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33 Cards in this Set

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What are the four lung volumes?

Inspiratory reserve volume

Tidal volume

expiratory reserve volume

Residual volume

Tidal Volume (VT)

Amount of air breathed in and out during one normal breath (one normal respiratory cycle)

~15 mL/kg

Residual Volume (RV)

Volume of air that remains in the lungs after a complete and forceful expiration. Not possible to breathe it out

Inspiratory Reserve Volume

Amount of air that you can inspire beyond what you breathe in during a normal breath.

-Can access this when you exercise th increase how much you can breathe

Expiratory Reserve Volume

Amount of air you can expire beyond what you breathe out during a normal breathe.

- extra amount you breathe out during a normal breathe

Vital Capacity

Maximum amount of air that can be inspired after the maximum amount of air has been expired (most you can breathe in and out with maximal effort)

Total Lung Capacity

Vital capacity + residual volume

Functional Residual Capacity

Residual Volume + Expiratory Reserve Volume

- amount of air in lung after a normal expiration

-lung volume that occurs when the chest wall and lung in equilibrium

-If you stopped breathing you would still have this amount of air to participate in gas exchange.

Energy used during breathing

1. Contraction of muscles expands thorax.

2. Needs to overcome elastic recoil that would contract the lungs.

3. Needs to overcome resistance to air flow through respiratory system.


Measure of the distensibility of the lung.

Determined by measuring the change in volume as a result of a change in pressure.

-In mid range pressure, compliance is high

-At high and low pressure compliance is low

Surface Tension

Attractive forces between atoms or molecules. Water molecules pull on each other

Alveolar Surface Tension

Laplace's Law: P =2T/r

P = pressure inside alveolus

T = tension on inner surface

r = internal radius of alveolus

-Smaller the alveolus in, the higher the pressure you need to overcome.

Inspiratory capacity

Inspiratory reserve volume + tidal volume

Laplace's law

P = 2T/r

P = pressure inside alveolus >works to expand

T = tension on inner surface > works to contract alveolus

r = internal radius of alveolus

At a given surface tension, would small or large alveoli have higher internal pressure? What does this mean?

Small alveoli will have a higher internal pressure. As a result, they would always empty into larger alveoli which is not good. Would require more energy to breathe, so surfactant comes in.

What is surfactant?

Substance that accumulates at the surface of a fluid to reduce tension.

What is pulmonary surfactant?

Lipoprotein complex (70% lipid, 30% protein).

-Synthesized by type II alveolar epithelial cells (secretory cells)

What happens at the end of expiration?

-Alveolus is at its smallest size (small r)

-Surfactant becomes more concentrated on surface of alveolus which reduces surface tension, counteracting effects of small radius.

-stabilizes alveolus when small so doesn't just dump into larger

What happens at the end of inspiration?

-Alveolus is at its largest size (large r)

-Surfactant less concentrated so surface tension (T) increases

-This provides some of the recoil necessary for making expiration passive

Poiseuille's Law

Resistance = 8nl/πr^4

n = viscosity of fluid or gas

l = length of tube

r = radius of tube

What is the effect of diameter of airway resistance?

A very small change in diameter can have a huge change in resistance ( over r^4).

If the radius is halved, the force must be increased 16x to maintain flow.

What is the effect of length on airway resistance?

If the length is doubled, resistance will double and need to double the force to maintain constant flow. Not as big an effect as radius on resistance.

Where is the highest resistance to airflow in the respiratory system?

Around the 4th or 5th bronchioles.

Tubes are splitting but still have a large tube splitting so high turbulence.

Why does airway resistance go down if airways get progressively smaller?

Diameter of each tube gets smaller, but the total diameter increases exponentially.

3 gas laws

Volume = constant/pressure

Volume = constant x temperature

Dissolved amount of gas = pressure x solubility coeficient

Partial pressure

The pressure exerted by a specific gas when it is in a mixture of gases (its part of the total pressure)

Dalton's Law

The pressure of one gas is independent of the pressures exerted by the other gases.

Sum of all the individual pressures is equal to the total gas pressure.

denoted by P

How do you find the partial pressure of a gas?

P of a gas is found by multiplying its fractional concentration (%) by the total gas pressure

e.g., PO2 = 0.21 x 760 mmHg = 160mmHg

Pa refers to...

Arterial pressure of a gas - the amount dissolved in plasma

Does not change until it gets to capillaries so an arterial gas will tell you what is in the lungs.

Pv refers to...

Venous pressure of a gas - amount dissolved in plasma

If you want a venous sample that gives info from whole body take from pulmonary artery

PA refers to...

Alveolar pressure of a gas - air in the lung

Fick's law

Vgas =A x D x (P1 –P2)/T

A = surface area of membrane

D = diffusion coeeficient for the gas (solubility and size)

P1 and P2 = partial pressures on each side of the membrane

T = thickness of membrane

What conditions favour optimal gas exchange?

Large surface area

Fast diffusion coefficient

Large difference between 2 partial pressures

Thin membranes