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17 Cards in this Set

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Butterfly Stroke

It is a swimming stroke in which the arms are plunged together forward in large circular movements. It is performed facedown, in which both arms are thrust out at the sides at the same time, brought forward out of the water, and then down through the water in a circular motion, while using an up-and-down leg movement.

Butterfly Stroke Execution

● Use the correct arm movement

● Master the dolphin kick

● Move your body in a wave-like fashion

● Put it all together

Butterfly Correct Arm Movement

arms should be extended above head

● pull hands toward body in a semi-circular motion, palms facing outwards

● keep elbows higher than hands

Dolphin Kick

Both legs should move simultaneously, and should be pressed together to avoid a loss of water pressure. Kicks are twice for each arm stroke in the butterfly stroke.

Dolphin Kick: Small Kick

It is performed while making a keyhole shape with the arms.

Dolphin Kick: Big Kick

This is performed during recovery, when the arms come out of the water.

Wave-like Motion

It is where the body forms an undulating S shape as you swim.

Chest should be at its highest point when hips are at its lowest, and vice versa.

Butterfly Correct Breathing

The correct point to take a breath is when arms are coming out of the water at the beginning of the recovery phase.

Butterfly Stroke

It is where the arm stroke, dolphin kick, wave-like motion and correct breathing technique are simultaneously applied.


It was forst controved by a poor swimmer who was exhausted from trying to crawl, turning onto his back and realizing that he could breathe more easily and maintain propulsion.


It had been around since nearly the beginning of the modern Olympic movement, with a 200-yard back race held at the 1900 Olympics in St. Louis.

David Berkoff and Daichi Suzuki

They used the underwater dolphin kick off the walls and repeatedly lowered the world record in the 200m backstroke during the late 1980s.


It is only one of the four strokes where the athlete starts at the water.

Ryan Murphy

He is currently the backstroke king, winning both events at the 2016 Olympics and broke Aaron Pearsol's 2009 100m world record of 51.94.

Aaron Piersol

He placed second at the 2000 Sydney Olympics in the 200m backstroke, then continuously broke the world record seven times afterwards.

Marielle Price

Known as the "Mighty Mouse", she ruled the 200m backstroke in three consecutive Olympic Games from 1988 to 1996, wherein her record lasted for 17 years.

Correct Backstroke Execution

○ face points up

○ neck is relaxed

○ ankles are relaxed while kicking

○ hands should enter outside shoulders

○ thumb leaves water first, gets back last

○ knees don't break the surface of water while kicking

○ hip rotation is okay