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14 Cards in this Set

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What is a fundamental project of axiology?
A fundamental project of axiology is the attempt to discover, properly formulate, and defend a criterion for the intrinsic values of individual human lives.
What is intrinsic goodness?
A thing is intrinsically good to the extent
that it is good "in itself"; to the extent that it is good in
virtue of what it is, rather than merely in virtue of what it
produces, or leads to; to the extent that it is good as an end,
and not merely as a means to something else.
What is intrinsic badness?
Intrinsic Badness: A thing is intrinsically bad to the extent
that it is bad "in itself"; to the extent that it is bad in
virtue of what it is, rather than merely in virtue of what it
produces, or leads to; to the extent that it is good as an end,
and not merely as a means to something else.
What are the three points to Consumerism?
I. The acquisition of consumer goods is intrinsically good.
The loss of consumer goods is intrinsically bad.

II. The intrinsic value for a person, S, of the acquisition of some consumer goods
is equal to the dollar value of the goods acquired. The intrinsic
disvalue for a person, S, of the loss of some consumer goods is equal to -(the dollar
value of the consumer goods lost)

III. The intrinsic value of the life of a person, S, is equal to the sum
of the intrinsic values and disvalues for S of all the acquisitions and losses of
consumer goods in that life.
What is Simple Sensory Hedonism?
I. Every episode of pleasure is intrinsically good; every
episode of pain is intrinsically bad.

II. The intrinsic value of an episode of pleasure, e, is equal
to the number of hedons of pleasure contained in e. The
intrinsic value of an episode of pain is equal to -(the number of
dolors of pain it contains).

III. The intrinsic value of a person's life = the sum of the intrinsic
values of all the episodes of pleasure and pain contained within
that life.
What are the five points to pleasure and pain?
i. Pleasure and pain are feelings, or sensations.
ii. Pleasure and pain come in "episodes" which are events that consist
in someone's feeling pleasure or pain at some time.
iii. Every episode, e, of pleasure or pain has a duration -- a measure of how
long it lasts.
iv. Every episode, e, of pleasure or pain has an intensty -- a measure of how
"strong" the feeling is.
v. The amount of pleasure or pain in an episode is determined by
multiplying intensity by duration to yield "hedons" (in the case of pleasure)
or "dolors" (in the case of pain)
What is a higher pleasure?
Higher pleasures: pleasures of the intellect, of aesthetics, and
of morality; involve "higher faculties".
What is a lower pleasure?
Lower pleasures: pleasures of the body, including pleasures
associated with reproduction, eating and drinking, excretion,
lolling about on the beach, etc; involve "lower faculties".
What is Millian Qualified Hedonism?
I. Every episode of pleasure is intrinsically good; every
episode of pain is intrinsically bad.

II. The intrinsic value of an episode of pleasure, e, is equal
to the number of qualified hedons of pleasure contained in e.
The intrinsic value of an episode of pain is equal to -(the
number of dolors of pain it contains).

III. The intrinsic value of a life = the sum of the intrinsic
values of all the episodes of pleasure and pain contained within
that life.
Define satisfaction
S desires that p be the case, and
p is the case.
What is frustration?
S desires that p be the case, but
~p is the case.
What is Actual Desire Satisfactionism (ADS)?
I. Every case of desire satisfaction is intrinsically good; every case
of desire frustration is intrinsically bad.

II. The intrinsic value of a satisfaction is equal to the intensity of the desire satisfied;
the intrinsic value of a frustration is equal to -(the instensity of the desire frustrated).

III. The intrinsic value of a life is equal to the sum of the
intrinsic values of all the desire satisfactions and frustrations that
occur in that life.
What is concurrent satisfaction?
S desires that p be
the case, and p is the case while S desires it.
What is concurrent frustration?
S desires that p be
the case, but ~p is the case throughout the time that S desires p.