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115 Cards in this Set

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It is one of the most popular recreational activities all over the world.


True or False:

Swimming is also a form of sport in several countries.


True or False:

The number of injuries associated with swimming is comparatively lesser than other sports.



It improves the blood circulation in the body and is a great workout for all the muscles.


Swimming improves the

_________ in the body and is a great workout for all the muscles.

blood circulation

It is a form of low impact aerobic activity and increases strength and cardiovascular stamina.


Swimming is a form of ________ and increases strength and cardiovascular stamina.

low impact aerobic activity

Swimming is a form of low impact aerobic activity and increases ________ and _________.

strength and cardiovascular stamina

True or False:

A lot of people swim regularly to control their weight and improve body contours.


True or False:

Swimming is a full body exercise


Swimming is considered as one of the greatest ________.

greatest stress busters

True or False:

Swimming is not as old as Humanity

Swimming is as old as Humanity

During what ancient time is this event?

It is recorded that swimming instructors were known the Nile, for a nobleman of the middle kingdom (2160-1780 B.C.) left testimony to the fact that his children and the children of the king took their swimming lessons together.

Egypt and Assyria

A relief of Egyptian history shows the soldiers of Rameses II (1292-1225) swimming the _______ to escape the Hittites.

Orontes River

Assyrians were acquainted with swimming. Although they were not as proficient in the water as the Egyptians, for whenever it was possible, they made use of ________ to buoy them up. propelling themselves with one arm.

inflated skins

The illustrations in the relief suggest an over-arm movement in most cases. The legs appear to drag an do not picture any definite stroke or action. It therefore seems suppositional to infer that the _________ were acquainted with the modern crawl.

Egyptians and Syrians

The illustrations in the relief suggest an over-arm movement in most cases. The legs appear to drag an do not picture any definite stroke or action. It therefore seems suppositional to infer that the Egyptians and Syrians were acquainted with the


modern crawl

________ was ideally situated to give full recognition to the importance of bathing and swimming.


Baths were built in _______ and ______ and other Grecian cities as early as 1700-1400 B.C.

Cnossus and Phaistos

______ relates how certain of his heroes and heroines were accustomed to bathe.


From vase paintings owned by ________, and others in the museum de leyde and in the Louvre, we learn that shower baths are of ancient origin.

Sir W. Hamilton

From vase paintings owned by Sir W. Hamilton, and others in the museum de leyde and in the Louvre, we learn that ________ are of ancient origin.

shower baths

Hot baths were vogue despite the protest of ______ and ______ who considered warm water effeminate.

Hesiod and Homer

Hot baths were vogue despite the protest of Hesiod and Homer who considered warm water _______.


It is also said that

_______ was like-minded and seldom bathed, considering it a luxury.


It is also said that Socrates was like-minded and seldom bathed, considering it a



_________ was considered the act of a boor.

singing in the bath was considered the act of a boor.

In ______, swimming was part of the education of boys of elementary school age.


In Rome, swimming was part of the education of boys of elementary school age. They also built the

__________, and in the first century BC, they built the _____________.

first swimming pools

first heated swimming pools

In _______, swimming dates to the first century BC.


There were many swimming events that took place in _______ before it was opened to the Western world.


In the _______ areas, swimming. was taught to children by the time they could walk.


There were few races in ancient Greece, which was famous for having their best

________ swim as part of training.


There were few races in ancient ________, which was famous for having their best boxers swim as part of training.


Many parts in

_______ explain their lack of swimming areas for fear that such activity may lead to health hazards.


Many parts in Europe explain their lack of swimming areas for fear that such activity may lead to _______.

health hazards

The first swimming organization took place in ________, mostly in _________, which by then had six indoor pools with diving boards.

1837 - London

True or False:

In 1869, London founded the Amateur Swimming Association, which inspired may more swimming association in Europe from 1882- 1889.


______ held the swim meet in 1864, that highlighted that first swimming championship in the 440-yard race.


In the _______, swimming became a recognized sport in 1888 with the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) as organizer.

United States

In 1909, the ________ founded.

Federation Internationale de Natation Amateur (FINA) was

Swimming became organized as an ______ in the late 19th century in several countries.

amateur sport

True or False:

Swimming became part of the first modern Olympic Games (1896).


Olympic events for women were included in the year ______.


Among non- Olympic distance events, swimming the _______ has been most publicized.

English Channel

The first confirmed channel crossing was made )1875) by ________ of England

________ of the United States was the first woman to perform (1926) this feat.

Matthew Webb

Gertrude Ederle

Who introduced swimming as a competitive sport in the Philippines?

