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34 Cards in this Set

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4 sources that can stimulate an immune response
1. Pathogens
2. Cell Damage
3. Genetic Mutation
4. Auto-immunity
-12-72 hr lifespan
-100-300 day lifespan
serves as an early warning sign, washes through ISF
Lymphatic system
a central tissue, where a lot of WBCs are made
Bone marrow
a central tissue: take raw lymphocytes and turn a small % into T lymphocytes
Thymus gland
non specific barriers (5)
GI tract
Protective secretions (tears, sweat) w/ lysozyme
Lymph nodes- w/ WBCs
chemical signals sent by infected cells
-most commonly from viral
-provide short term immunity to surrounding cells
chemical signal
-ups probability of WBC finding pathogen
Movement of WBCs toward cytokine
when WBCs attack a pathogen they secrete this fever producing mechnism
Endogenous pyrogens
Neutrophil takes antigen from pathogen and makes it part of it's membrane
-present the antigen to T lymphocyte
Antigen Presenting cells
cell mediated immunity
T cells
destroy pathogen, clean up
-lose at numbers game
type of T cell
-kill pathogen , directly attack specific antigen, attack membrane and DNA
Cytotoxic/Killer T cells
Type of T cell
-work like APCs, activate both T & B cells
-targeted by AIDS
Helper T cells
type of T cell
-inhibit killer T cells& B cells
-loss can lead to auto-immune
Suppressor T cells
Type of T cells
-recognize the return of the pathogen so APCs wont be needed
Memory T cells
Humoral Immunity
antibody mediated, Bcells
kill pathogens with number adv but cant clean up
B lymphocyte type
-secrete specific antibodies
Plasma B cells
Type of B lymphocyte
-similar to memory T cells
memory B cells
result of humoral immunity
=have specific antigen binding sites
-mark pathogen by binging to them
Ways antibodies fight off infection (3)
1. Neutralization
2. Phagocytosis
3. activate complement system
activated by antibodies, punches holes in membrane causing cell to burst
Complement system
goals of pharmaceutical interventions (4)
1. destroy pathogen
2 stop replication
3. prevent cell infection
4. prepare immune system
external disease prevention, destroys both living and nonliving
-soap, bleach, alcohol
Vaccination goals (4)
1. earlier lymphocyte activity
2. faster lymp activation
3. higher # total lymp
4. increase antibody production
primary response vs. secondary
second is faster and larger
weakened or destroyed pathogens, but respond to antigen
initiates primary response
creates memory t/b cells
long lasting
Active immunization
antibodies from donor (was actively immunized)
short term
Passive immunization
shot w/ antibodies
artificial passive
breastfeeding, pass antibodies
natural passive
Kill bacteria by:
-destroying plasma memb
-disrupting protein synthesis
prevent replication of bacteria by:
prevent rep related protein syn
prevent folic acid form
Antiviral goals (3)
1. prevent cell infection
2. prevent viral rep
3. prevent viral escape