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51 Cards in this Set

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Family Ixodidae are commonly known as

Hard ticks

Ixodid ticks have how many different life cycles?


What suborder is known as soft ticks?


What condition does the ixodid tick cause

Tick paralysis

Branchurians are ectoparasites of what ecosystems?

Freshwater and marine ecosystems

How do farmers reduce the abundance of branchurians?

Using pesticides

What are pentastomidas commonly known as?

Tongue worms

What undergoes hemimetabolous development and hemimetabolous development?

Primitive insects

What regions are the body of insects divided into?

Head thorax abdomen

How are crab lice best treated?

With insecticidal

How is the body of fleas compressed which enables them to crawl between the hairs and feathers of their host?


What contamination is remembered by the mantra of the 4 "f" words?

Fecal oral

Pollantant is poisonous to the


Pollutant is not poisonous to the


What system in the host is weakened that makes it susceptible to parasites?

Immune system

What increases the chances of transmission of parasites?

Increase parasitaemia

The effectiveness of a ______ as a transmission agent is heavily determined by it's feeding behavior is. What it feeds on, where it feeds and when


Refraining from eating ___ prevents infection from trichinella and taenia solium


Not eating ____ protects against infection with taenia saginata


What is taenia saginata

Beef tape worm

What is taenia solium

Pork tapeworm

What adaptive immunity occurs when an animal received antibodies from another organism

Passive immunity

What body surface of invertebrates provides protection from both biotic and abiotic factors?

Outer body surface

The ____ immune system is often considered as two different branches ie. Innate and adaptive component which work together and influence one another


_____ immunity can be divided into physical, microbial and physiological aspects


Whether it is active or passive _____ immunity represents a specific response to antigens and is primarily mediated by lympgcytes


B lymphocytes are produced in _____

Bone marrow

When B lymphocytes are activated they form plasmacells (effector cells) that secrete antibodies to the surrounding plasma. This is called

Humoral immunity

Name the 5 HIV co infections

1) parasite

2) malaria

3) leishmania


5) microsporidia

In response to stimulation B lymphocytes develop develop into B cells that secrete ____


Natural killer lymphocytes kill virus infected cells and ___

Tumor cells

_____ are unicellular structured and therefore only intracellular parasites can be transmitted within them


_____ are unicellular structured and therefore only intracellular parasites can be transmitted within them


Religion and war influence

Parasites transmission

_____ infections are those that are acquired in hospitals or as a result of a medical procedure


Occurs when a parasite produces infective stages that colonize the same individual host as their parents


Congenital transmission is an example of ______ transmission


The order diptera are also known as ______ flies


The class insecta has separate ______ and _____ sexes

Male , female

Fleas lack _______ eyes but they usually have clusters of ocelli. They have limited visual capabilities but can detect changes in light intensity.


Fleas have a sensory structure called a ______ on the dorsal surface of their last abdominal segment that detects vibration.


The order lice is divided into _____ lice and sucking lice


Name the 5 immunoglobulins


What is the function of cytokines

They influence the behavior of immune cells

What is a geohelminth and name 2

Helminth parasite whose infective stage a found in soil this includes trichuris trichuris and Ascaris lumbricodes.

How can biological and abiotic factors influence toxicity of an animal

How can pollutants increase chances of parasite transmission

What is a vector

Animals that physically transmit parasites between host

What is an intermediate host

A host that goes through life cycle but not sexual reproduction

What is a paratenic host

Tranfer or transport host

How does global warming affect transmission of diseases

Can cause flooding and other extreme weather that can spread parasites by damaging homes and creating breathing grounds for parasites, damaging sewage and spreading parasite etc