American military men

Through the pioneer effort of YMCA leaders working among the American Military forces, the rudiments of the sports were impressed upon the Filipinos who saw in 1907 the construction of the first swimming pool in the country at ________.

Fort McKinley YMCA

The holding of the first ______ meets between Manila and YMCA and the Fort McKinley YMCA in 1910 marked the formal inception of Philippine swimming as a competitive sport.

dual swimming

True or False false:

The initial competition among members of the defunct Philippine Scouts of the US Army in the Philippines with the motive power of the YMCA which was later joined by the American Columbian Club in the effort, kindled Filipino interest in the sports.


What was the role of the Filipinos at first swimming championships meet that was held at the American Columbia Club swimming pool with competing American teams from Manila YMCA, the American Columbian Club, and the USS Saratoga.


Filipinos watched avidly from the sidelines

In what year did the Filipinos participated in the second championship meet?


In 1912, the Filipinos participated in the second championship meet. Of the 42 individual entries, the late ______ emerged as the most outstanding Filipino swimmer.

Condrado Benitez

During the ________ held at Manila in 1913, the Philippine Team composed of Condrado Benitez, J. del Pan, C. Aiville, and L. Cristobal won the championship against _______ and _____.

Far Eastern Games



In 1924, ________, a Philippines Scout soldier of the US Army, won recognition as the greatest Filipino swimmer for his feats in national championship meets, the Far East and Olympic Games

Teofilo Yldefonso

swimming competitions were suspended during the _________.

Japanese occupation

It was only in _____ when swimming competitions were resumed.


The first ______ held in New Delhi in ______ gave the Filipino swimmers the opportunity to participate once again in international competition.

Asian games


In 1954, the second Asian game was held in _____.


When did the Federation System under Republic Act 3135 inaugurated?


New swimmers especially depend on _____ to help with form and technique when learning new strokes in the water.

swimming equipment

True or False:

Wearing proper swimming attire and using proper gears and equipment are important to be safe and prevent damage to swimming pool facilities.


What are the swimming basic gears?

swimsuit, goggles, swimming cap and kick board.

A ______ is the proper attire for swimming purposes.


A _______ is a swimming attire that protects the upper body against sunburn.

rash guard

A pair of _____ and _____ will make you feel comfortable to swim.

goggles and swimming cap

The ______ keep the water out of your eyes as you swim and allow you to see underwater more easily.


The ______ cover your hair, keeps it away from your face, especially your eyes while you swim.

swimming cap

In ordinary swimming, wearing goggles and swimming cap can also serve as protection against ______.

pool chemical

In competitive swimming, wearing _______ lessens your struggle against the force of the water as you swim.

Swimming cap

It is a floating device which helps you in practicing and mastering leg actions and strokes.


It loosen and strengthen your ankles.

Swim fins or flippers

They are used to give the extra power, most helpful to those who have trouble getting propulsion or momentum from their kicks.

Swim fins or flippers

_______ helps you in practicing your arm action once you have learned how to do a good stroke. Make sure the ________ you used are appropriate and snugly fir your palms.

Hand paddles

True or False:

Using bigger paddles will cause a strain in your arms and shoulders.


Its purpose is for you to develop strength in your arm when you pull. It allows you to focus on the arms while your legs are kept afloat.

Pull buoy

True or False:

Pull buoys are clipped in between your arms and you should not kick when using them.



True or False:

Swimming is the only

Low-impact exercise that offers you a variety of health benefits.



It can offer you the health benefits of an aerobic exercise without impacting your joints; thereby it can be practiced both by elderly people as well as by young generation.


Swimming can be used for:

• Fun & Recreation

• Relaxation

• Sports

• Saving Lives (Rescue)

10 Benefits of Swimming

1. Best Cardio Exercise

2. Improved Mental Health

3. Improved Lung Capacity

4. Reduced Risk of Lifestyle Disorders

5. Improved Muscle Strength

6. Reduced Body Pain

7. Decreased Inflammation

8. Increased Flexibility

9. Reduced Weight

10. Healthy Pregnancy

True or False:

Swimming is the best endurance sport and aerobic exercise, thereby it can help you to maintain good cardio health.


It is the Best Cardio Exercise

the primary benefit of swimming in relation to health.

Best Cardio Exercise

Swimming is the ______ that can help you reduce your blood pressure and improve your heart health.

best cardio exercise

True or False:

Swimming is the best cardio exercise that can help you reduce your blood pressure and improve your heart health



______ also enhances your stamina and improves your overall performance.


True or False:

Research studies suggest that water-based workouts or sports usually improve the mental state and health, thereby improving emotional wellbeing


True or False:

Swimming for its health-related benefits, is widely recommended to people suffering from mood swings.


