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39 Cards in this Set

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How does the MR computer know where the signal is coming from
What is the magnetic field strength at the isocentre
same as Bo
What determines the slope of the gradient magnetic field
the amplitude of the magnetic field gradient
What does the slope of the gradient magnetic field determin
it will determine the rate of change along the gradient axis
What is the difference between as gradient with a steep slop and a shallow slope
the steep slope have a greater change in gradient between to points
What causes a greater alteration in the precession of 2 protons; shhallow or steep slope
Sleep stop Vs shallow slope
What is the are the axis of the gradients of the head
How is a slice selection gradient aligned
the same direction as the main magnetic field
How is a particular slice chosen
since there is slightly different precession along the gradient just give a RF pulse that will only react to that pulse (according to the lamor equation)
How do you know which direction is going to be the slice selection gradient
by the imaging plane being imaged
In axial imaging what plane is the slice selecting gradient
In coronal imaging what axis is the slice selection gradient
Y axis
What happens if you want to image oblique images
a combination of 2 magnetic field gradients will have to be used for the slice selection (not shown but use your imagination)
How is the size of the slice selected
depends on the steepness of the magnetic field gradient being used. But steeper is thinner
How is the frequency bandwidth that is recieved in thin slices compared to thick slices.
The same
Error previous page. This slide is misleading becauses either the size of the bandwith being recieved or the steepness of the gradient can be adjusted to change the slice thickness.
How is the bandwidth or steepness of the magnetic gradient changed.
It is automaticaly done by selecting the slice size in the MRI scanner
What is the bandwidth in these images the RF pulse or the bandwitdth that is recieved by the machine when the signal occurs
The RF pulse bandwidth
What determines the size of the gap between the gradient
The gap between the slices is determined by the gradient slope and by
the thickness of the slice.
Why is the slice selection gradient turned on during RF pulse administration.
The slice selection gradient is turned on because the RF pulse will be tuned to that precessional frequency and needs to know where to go.
Which axis is typically the frequency encoding direction
long axis
What is the direction of the frequency encoding (long axis) of the body
What is meant by the long axis
the longer of the two remaining dimensions once the slice selection gradient is chosen (IE look at the frequency encoding direction of the head (nose to occiput)
When is the frequency encoding (readout gradient) turned on
When the signal is going to be recieved.
how does the turning on the frequency encoding gradient effect the rephasing of the protons
I am assuming it will make them rephase quicker then dephase
What determines the field of view (FOV) when doing a scan
What happens to the protons as the readout gradient occurs
continued rephasing
What happens to the protons as the readout gradient occurs
continued rephasing
What does the steepness of the frequency encoding gradient determine
he steepness of the slope of the frequency encoding
gradient determines the size of the anatomy covered along the frequency
encoding axis during the scan. This is called the field of view (FOV). The steeper the less anatomy that will be covered.
What happens to the nuclei at the isocentre of the phase encoding gradient
No change
How are these frequencies mapped
Each frequency is allocated a
frequency column that is mapped onto the FOV along the frequency axis
What does 1 cycle look like
What must occur to the bottom for nyquist thereom to be followed
increased sampling time. (nyquist only says 2 samples per cycle not at least 2 samples)
What does reducing the frequency bandwidth do to the sampling time
Reducing the receive bandwidth affects the minimum TE because the
echo is usually centred on the middle of the frequency encoding gradien
What does increasing the recieve bandwidth do
increases TE time