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26 Cards in this Set

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Recognize the normal developmental milestones for a full-term infant
(or preterm conceptional age):
alerts to sound (bell or voice);
fixates on face or object and follows briefly
Two months
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 2 months of
age: regards object; follows past midline; lifts head and shoulders
off bed in the prone position
Two months Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 2 months of age: smiles socially; coos; reciprocal vocalizations
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 4 months of
age: follows object 180 degrees; steady head control while sitting;
holds head up; bears weight on forearms in the prone position; rolls
over from prone to supine position; bears weight on legs when standing
Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 4 months of age: laughs out loud, squeals; initiates social
Six months
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 6 months of
age: reaches for objects; transfers object from one hand to the other;
rolls over in both directions; no head lag when pulled to a sitting
position; sits with support
Six months
Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 6 months of age: turns directly to sound and voice; babbles
consonant sounds; imitates speech sounds
Nine months
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 9 months of
age: feeds self with fingers; plays gesture games (pat-a-cake, waves
bye-bye) in imitation; bangs two objects together; holds two objects
at one time; able to grasp pellet-like object; sits without support
Nine months
Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 9 months of age: says "mama" and "dada" as sounds; understands
his/her own name; recognizes common objects (eg, bottle) or people
(eg, daddy)
Twelve months
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 12 months of
age: drinks from a cup held by another person; pulls to a stand and
cruises; takes a few independent steps; neat pincer grasp ofraisinor pellet
Twelve months
Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 12 months of age: says "mama" and "dada" with specific meaning;
says at least one specific word in addition to "mama" and "dada"
Fifteen months
Recognize the gross normal motor developmental milestones for 15
months of age: plays ball with examiner; gives and takes a toy;
drinks from a cup; scribbles with a crayon; puts cube into a cup;
walks independently; stoops to floor and recovers to standing position
Fifteen months
Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 15 months of age: says three to six specific words; follows
simple commands; uses jargon
Eighteen months
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 18 months of
age: feeds self with spoon; stacks tower of two cubes; runs; walks up
steps with hand held; throws or casts ball
Eighteen months
Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 18 months of age: helps with housework; says six specific words;
uses words for wants or needs
Twenty-four months
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 24 months of
age: washes and dries hands; removes clothing; puts on hat; stacks
tower of four to six cubes; feeds self with spoon and fork; kicks
ball; jumps with two feet off floor; throws ball overhand
Twenty-four months
Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 24 months of age: combines words into two- or three-word phrases;
points to pictures named; uses vocabulary of 50+ words; uses "I,"
"me," and "mine" in speech; points to body parts on self or doll
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 36 months of
age: puts on tee-shirt, shorts; stacks tower of eight cubes; imitates
vertical stroke with crayon; broad jumps; stands on one foot for 1 to
2 seconds; pedals tricycle
Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 36 months of age: names playmate; speech is 75% intelligible;
speaks in sentences of five to eight words; knows simple adjectives
(eg, tired, hungry, thirsty)
Four years
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 4 years of
age: dresses without help; brushes teeth without help; copies circle
and cross; draws simple figure of a person; walks up and down steps;
hops on one foot; balances on one foot for 3 seconds
Four years

Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 4 years of age: pretend play; names four colors; speech fully
intelligible; asks questions (eg, when?, why?, how?); relates events
Five years
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 5 years of
age: draws a person with 6 body parts; skips, alternating feet
Five years

Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 5 years of age: prepares bowl of cereal; plays board or card
games; defines words; counts five blocks; names all primary colors
Six years
Recognize the normal motor developmental milestones for 6 years of
age (finishing kindergarten): ties shoelaces; counts ten objects;
rides a bicycle
Six years

Cognitive - behavioral
Recognize the normal cognitive/behavioral developmental milestones
for 6 years of age (finishing kindergarten): writes name; counts ten
objects; knows right from left; copies two-part figure; knows color
Know the indications of social readiness to attend school:
ability to
separate from parents for several hours at a time; plays well with
other children; takes turns; able to follow directions in a group
activity; able to relate personal experiences, tell stories