True or False:

Exercising in deep warm water can help people to reduce anxiety and depression, while enhancing their mood and mental state.



True or False:

Like other aerobic exercises, swimming is also known to increase the lung capacity, as it compels your body to work harder and overtime.


True or False:

As water is denser than air, the lungs are compelled to work harder while swimming to ensure sufficient oxygen supply. Improved lung capacity can help to provide relief in symptoms of asthma and help to improve immunity as well.



As ______ and proper _____ help to prevent some lifestyle disorders, swimming can be a great option.

regular exercises


True or False:

Regular swimming ca help to improve blood circulation, oxygen supply to body parts and maintain a healthy weight.


True or False:

Regular swimming can help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and boost up on good cholesterol.


With the benefits of swimming in relation to health, you can reduce your risk of lifestyle disorders like ______, _______, and _______.

obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases.

True or False:

People, who regularly swim, usually develop lean muscles, and gain muscle strength throughout their body.


This is one of the biggest benefits of swimming in relation to health.

Improved muscle strength

True or false:

Running merely helps you to develop muscles in your legs, while swimming uses more muscle groups, which helps to improve overall muscle strength.



While swimming is a great full body exercise, it also has the capacity to relax the body muscles and reduce your _____.

body pains

________ is the best aerobic experience that can strengthen the back and loosen it up.

Backstroke swimming

True or False:

Swimming offers great health benefits for arthritis and is an excellent remedy for such pain. The soft resistance and support of water can help to alleviate your arthritis pain.


Regular swimming can decrease inflammation that may result in _________ build- up in heart.


True or false:

Swimming can reduce system-wide inflammation, thereby reducing the risk of inflammatory conditions and other disorders.


True or False:

Swimming is considered as the best aerobic exercise for improving flexibility of your body.


True or False:

Since you stretch, reach, twist and pull your way inside the water while swimming, it can make you more flexible than any other aerobic exercise


Repeated stretching performed on every stroke while swimming can greatly enhance your ______ while improving the strength


As swimming is one of the best exercises to burn those extra calories, it is very effective in reducing


excess weight

True or False:

Swimming is very effective and efficient compared to running on treadmills for losing weight and burning calories.


True or False:

Swimming is the best form of aerobic exercise that can strengthen both your shoulder and abdominal muscles.


True or False:

Water based exercises reduce joint or muscle pain and can reduce the discomfort of pregnant women.


True or False:

Regular swimming sessions are of great help to maintain a healthy and fit pregnancy.


True or False:

By properly preparing your body for exercise you are increasing your flexibility which increases your efficiency in the water if you are swimming and helps reduce any subsequent muscle soreness from working out.


Tips for stretching and warming up.

1. Stretch each body part in order. Hold stretches for 10 - 15 seconds. Run through this routine three times.

2. Stretching cold muscles may relieve tension but will have very little effect on flexibility. Gently swim or briskly walk for five minutes before stretching.

3. If you're stretching in the water, your body will cool down rapidly so maintain your temperature by walking, jogging on the spot or swinging your arms or legs for 20 seconds between each stretch.

4. Stretch after training. Try doing this in a warm shower, holding each stretch for 30 - 40 seconds to

help clear waste products from the muscles, improve post-exercise flexibility and stimulate the muscle receptors that promote relaxation.

5. After your stretching routine continue to warm-up.6. If water or air temperature is cold, it's going to take longer to warm-up, so take that into account.

7. Swimming may be fantastic exercise for your joints in a weightless environment but bursting into ten lengths of butterfly isn't going to do your shoulders any favors. Concentrate on relaxing your joints and gliding through the water as you warm-up.

8. Pulse rate. By warming-up you are avoiding anyoxygen deficit or pre-training tiredness but don't take it too easy! You need to be gradually raising your pulse to ensure the warm-up effects are maintained.

Swimming Health Rules

1. Have a clean bill of health from a physician.

2. Take a good shower before and after entering the swimming pool.

3. Empty bladder before entering the pool.

4. Take a foot bath before entering the pool.

5. Do not swim when you have infectious diseases like colds, sore eyes, athlete's foot, or open wounds.

6. Spit at the gutter at the side of the pool and not in the water.

7. Do not eat in the pool.

8. Do not use the pool during menstrual period for hygienic reasons.

Swimming Safety Measures

1. Do not engage in rough play, pushing, running in the pool.

2. Do not swim alone in deep portion of the pool or without the knowledge of the instructor, buddy, or the presence of a lifeguard.

3. Wear caps when needed to keep hair out of the eyes and permit swimming without annoyance or handicap.

4. Warm-up before swimming.

5. Do not swim when under the influence of liquor or drugs.

6. Follow rules and regulations implemented by the pool management