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39 Cards in this Set

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Function of respiratory

Gas exchange

Pulmonary ventilation

Exchange between the atmosphere and your lungs

Pulmonary respiration

Exchange between lungs and blood

Tissue respiration

Exchange between Blood and Tissue

Inhalation exhalation

Contraction of respiratory muscles

How do gases exert pressure

Pressure= force/area, ⬆ volume/⬇ pressure, gases exert pressure thru Collison

Boyle's Law

Inverse relationship between volume and pressure of a gas


Ability of lungs to expand, determined mostly by surface tension of fluid in alveoli ( High compliance= easy to expand)

Elastic recoil

Ability to return to shape after being stretched, determined mostly by surface of fluid in alveoli

Minute ventilation

Ventilation rate × tidal volume

Alveolor ventilation

Ventilation rate × title volume - Dead space (150ml)


Ventilation above metabolism requirements


Ventilation below metabolism requirements

Pulmonary and tissue respiration

Passive happens by diffusion which requires concentration gradient

Dalton's law

Pressure of a gas in a mixture of gases is exerted independently of the other gases total pressure is the sum of the partial pressures.

Nitrogen, 02, CO2

78% 21% .033% ( for gas to diffuse through liquid it has to dissolve in the liquid)

Henry's law

Amount of gas that will dissolve in some liquid depends on the partial pressure of the gas. For a gas to dissolve in a liquid it has to collide with liquid.

Factors that influence rate of diffusion

1 steepness in concentration gradient 2 surface area 3 coefficient gas liquid temp 4 distance

Transport of o2 in blood

1.5% dissolved in plasma 98.5% bound to hemoglobin o2 (g)↔ o2 (aq)

O2 (aq)+Hb-h ↔Hb-o2+h^+

Factors that influence the affinity(attraction) of Hb for o2

Po2, pH, Pco2,BPG


[CO2 (aq)+H2o↔H2CO3↔HCO-3+H^+]

⬆during exercise ⬆high altitude ⬆BPG ⬇Hb affinity for o2

altitude ⬆BPG ⬇Hb affinity for o2

Transport of CO2 in blood

7% dissolved into plasma 23% as carbo Amino compounds 70% as hco3 (bicarbonate)

Regulation of ventilation: basic rhythm

Respiratory Center 1. Medullary respiratory Center- dorsal respiratory group➡ communicate with respiratory muscles

Ventral respiratory group➡ communicate with abdominal muscles plus internal intercostals for forced exhale

Pre botzinger neurons➡ communicate to the drg/ adapt the transition between inhale and exhale

Modifications to basic rhythm

Chemoreceptors • Central chemoreceptors➡ located in medulla➡ monitor pH pco2 in CSF

Peripheral chemoreceptors➡ located in arotic Arch and carotid sinus➡ monitor pH pco2 po2 (normal stimulus to breathe High pco2 not low po2)

Function of kidneys

Regulate water and electrolyte balance ,excretion of metabolic wastes, hormones, drugs

Kidneys regulation

Blood volume, blood pH, chemical composition of body fluids, calcium homeostasis, regulate red blood cell production


Glomerular filtration

Glomerular filtration rate(GFR)= volume of filtrate you farm per minute

What determines what gets filtered

The filtration membrane- selection based on size and charge

What determines how much gets filtered

BP in glomerulus

How do kidneys keep GFR constant despite fluctuations in systemic BP

How is resistance of afferent and efferent arteriole regulated( how do we regulate GFR)

Neural regulation( sympathetic stimulation)

Hormonal regulation( epinephrine, Angiotensin II,ANP)

Autoregulation- myogenic mechanism

- tubuloglomerular feedback (tubular reabsorption)

Proximal convoluted tubule

Na+/K+ pumps in basolateral membrane creates na+ gradient

Use gradient to reabsorb glucose and amino acids

Water follows by osmosis

Paracellular reabsorption of K+, Ca2+ by diffusion

Primary active transport is sodium potassium pumps

Secondary active transport is using the gradient

Reabsorb hco3 by feedback loop

Descending Loop of henle

Reabsorb H2O by osmosis

No ions reabsorbed

Ascending Loop of henle

Na+/K+ pumps create Na+ gradient

Use gradient to reabsorb Na+/2Cl-/K+

No H2O reabsorbs because no channels

Distal convoluted tubule (hormonal)

Ca2+ is only in the presence of parathyroid hormone

K+/Na+ gradient

Collecting duct

Adding new HCO-3

Urinate out the H+

Secrete more H+in presence of aldosteron

Dilute and concentrated urine production


New filtrate➡300 mosm/l



Dilute urine has no ADH ( deeper into medulla the more concentrated the I.F. will be)

Why is the concentration of I.F. in medulla so high

Counter-current multiplication by Loop of henle create high concentration

Counter-current exchange by Visa recta allows High concentration to persist
