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25 Cards in this Set

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What innervates the deltoid muscle? What is deltoid muscle's function?
C5 Axillary Nerve

Shoulder flexion, extension, and abduction
What innervates the biceps? What is its function?
C5-C6 musculocutaneous nerve

Forearm flexion at elbow, supinator of forearm
What nerve is responsible for the biceps reflex?
Primarily C5, some C6

(even a slightly diminished reflex indicates pathology)
Describe dermatome of C5. What is C5?
lateral arm

C5 = axillary nerve
lateral arm

C5 = axillary nerve
Muscle test for C6?

Name the muscles and the nerves
Neither test is pure;
- wrist extensor group innervated by C6-C7, radial nerve
- three muscles: extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis (C6) and extensor carpi radialis (C7)

- biceps innervated by C5-C6 (musculocutaneous nerve)
C6 reflex?
Brachioradialis (only C6) - tested proximal to the wrist where the muscle becomes tendinous just before it inserts into the radius

Biceps reflex (C5 - C6) -
Sensation testing for C6
thumb and lateral arm
thumb and lateral arm
Triceps muscle testing: nerve?
C7, radial nerve
Wrist flexor group: nerve?
C7, median and ulnar nerves

wrist flexor group composed of two muscles: flexor carpi radialis (median nerve) and flexor carpi ulnaris (ulnar nerve)

Flexor carpi radialis (C7) is more important of these two muscles, since it actually powers most of wrist flexion)

Flexor carpi ulnaris, which is primarily innervated by C8, is less powerful
Finger extensors: which nerve?
C7, Radial nerve

Finger extension performed by three muscles
- extensor digitorum communis, extensor digiti indicis, and extensor digiti minimi

All above groups have some C8 innervation (though predominantly C7)
Triceps reflex: which nerve?
C7, tap its tendon where it crosses the olecranon fossa at the elbow
Sensation distribution of C7
Middle finger (occasionally, middle finger sensation also supplied by C6 and C8
Middle finger (occasionally, middle finger sensation also supplied by C6 and C8
Muscle testing of C8
Finger flexors
- two muscles which flex fingers are flexor digitorum superficialis (PIP joint) and flexor digitorum profundis (DIP joint)
Sensation distribution of C8
pinkie finger
pinkie finger
Finger Abductors: nerve?
ulnar nerve, T1

1) dorsal interossei and 2) abductor digiti quinti
Sensation of T1
Medial arm: medial brachial cutaneous nerve

medial side of the upper half of the forearm
Medial arm: medial brachial cutaneous nerve

medial side of the upper half of the forearm
Muscle group of L4
Tibialis anterior: L4, deep peroneal nerve

test: offer resistance to dorsiflexion and inversion by pushing against the dorsal and medial aspects of the head and the first metatarsal bone.
Patellar reflex: what nerve?

deep tendon reflex, mediated through nerves from L2-L4, but mostly through L4
Sensation of L4
covers medial side of the leg. 

knee represents the division between the L3 dermatome (above) and the L4 dermatome (below)
covers medial side of the leg.

knee represents the division between the L3 dermatome (above) and the L4 dermatome (below)
L5 muscle
Extensor hallucis Longus: deep peroneal nerve

Gluteus medius: superior gluteal nerve --> abduct leg as patient is lying on side

Extensor digitorum Longus and Brevis: deep peroneal nerve --> flex toes
Reflex of L5
diffiicult to obtain tibialis posterior muscle L5 reflex
Sensation of L5
covers lateral leg and dorsum of foot
covers lateral leg and dorsum of foot
Muscles of S1
Peroneus longus and Brevis: S1, superficial peroneal nerve --> secure patient's ankle, have him plantarflex and evert his foot, and oppose his motion by pushing against the head of the fifth metatarsal with the palm of your hand.

Gastrocnemius-Soleus Muscles: S1, S2, Tibial nerve --> no legitimate manual test for it

Gluteus maximus: S1, inferior gluteal nerve --> have patient lie prone on the exam table with knees flexed and hip extended. Resist hip extension and palpate the gluteus maximus for tone.
Reflex of S1
Achilles tendon reflex: put achilles tendon into a slight stretch by gently dorsiflexing the foot. Then strike the tendon to induce a sudden, involuntary plantarflexion of the foot,.
Sensation of S1
covers lateral malleolus and lateral side and plantar surface of the foot.
covers lateral malleolus and lateral side and plantar surface of the foot.