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24 Cards in this Set

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Descartes was a ________ dualist
Substance dualism:
the human mind is a different substance than the physical brain.
Reality is made of different substances

Property dualism:
the human mind is property of the physical brain.
EX: when the brain ceases to exist, the mind also ceases to exist
When brain ceases to exist, the mind continues to exist (________ dualism)
When the brain ceases to exist, the mind also ceases to exist (_________ dualism)
The Zombie Possibility:
Zombies behave exactly like living people. The only difference is that zombies are not conscious. For all you know, everyone else is a zombie.
The Mutant Possibility:
Mutants behave exactly like living people. Mutants also are conscious like living people. The only difference is events in the mutant's mind are different than ours. For all you know, everyone else is a mutant.
Pain doesn't come from physical events, but...
it comes from thoughts of pain in your mind.
Which philosopher came up with the idea of Occasionalism?
Created substances are not the cause of events. Rather, the provide occasions for God to insert events into our lives.
Locke & Leibniz had the idea that _______ ______ affect the _____
Atomic particles affect the senses
Anything that is true, you have to...
Back it up with reason
We must deny the possibility of zombies and mutants if which philosopher is correct?
4 sections of contemporary philosophy:
1. Occasionalism
2. Logical Behaviorism
3. Functionalism
4. Scientific Reductionalism
Logical Behaviorism:
mental concepts can be explained in terms of behavioral concepts.
mental states are constituted solely by their functional role. Analyzing the function of humans.
Scientific Reductionism:
reducing complex interactions and entitles to their sum of their constituent parts, to be studied easier.
Input, pain, disposition, response
In most cases, _________ usually overrules over emotion. But choosing ______ can sometimes overrule _________
disposition, emotion, disposition
feeling or sensations of events happening; the mental experience.
color preception:
warm colors (red, yellow)
color preception:
cool colors (blue, green)
Inverted spectrum- ______ color is impossible
"private memories/events cannot be justified. we can only know the contents of our mind when...
confirmed by others" Wittenstein