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73 Cards in this Set

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Infection associated with OCP and pregnancy? What else is it associated with?
Candida, also associated with DM
Mycoplasma implicated in what GU pathologic processes?
spontaneous abortion and chorioamnionitis
Low risk HPVs
6 and 11
High risk HPVs
16 and 18
How does high risk HPV cause disease?
viral genes code for E6 and E7 proteins which ubiquinates p53 for destruction and binds Rb
What is p53 genee responsible for?
stimulates apoptosis when DNA repair is impossible (p53 goes POW and binding by bax) by binding bax synthesis
What does Rb gene control?
Rb Regualtes cell cycle ( tumor suppressor) so immature cells dont enter S phase
what is the bcl-2 gene responsible for?
inhibition of apoptosis (BCL-2 goes BLOCK) by preventing cytochrome C release from mitochondria and binding Apaf-1 (pro apoptotic factor)

located on CH 18 and implicated in follicular lymphonas
koilocyes are seen. What disese?
HPV, these are vacuolated epithelial cells
villous papillary stroma with hyperkeratosis and acanthosis?
Herpesvirus structure?
linear dsDNA, enveloped
subgroups of herpes?
alpha beta gamma.
alpha group of herpes
HSV 1, 2, and VZV
beta group of herpes
CMV, HSV6and HSV7.
Gamma group of herpes?
where is beta herpes group latent?
CMV in marrow progenitors, HSV 6 and 7 in T cells
Where is gamma group latent?
EBV in B cells (EBV is Epithelial and B cell Virus)
Major cause of corneal blindness in US?
HSV1, also mcc of fatal sporadic encephalitis and gingivostomatitis
Large, pink to purple intranuclear inclusions?
Cowdry A in herpes (INTRAnuclear),
Common cause of genital ulcer in Africa and SE asia, painful. Symptoms?
H. ducreyi, papule that presents on genitalia a week after inoculation that erodes, may be multiple and accompanied by inguinal node enlargement.
H ducreyi morphology?
gram negative coccobacilli (Hemophilus are coccobuddies! with pseudomonas which is bacillus)
gram negative rod that causes a painless mass
klebsiella granulomatis, lymph nodes SPARED
K granulomatis presentation?
painless ulcerating lesion that spares regional lymph nodes
pseudoepitheliomatus hyperplasia with exudate. Dx tool and what occurs if left unterated?
dx w giemsa stain to ID organism. if left untreated, elephantitasis of external genitalia
Hw to visualize syphilis?
Silver Syphilis Stain Spirochetes STD.
Describe primary syphilis.
nontender chancre 3 weeks after contact that heals after 3 weeks.
Secondary syphilis?
2 months after chancre heals and cause diffuse macropapular lesions alll over
condyloma latum
secondary syphilis
Prognosis after secondary syphilis?
1/3 go onto tertiary which involve CV, neurologic, and gummas.
Which syphilitic test has many false positives? why?
VDRL because it is anti cardiolipin which can cross react
which test turns positive the earliest and remains positive the longest?
FTA-ABS (fast! turns + the quickest!)
MCC of fungal infections?
Candida albicans, its normal flora that breaches skin/mucosal barriers
incidence of infection of Candida in women increases with?
diabetes, pregnancy, OCP
What is MCV-2?
the most common Molluscum Contagiosum Virus, (2 is genitaaals, STD) a poxvirus
purulent vaginal discharge 4 weeks after sex. What is it and how does it present?
tichomonas vaginalis, a flagellated protozoan. Patient has strawberry cervix due to vasodilation.
Fishy vaginal discharge. What does this predispose to
Gardnerella vaginalis, predisposes to premature labor
most common cause of bacterial vaginitis?
gardnerella vaginitis, gram - bacillus (most down there are Gm - bacilli! like e coli too)
gonorrhea and chlamydia, then enteric bacteria
S/P of PID?
spontaneous or induced abortions
gonococcal vs non G PID infection?
non-G involve lyph and vein spread which meands deeper layers of organs!
Adhesions and fibrosis from PID complications can lead to?
bowel obstruction, tubal obstruction, and ectopic pregnancy, and infertility
Marsupialization is the treatment for?
bartholin cyst
two non-neoplastic vulvular lesions?
think SKIN on vulva: lichen sclerosus and squamous cell hyperplasia (one is thinning and one is thickening)
Which non-neoplastic vulvular lesions has increased change of developing SCC?
lichen sclerosus
What is lichen sclerosis?
atrophy of epidermis and sclerosis of SUBepidermis with degeneration of basal cells
What is lichen simplex chronicus?
epithelial thickeing of vulva due to rubbing
Often present at margins of vulvular cancer?
lichen simplex chronicus (squamous cell hyperplasia)
ectopic breast?
papillary hidradenoma with columnar and mypoepithelial cells (duct cells!)
precursor to SCC of vulva?
VIN, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, associated with HPV 16
most common malignant vulvular tumor?
squamous cell carcinoma, presents w pain, discomfort, pruritis
pruritic, red, crusted, demarcated gladular malignancy?
extramammary paget disease confined to epidermis and adnex
Congential anomalies associated with?
in utero DES exposure (diethylbestrol)
non-neoplastic disorders of the vaginal?
mesonephric duct persistence = gartner duct systs,
also endometriosis
premalignant lesions of vagina and what do they develop into?
VAIN into SCC and Adenosis into adenocarcinoma
what is adenosis?
endocervical epithelium making its way into upper vag, related to DES exposure in utero
SCC arises where and from what?
posterior vaginoectocervical junction, either HPV related or spread from cervix or vulva
most common tumor in vagina. Where?
metastatic carcinoma at the cervix
Posterior vaginal malignancy?
polypid, grapelike mass in vagina under 5?
sarcoma botryoides aka embroyonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Implicated in cervical oncogenesis, how common is the virus and common prognosis?
very common, 90% of infections are cleared within 2 years by the immune system
types of cervical CIN?
LSIL and HGIL (low and high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
what is HGSIL
CIS with progressive deregulation of cell cycle, 100% have koilocytes
premalignant, atypical, inner 1/3 pleomorphism?
CIN1, loss of polarity, increased mitotic figures in cervix?
HGSIL, will be CIN2 if there is full thickness involvement
markedly increased in HGSIL CIN3 (proliferative index)
most common cervical cancer? second?
squamous cell carcinoma, then adenocarcinoma
nests/tongues of malignant squamous epithelium underlying cervical stroma with keratin pearls?
SCC of cervix
proliferation of glandular epithelium with depletion of mucin?
what is neuroendocrine carcinoma?
like HPV + small cell carcinoma
PAP smear recommendations?
21 or 3 years of onset of sex
if PAP is abnormal...
follow w colposcopy
HPV vaccine is to which types?
6, 11, 16, 18.
At what stageis cervical carcinoma confined to cervix? clinically visible?