise in blood glucose occurs after eat=corrected by insulin(secreted in large amounts at that time)

-fasting glucose falls=insulin is inhibited and secretes glucagon is increased

-stimulates liver to secrete glucose in blood=prevent glucose from falling

primary tissues

-organs are composed for 4 diff

-activities and interactions of these tissues determine physiology of organs

-muscle, nervous, epithelial, connective

Muscle tissue

-specialized for contraction

-3 types-skeletal, cardiac, smooth


-skeletal and cardiac muscle

-stripes that extend across width of muscle cell

-produced by char of contractile proteins so have similar mech of contraction

skeletal muscle

-voluntary cuz its contraction is controlled

-attached to ends of bones by tendons-contraction=movement of skeleton

-arranged in parallel, each muscle fiber can be controlled individually(grade contraction)


-skeletal muscle fibers, syncytium-multi nucleated mass

-contain mitochondria and other organelles

-arranged in bundles, parallel

-strength of muscle contraction needed for control of movements

Cardiac muscle

-striated, differs from skeletal appearance

-found only in heart where myocardial cells are connected to form continuous fabric

-intercalated discs are char and dark stained

myocardial cells

-short, branched and interconnected to form continous fabric in heart

-heart cant produce a graded contraction

-the stim of one cell results in stim of all other cells in mass

smooth muscle

-no striations

-found in digestive tract,blood vessels, bronch,urinary and repro system

-circular arrangements, longitdinaly aranged layers

-multiple nuclei

nervous tissue

-consists of nerve cells(neurons) and neuroglial cells


-specialized for generation and conduction of electrical events

-cell body-contains

-dendrites-recieve input from receptor cells

-axon-conducts nerve impulses

neuroglial cells

-dont conduct impulses, serve to bind neurons together,modify extracellular environment of nvs, provide neurons with structural support

-maintain a limited ability to divide by mitosis

-support cells

epithelial tissue structure

-one or more layers of epithelial cells

-seperated from underlying tissue by basal lamina or basement membrane

-any substance that enters or leaves internal enviornment must cross epithelium

-2types: sheets of cells lining body surface,secretory epithelia

epithelial tissue structure classification

-layering:simple or stratified

-shapes:squamous, cubodial,columnar



-epithelial cells that are flattened in shape



-epithelial cells that are wide as they are tall

-square, secretion,excretion, absorption


-epithelial cells that are taller than they are wide

-rectangular,secretion, absorption

epithelial membranes

cover all body surfaces and line cavity(lumen) of every hollow organ

-provide barrier between external and internal enviornment

exocrine glands

-secrete chemicals that lead to outside of membrane-sweat

endocrine glands

-secrete chemicals called hormones into blood

simple epithelia

-single layer of cells

-covers visceral organs, lining of body cavities,tubes and ducts

simple squamous epithelium

-single layer of flattened, tightly bound cells;diffusion and filitration

-capillary walls, alveoli of lungs, body cavaties

simple cuboidal epithelium

-single layer of cube shape cells;excretion,secretion, or absorption

-surface of ovaries, lining of kidney tubules, salivary ducts,and pancreatic ducts

simple columnar epithelium

-single layer of nonciliated,column shape cells;protection,secretion, and absorption

-lining of most digestive tract

pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

-single layer of ciliated irregularly shaped cells, goblet cells, protection, secretion, ciliary movement

-lining of respiratory passageways

simple ciliated columnar epithelium

-single layer of ciliated column shaped cells;transportive role thru ciliary motion

-lining of uterine tubes

stratified epithelia

-2 or more layers of cells

-epidermal layer of skin, lining of body openings, ducts, urinary bladder

stratified squamous epithelium(keratinized)

-numerous layers containing keratin, with outer layers flattened and dead; protection

-epidermis of skin

stratified squamous epithelium(nonkeratinized)

-numerous layers lacking keratin with outer layers moistened and alive; protection and pliability

-lining of oral and nasal cavities,vag, anal canal

stratified cuboidal epithelim

-2 layers of cube shaped cells, strengthen of luminal walls

-large ducts of sweat glands, salivary glands and pancreas

transitional epithelium

-numerous layers of rounded nonkeratinized cells; distension

-walls of ureters, urethra, and urinary bladder

exocrine glands

-secrete into ducts

-sweat, glands secrete into digestive tract, pancreas also has endocrine

- prostate, seminal vesicles(contribute to semen)

-testes and ovaries are both, -release gametes(ova and sperm)

connective tissue

-char by large amounts of extracellular material(connective tissue matrix) between diff types tissue cells

-connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone, and blood


-type of connective tissue cuz about half its volume is extracellular fluid, the blood plasma

connective tissue proper

-matrix consists of protein fibers and ground substances

-subtypes of loose,dense, fibrous,adipose and more

ground substance


watery=blood plasma

gel,syrup=cartilage, adipose,loose,dense connective tissue

protein fibers

fibronectin=connect cells to matrix

fibrilin=forms filiments and sheets

elastin=stretch and recoil

collagen=stiff but flexible

cartilage,bone, blood

-connective tissue because their cells are widely spaced with extracellular material between


-type of loose connective tissue

-cell cytoplasm is stretched around a central gobule of fat

-syn and breakdown of fat are accomp by enzymes within cytoplasm of adipocytes


-consists of cells called chondrocytes, surrounded by semisolid ground substance that imparts elastic properties to tissue

-type of supportive and protective tissue called gristle

-forms precursor to many bones


-produced as concentric layers, lamellae of calcified material around blood vessels

-osteoblasts trapped within cavities called lacunae, nourished by lifelines of cytoplasm

-units of structure called osteons









-skin,hair, nails

-protection, thermoregulation


-brain,spinal cord, nerves

-reg of other body systems


-hormone secreting glands-pituitary, thyroid, adrenals

-secretes of reg molecules called hormones


-bones, cartilages

-movement and support


-skeletal muslces

-movement of the skeleton


-heart, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels

-movement of blood and lymph


-bone marrow, lymphoid organs

-defense of body against invading pathogens


-lungs, airways

-gas exchange


-kidney, ureters, urethra

-regulation of blood volume and comp


-mouth, stomach, intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

-breakdown of food into molecules that enter body


-gonads, external genitalia, assoc glands and ducts

-continuation of human species